So since honeymoon for this game is over, and people start to look at this game critically...

So since honeymoon for this game is over, and people start to look at this game critically, can we acknowledge that this is a shitty game and start harassing all gay weeb memers to move to /VG/?

It's a great game.

Also persona 5 is shit.

It was a good game but overrated

Kill yourself

It's a medium defining game though.

Nah it's fantastic you're just mad cause it confused you and made you feel like the simpleton you are.

>If i don't like it it means no one does
Take your head out your ass and fuck off

I want tumblr to leave

It's a good game but there are pretty major issues with pacing (eg: almost all of route B) and the hacking minigame is shit, as all hacking minigames tend to be.

It has a lot of bland and boring parts, and the combat is only good if you choose to engage with it, which the game isn't difficult enough to really make you do that, but the story and OST pull through.

I didn't play it yet, but it looks like a 7.5 to me. I'm usually right about these things too.

How so?

The game's delivery was artful. If you're a fan of Japanese storytelling, this is a must play. The themes might not be new to everyone but from start to finish, this game was carefully crafted to deliver them with perfection.

That's just my opinion but I consider it one of the best games ever made.

It's just mediocre and that's it. Not shit but not that great.

it's alright
i liked it

>people like it so it must be bad
You are the scum of the earth. No, really.

I agree user. Its use of the medium is unsurpassed

I'd say its mostly mediocre, a bit shitty, with one or two genuinely great moments

It was good, not for everyone but it hit the right stride for me

>durr it records you messing around with the settings and also you can die to a fish and also you shoot the credits to defeat nihilism and 2B is muh waifu

Literally the greatest game of all time. Combat is shallow for platinum standards, but the rest more than makes up for it. Never been so hyped for a game and then had my expectations blown out of the water.

It has some tedious bits but basically this is a game that delivers an extremely interesting story and world, and gives you fluid and responsive characters to explore and fight your way through it. It's like a Final Fantasy game where you actually want to battle. It offers you freedom to play how you want and go where you want, but has a story you actually want to play, unlike many other modern sandbox games.

Few games combine the gameplay, atmosphere and story properly and usually leave one of these areas lacking, but NieR apart from a couple annoying parts was an exceptional game.

I'd give it an 8.5 or 9 out of 10. The characters outfits turn a lot of people away from the game, a couple parts were not fun to play, and 9S combat isn't as fun as 2Bs. Otherwise an extremely good game and a breath of fresh air compared to the slog of multiplayer FPS that is all anyone plays anymore.

Why don't you fuckers just openly admit that you hate video games and move onto to do other things besides wasting your lives on a video game board?

It's a pretty amazing game user. Its definitely GOTY, or even GOTD. Given the competition is zelda physics engine beta test and Purse Owner which is pretty decent but not as good, its definitely the best.

Quests and combat are mostly mediocre. Though the production values still feel solid.

Why don't you stop spamming shitty threads about your waifu game on Sup Forums and go do it on /vg/ or reddit where you belong?

Its one of the good games to come out in 2017 so far. Most of the good games in 2017 were all Japanese games.

Yup, if this were a western game the cancer would be more obvious and it'd be seen in the same light as undertale here.

What is a good game, in your opinion?

Genuinely curious?

newfag casuals

same with undertale!

You're tempting me to buy undertale, here.

Make that any Yoko Taro game op. There isn't a single thing drawing more cancer to this board right now than his games.

you'd love it.

I take it you haven't gone to any switch threads?

Then I'll pick it up after I finish Persona 5.

Console war kids are a different type of retarded.

Just remember to keep yourself on /vg/.

>"There isn't a single thing drawing more cancer to this board right now."
>Mention the switch
>"Console war kids are a different type of retarded."
So your opinion was disproven less than a minute after you stated it?

it's time to put an end to the taro meme here.

Horizon: Zero Dawn. A better game with a much realistic look. Gameplay is spectacular and is a lot better than any of these weeb games. Also more original because the animals are all robots, which is a lot cooler than a human(robot)

Second place is Mass Effect: Andromeda. Though not good (nor bad), its one of the best shooters right now of this year and more lovable characters.

I don't get why nier: automata is a popular game, its pretty shit.

Either make a coherent point or fuck off with your shitposting.

either way they're both clear cancer, and both need chemo. it's easier to tackle this ironic weeb meme though

But I've played that game. It was ok if you ignored the story. Not as good as Automata, BotW, or P5.

Too memey for anyone to take you serious, maybe if you only had one of those and you might just look like a retard.
Best game so far in 2017 along with P5

Well it's not like he's wrong, you didn't explain yourself anyways retard.

Weird that these threads started creeping up once the game got mainstream-recognition.
But that´s the Sup Forums-cycle
>game comes out that Sup Forums expects to get under-appreciated
>threads praising the game popping up, some constructive criticsm, few shitposters
>some people might talk about how the previous games were better
>games becomes popular,sells well
>"Can we all agree this is shit and overrated?"

do you just find 2 mediocre games good just for the sake of being contrarian?

can you kill yourself you piece of shit

it's unfortunate that mods on Sup Forums are this incompetent a

Is it worth 60 euroshekels? Does it have platinium feel to it?

Maybe because no one bothered to complain when the game wasn't being shoved into every thread, you brainless faggot.

>literally calling on the mods
back to tumblr.

Many people are so unhappy with their lives that they'll never find enjoyment in anything, and absolutely hate that other people are finding enjoyment in their lives

why taro why the fuck you have to release that fucking concert and ruin ending e?

Pretty much this. When it was a niche series, it would be mentioned by one fag in a thread, or it would get a thread with barely any replies.

People wrongly conflate popularity into the equation as the source, whereas it's just a byproduct.

>So since honeymoon for this game is over, and people start to look at this game critically

That's not what's happened.

What's happened is that absolute and total retards like yourself started playing it because it got popular enough that even the most uncultured Overwatch cumguzzler heard of it. And of course, your kind lacks the mental capacity to understand it.

People with actual taste and intellect played it and loved it when it came out.

Lol, you are the same guy who gets super-defensive and insulting every time someone points that out, right?

The game was shoved in everyone´s faces months ago, there are a lot less threads these days.

And you are even worst you hotpockt inbred

Hit me up. What happened in the concert?

whoa bro...

>And of course, your kind lacks the mental capacity to understand it.

Alright Sup Forums I'm in route C and this is the first game I can't tell if I'm playing it because I love it or I just want to finish it. Why are all the faggot robots 10 levels ahead of me? I have been doing sidequests and shit. Also I hate playing as 9s. He is the cancer of this game.

Yeah the game is so deep it's pretty much incapable to fully understand it it is so deep

>Actually thinking the name drops of random thinkers is what's deep about this game

This shows how retarded you are and invalidates any opinion of yours.


If you legitimately think this shit is deep, boi you must think kojima is god.

Dude what if robots are people, lmao!


>this game get's talked about to much
>therefore we should make 20 threads a day calling it shit so that people talk about it even more

>he says while making a thread dedicated to shitting on the game that's being spammed

Nice argument my duderino lmaoerino

I'm a japanese enthusiatic fag and I think this game really was unbalanced in my first playthrough while playing it in hardmode

The gameplay didnt bring anything new to the table really. 9S had the potential to be the most interesting but the mini games and subjugations wear off pretty quick. They had a great chance to make route C more interesting gameplay wise with A2 but she had the same ol 2b's combat style and components but with longer dashes taunts and a berserker mode.

The content of the game really was repetitive in the next routes while they throwing the end games environments like the tower and tower keys in the same places and not in entirely different place. Also I find pretty lacking while 2b land in flooded city instead of somewhere entirely random which only shows the lackness of the content. hans more points like this can be heard which it show shows this game wasn't polished so good.

For me the experience was ok on the first part of the gamw. The sound and the music was really great and I really enjoyed the story the depute the flaws people think it has.

Also I hope for taro to make his next project to be even greater next time ::)

Also I really liked A2 maybe because I'm autistic myself

Also OP is really insufferable little shit

You've offered nothing to prove how deep this game is, you're just a posturing retard.

It's still my GOTY

you can take me as lie because is not 100% confirm there are still concert and translation is a little off but basically a guy zeni i believe is the one who create all the project yorha but a unit name number 9 is the one that change yorha to the state that we now and what happend is aparently they never be able to find a2 so she can be activated 2b wakes up tries to activate 9s just before he was going to awake she try to hack him he sense that someone is trying to do it so he decide to not awake and tell the perosn in case it was 2b that he preffer to never awake insted of losing these memories even if he awake he wouldnt lose those memories so 2b cryes and the pods says well it look like we dont break the cycle as i said not 100% we have to wait for clemps make the analysis because taro is releasing a lot of lore of automata

that's a really cool and niche game to have as your GOTY. I'm impressed.

The "You just don't get it" argument
Ah, used by so many, most recent i could think of is Undermeme.

The PC port is hot garbage and I really hate that it is in such a state.

Not an argument.

The first game is so much better its not even funny. (With story, gameplay in both is meh tier)

Automata is overrated by newfags who didnt play the other games.

Maybe you should try not using a buggy pirated release.

It was supposed to be PlatinumGames + someone who writes stories people seem to like => godly combination.

>braindead, boring boss fights
>edgy weabshit story

I could've done without playing it. I got faps out of it, I guess.

muh side lore, autism. when destiny pulled this shit everyone hated it.

>he says that while posting Shitsona 5
Top kek.

First game was literal trash desu

More importantly, can we once again acknowledge that OP is and will always be a faggot?

I know it's a meme to say this now so you seem above automata fans, but that game is garbage too.

>Idiots think Automata is "pushing the medium forward" with that shitty game design

Proof that storyfags need to gtfo of games and read actual books

did you read about the op is a faggot meme on r/Sup Forums?

>Ruin the ending
Wut? Explain.

We aren't obliged to spoonfeed literal retards. Dozens of articles have been written by reputable journalists and writers on the thematic depth of this game, the volume of which hasn't been seen in relation to a video game since precisely Undertale.

It's no surprise that the same absolute shit-eaters who disliked Undertale are the ones currently shitposting about Nier Automata.

Yes, both of those games really are, 100% unironically, "2deep4u".

That's the most idiotic writing I've ever seen. Not talking about the content, because there's no way I'd be able to even form an opinion of it from your post.

Learn some fucking punctuation. Some fucking sentence structure. Capitalization. The fuck are you even trying to say? Literally what did he mean by this?

I'm so fucking mad I attempted to read half of that. Fucking dumb ass weab.

These people clearly only play meme games and watch the shittiest of anime as they believe Taro has tapped some fountain of originality. They won't read a book.

>cribnote basic existentialism and now kids think your shit is deep

How did he do it?

Like clockwork

>unironically reading books
>participating in the most meme autism hobby

steal shit from other people and people who have never read other people's shit will have that reaction

as i say this is not confimr 100% and maybe im wrong here you just have to wait to someone confirm this

The retardation in this post is palpable. Story has NOTHING to do with why smart people say this game is pushing the medium forward. It pushes the medium forward by doing innovative things that couldn't possibly be done in any other medium, that's the fucking point. Fucking retard.

They are Taro's game target customer, user.

Primary forms of response from Taro dicksuckers in reaction to their favorite madman meme being criticized.

1. You don't get it! (no further explanation)
2. Alright, it's not deep, but when the anime character died I felt really sad.
3. It cannot been expressed how full of depth his games are, as the game's scenarios are presented in such a way that the viewer can take literally ANY interpretation from them, gaining an infinite amount of knowledge.
4. You have to read the translated stage play to understand the true depth these games. No, I'm not going to give you a link. (but when a western studio like Bungie does this with Destiny it's trash)

The fanbase is a contrived meme.