Video games will never look like this in your lifetime

>video games will never look like this in your lifetime

Why did graphics just stop improving?

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Ego did literally nothing wrong.

Sup Forums said graphics didnt matter, so the devs stopped caring.

Because while hardware can continue to improve, artists modeling and texturing stuff won't.

I'm pretty sure a single frame of that takes hours to render.

What? That's just a photo of a raccoon.

Pretty much this. All those games that were on the 6th gen that had insanely high quality art styles have all either retired or moved to other industries.

With how it is now you won't find high detailed games ever again. The skill requirement takes too long and the production takes even longer.

Because hardware can't render that in real time

It's not about technology. We already have the necessary knowledge to do so but AAAs don't want to take that gamble since :

- Astronomical production costs.
- Limitting your market to ultra-high end rigs ( and those won't achieve smooth framerates either).

There's absolutely no profit in doing so at the moment.

He literally gave someone cancer

Because they started focusing on pushing ridiculously unnecessary resolutions like 4K when their hardware isn't ready. Instead of focusing on making their games look amazing at 1080.


Also killed a shitload of kids, countless people on worlds throughout the galaxy, destroyed a Dairy Queen, and was trying to remove all life throughout the universe.

This, but obviously not that good of a quality. It would be impossible to turn a profit considering the development costs would be massive and very few people would be able to run it on their machines

Just because he wanted to be bigger



>Why did graphics just stop improving?
It hasn't.

Costs and hardware parity?

There's not enough ROI for better graphics and you want to reach as many platforms as possible.

How the fuck did Marvel films about characters who were never pop culturally relevant manage to be better than the last two Star Wars films?

The main APIs developers use for development are made for consoles (Direct3D) or phones (Metal) and update only when the capabilities of that hardware increases.

If developers would start using the Vulkan graphics API which was made for the PC, and advances as PC hardware advances we would no longer see discrete 'generations' of games and instead more rapid incremental improvements over time.

That's a fucking nightmare to render, besides is there a pixar movie that moves fluid and looks as good as a video game?

They aren't.

>putting grafags b4 gameplay

kys my rodent

Fuck you you guardians of the gaylaxy reposting the same thread from earlier today.

I dont think anyone needs or wants it to be that good. Graphics now are already more than amazing.

Both star wars were better than gotg 2


Ratchet is cute

Resolutions have progressed faster, and subsequently demand far more from the declining rate of hardware improvements to drive it.

Before, resolutions not only hardly changed, but also increased by small amounts. Now we're seeing like 75% and higher changes.

what an absolute shit opinion

So when talking about that, what is worse:
1. Flat edge cartoon style
2. World of Warcraft light art styles
3. Uncanny valley realism
4. Entire games made with Unreal Engines default materials, or materials made to be 1:1 copies

He literally planted his seed into every known planet galaxy and killed his children when they couldn't help him destroy the universe.

2 was the shittest by a mile.

>console limitations
>pc specs vary wildly
>games just simply look good enough as they do now

Not him but #4

it actually looks like it could be from a video game, but i think that games have a lot more going on than movies, there's some really complex physics calculations, lots of different scripts it's full of all kinds of stuff while movies are pretty much an image that gets drawn to screen.

Good points although I don't think hardware advancements are declining it's that the improvements are not yet at a price point for the average consumer.

Because they're more fun

because the last two films went full nostalgia pandering mode and just recycled old shit from previous movies?


why have I seen both this and 'funnest' posted dozens of times in the last few weeks

retards, 3rd worlders, or children

>Rocket could be fun
>If not for the fact that every other Guardian is a fucking fun vacuum


Beta Ray Bill x Rocket Racoon movie when?

>video games will never look like this in your lifetime

>Why did graphics just stop improving?

Because it's harder to render graphics in real time than it is spending days, maybe weeks, rendering a movie.

Massive diminishing returns after the last generation.

Games look as good as they really ever need to. What they need to do is look that good, run smoothly, and play well.

I lost interest once they called rocket a trash panda.
Fuck off, if you can't make up your own jokes then don't say one.

They have declined in the gains. It's advancing, but at smaller margins. GPUs are doing alright, still seeing 25-50% gains in a new series, but CPUs are at best a 5-10% gain. Admittedly part of it deals with the lack of optimization on multiple cores, but nevertheless it's still a small bit of growth.

because before the new trilogy they offered us the prequel films and expecting them to do better this time was a mistake

And you forgot that rendering in real time is different from pre-rendering.

That's why he needs a partner who can be his straightman and Beta Ray Bill is one of the best straightmen you can play off of.

Plus they can bond over being called stuff they aren't.

it's light trolling, user. they know that the only people who care will fall for it every time.

thanks for playing

Consumers prefer the energy be spent getting the average fps up to 60

Why don't devs instead calm the fuck down with graphics and use that budget on making the game bigger and better?

Who is best girl, and why is it Nebula?

I wish they'd treat the movies like the comics and have one off stories and stuff. I hate that everything has to it I to the MCU

Graphics are part of the "better"

But the comics suck ass.


was fucking retarded. At least the movie made his existence make sense.

>Why did graphics just stop improving?
Consumers are starting(finally) to realize that devs can't make games with better graphics without completely sacrificing functionality.

>1. Flat edge cartoon style
If you mean cell shading like Zelda Wind Walker and Jet Set Radio Future, this art style is GOAT and works more often than not in creating an awesome atmosphere.
>2. World of Warcraft light art styles
At least it's something. It has an art style, it's not trying to be anything more than it is
>3. Uncanny valley realism
The worst. Games trying to look close to reality is fine but pushing the uncanny valley is just stupid and almost never works.
>4. Entire games made with Unreal Engines default materials, or materials made to be 1:1 copies
I've only seen this with mods or independent development and I'm okay with that

I think 3 is necessary for when we break through the uncanny valley but pushing emotional games with close-ups of sad faces and shit on players at the moment is stupid as fuck because it's rarely animated well enough to work.


I cried when he died

"Graphics have stopped improving" is the worst Sup Forums meme of them all.

>Why did graphics just stop improving?
They have? I played the original bioshock 2 recently and it looked absolutely disgusting, with terrible resolution issues and everything. And I know it's not an especially ugly game for the time.
While it's not a linear advancement since art is a skill that has to be relearned for each new person, there can definitely be a improvement in overall art. And not even just because budgets and total artist manhours increase, skills can be developed and tastes can change, or caveman art would look the same as renaissance painting.

>when their hardware isn't ready
Just like they did last gen with 1080p. Resolutions are easy buzzwords to sell your game with.

Graphics have stagnated, but that's due to the jump in generations being not very impressive this time. Maybe next gen we'll see big strides and improvements.

If I didn't watch the first one can I get into the 2nd one?

I have $30 AMC gift cards that expire in June. There's literally nothing coming out. Figured I'd watch a movie and put the rest to alcohol.

Well I meant more like they can do whatever they want, kill off who they want but it doesn't change anything in the "main" universe

Thanks to the reaction to The Hobbit, movies are still stuck at 24fps. I'm still mad at all the reviewers who freaked out about it.

>Maybe next gen we'll see big strides and improvements.
It's good to be hopeful, but most devs still can't work with previous gen tech. This is like giving a rocket to a retard and calling him an astronaut.

>This is bad

Watch the first one on Netflix, and if you like it, then know that the second isn't as good. Then decide if you'd rather lose 2 hours.of your life or have more booze

Show me a game character that looks as good as that raccoon.

>DQ getting destroyed
>Not bad

It's worse considering that now, DQ owns Orange Julius.

>a direct prequel to A New Hope
>just recycled shit from previous movies
I get the criticisms for FA, but R1 is very different from the other movies.

fake as fuck

Pirate the first one, it's fun. Then go see the sequel if you liked it.

Previous gen was severely limited by low memory. I'm still impressed what they did with what is effectively 256 mbs of ram. Now they have 8 gigs and improvements are minimal. But that's most likely due to weak gpus and cpus.

You can exchange AMC gift cards for alcohol now?

Well the booze I can only get at AMC, since they have a bar.

Should I just go to AMC and buy $30 worth of booze and sit on a bench?

They sell alcohol at AMC. You can take it and watch a movie.


They gave passionate people creative control instead of trying to make a movie that would appeal to both oldschool SW fans, newschool ones and people who only ever saw Darth Vader merch.

GotG is also better than Avengers.

I don't understand how it took this long for someone to post this and no one responded. Sup Forums is retarded

putting XD at the end doesn't mean it wasn't funny

I love Kurt Russel


Is clapping the ultimate american expression?

>Hey guys lets use the death star as a plot device again!

This movie was pretty entertaining, but a lot of people told me it was the better than the first and when I watched it it wasn't like that at all. It barely has any substance and the plot is really drawn out, you could have done the movie an hour long and you wouldn't tell the difference. As always with Marvel movies, Ego is a terrible villain with really questionable motivations that don't make sense. And the top it off the movie is absolutely inconsequential to the infinity arc, which is very disappointing because the first one was very important to the overall arc and introduced a shit ton of characters that should play a role in Infinity War.

All in all 7/10 first one was better.

>movie about stealing the plans to the death star
>criticised for having the death star be important to the plot

So why did ego mention that he gave his mom cancer?
Like what did he expect to happen?

He's just the best.

Ego is better than the hammer guy from the first.
>the movie is absolutely inconsequential to the infinity arc
fucking nerd

why do people watch capeshit

>tfw you're a huge DCfag and not only are the video games utter shit lately, but the movies are literally mainstream jokes
Why the FUCK did anyone put Snyder in charge? Why the FUCK would you ever hire Gal Gadot to headline a franchise?

This, and I also think the boom of the indie market that brought games like super meat boy and braid, to the spotlight, games that because they had limited resources had to cut in the graphics department, these games showed the AAA studios that people are not very much concerned with the graphics part of the game.

>how is a bunch of dudes going on wacky space adventures more fun than psychic space jews slapping laser dicks against space nazis

in before >b-but Rogue One was good

They should have expanded upon the JL/JLU animated shows. The animated movies haven't really been that good, either. How many seasons could they have made just with the budget of Batman v Superman?

GotG is only coincidentally capeshit though

Graphics in videogames still capacity to improve and always have, but videogames are pushing the limits of profitability and having everything look as good as it could has become too expensive to be profitable since the 7th gen.

Comparing the visual fidelity of CGI in film to video games isn't a fair comparison to make. You'd have movies looking just as shit as ME:A if they had to render everything in real time in the theater and were budgeted with the expectation of only making like like 200k ticket sales for the average movie.