Fire Emblem Heroes

>Reinforcements will still spawn even if you stand on their tiles.

Just kill them all in one turn. Use movement skills.

No cheesing here, also those ninjas that appear on the last round are goddam savages

Unrelated, but what is the best 5-star team I can make Sup Forums?

Bunnies and the Healers

Are Sanakifags even trying?

Lindefags in suicide watch

>still hasn't activated the 3x
I have 1000 feathers waiting to pull her back up

eirika + tharja + olivia + bonus unit
ephraim instead of eirika or azura instead of olivia would obviously be better, but tharja can kill pretty much anything with full buffs. only problem would be azura, so a green bonus is pretty much mandatory

Game crashes on boot on zenfone 2

>3 reds

>make a cavalry meme team
>never lose anything ever again, everything is over in one turn

You have only yourselves to blame.

If Juliabros don't slow down, the x3 will activate

>didn't read the entire post


Nowi pleases old men for recreation.

>run into anyone with distant counter

>didn't read the entire post

>Failure to understand "5* team"

Who /Tharja/ in here?

also why does it say Tharja and Linde are the same when Tharja has 600,000 more points? Does she have to win through the electoral college as well?

Not I

There's a certain threshold where one is defined as losing because these can be very back/forth battles that only update once every hour or so


>mobile "games"

Take your farmville tier shit elsewhere please

I'd got for Lucina+Bunnycina+Camilla+Takumi.

Camilla is kind of crap though, so you should try to get a better green.

>linde doesn't have distant counter
really makes me think

Why would a mage want distant counter?

Will Snakybros join Team Julia after you lose? We need to defeat the menace before finals.


>Been around the block a few thousand times

why would tharja die to any distant counter if she doesn't die to linde?
she oneshots hector, ryoma, ike and xander.

I'm trying to improve my Ephraim (-HP/+res, not optimal, I know)

What would be some good inheritance skills for him? I can do Triangle Adept 3, or meme it up with Fury? Or would any of the Blow skills suit him better?

I believe the threshold is 90% of the winning character's score.

Problem is at this point, the point spread is now at 600 million.
So it's getting harder and harder to catch up.

Fury/Death Blow
Riposte/Spear Breaker
Whatever as the other skills.

Moonbow Luna or Bonfire for Nowi?

>Siegmund (duh)
>any support skill you like (I like Swap or Reposition, Draw Back is sometimes great too)
>Moonbow (the best special like 90% of the time)
>Distant Counter, or Fury if you don't have a Hector to waste
>Vantage if you have DC, otherwise I'd probably go for Quick Riposte
>Hone Speed (combos well with Siegmund which gives Hone Attack)

Jesus christ the arena is filled with rage inducing teams now. I stopped playing in the arena some time ago because i didnt feel that i got anything out of it and now i cant even make a chain of 2 or 3 wins


>hard countering reinforcements by standing where they spawn is balanced

Just be glad they don't move right as they fucking spawn.

Already gave him Hone Speed so he can be just like his sister

Would Brash Assault be useful on him? I have a metric fuckton of Hinatas, so I could do a 3* for Fury 1-2 and a 4* for Fury 3 and Brash Assault 1-2

if you have a blade tome user, get him hone spd and rally def/res
he's pretty good against reds and blues with quick riposte
fury is always good and synergizes better with quick riposte than death blow does
brash assault is pretty shit, only works on offense and only on enemies that will counter you. combine that with the fact that you have to be low health and it gets almost no value at all.

Brash is fine, but it's a bit risky for my tastes.
Plus I don't believe Ephriam has a good way of procing it.

Git Gud.

Alternately, stop being such a perfectionist faggot. Just getting above 4K should be enough to net max feathers and keep your tier rank in place for Muh free orbs. It's the best choice I've ever made in this fucking game

>Get 1 unit killed 3 time in my current streak, mostly as blood sacrifices to deal with Hectors
>Don't give a single fuck, streak done, now I just fuck around in the arena with my current leveling team

What C skills should I use for my Lucina and Julia?

>Leo is never in losing side
>Can never 3x bonus
Yeah, I didn't want 1.700 feathers anyway. Are Henry fags even trying?

Are any of the new Shadow of Valentina units going to be any good? Most of them look like shit.

Hey guys, looking for a unit to promote. Zeph looks solid, and shareena too. Which one do you recommend?

I feel bad for Henryfags, he kind of sucks.
Is there even a way to build a Henry that's passable? Ignis, maybe? Close Counter + Riposte?

just get an +10 4* carrot oboro

Same here, if the Juliafags let the 3x come, I'll burn everything for Sanaki.

All heil the Empress!

Slow down Tharjafags

They're gonna get another 3x at this rate

Funny enough I'm getting defense wins for the first time in a few weeks because of needing to include bonus units to get more points. Or maybe my team is just annoying with the forts on the current maps.

The Azura even friended me so now I always get her when doing battles for Julia.

Bump up Shareena for that bonus in the arena. Otherwise just save them for a rainy day.

>Most of them look like shit.
>Mage meta
>3 mages, with new/broken skills
>1 healer with a skill that lets healers be useful

Do you even have stat spreads to claim as such or are you just shitposting?

Here's the short version:
>meme buffs like Hone Cavalry are god tier on the right team
>attack and speed buffs are always decent choices if you don't have them on your team already.
>defense and res buffs are objectively worse
>defense debuff on a physical unit or resistance debuff on a mage/dragon are good
>speed debuff is decent too
>attack debuff is only good on tanks (and even then rarely the best option IMO)
>everything else is situational at best and not worth it

+10 4* is a meme for salty faggots who have too much if one unit.

Julia's is fine and you can just give Lucina whatever buff your team needs.

why not just play actual FE

How many +X do I need to make a 4* equivalent of a 5*

We're waiting for Echoes

I already played them all.

Is it worth it to rank these Donells to 4 star and plus the 4star one I already have?

How do I build Xander for a cav meme team?

A +5 4* is roughly equal to a 5*, but without the 5* weapon. Up to you.

Echoes is worse than this game.

>Turn based strategy game
>farmville tier


Even if you're a big Donnel fanboy, it's better to just save up feathers to get him to 5* than to waste feathers on improving a 4*, especially since you lose all + levels when you rank him up.

appreciate it

>Being a brony
>Needing a crutch

>tfw this will likely be the first week I don't get a defense win at all

Bonus heroes were a fucking mistake

>tfw I've been trying to get Leo to round out my horse meme team but I can't fucking get him

I actually prefer the attack debuff on tanks, unless your running an entirely physical or magic team not everyone will benefit from that magic debuff.

pic related

>Are you rolling for her?

No, I'm holding my orbs for the bride and the swimsuit banners.

I don't need another 5* healer godammit.

Cav teams are easy mode, brainlet. Literally any mouth breather can make one. Reinhardt is not hard to get at all since he has a 4* variant, and other cavalry like Gunter are plentiful.

Alright, lets break this down
Her tome looks good at the beginning until you realize it's self defeating. Anything that tome could do Rauðrblade+ and Life and Death could do better. Distant Def looks like it exists solely to take up an A skill that could be used for something actually useful. Not to also mention she's a red mage, which is next to useless in this meta unless you really have issues dealing with Hector, and even then, Distant Def doesn't affect Hector.
Just from looking at his default skills you can tell he's a defensive unit. So basically a green Henry at this point. His A skill will probably be good for him, but even then Darting Def will probably do you better. His tome also only looks good if you manage to huddle an ally next to him, seeing as it's next to worthless on its own with only mt 10.
Mae will probably be the best of the bunch. Seeing as she's bundled with desperation I can assume she'll be the glass cannon of the group. That does not, however, dismiss the fact she will need a crazy amount of investment to be viable, Blárblade+ being a good starting point.
Healer, literally worthless.

>finally get a neutral linde
>get to 40
>just enough sp to
>give blarrave+ and speed+2
>farm sp for a day
>enough to get speed+3 and desperation 1
>still need another 450 for desperation 3
>still no ability
>still no c

fuuuuuck why do i finally get her after double sp stop

The main problem with debuffs is that due to their range it's almost impossible to apply them before the actual fighting starts, so you're almost certain to take a hit before the debuffs kick in. This is ok on tanks since they're meant to be able to take a hit anyway, but for everyone else buffs are strictly superior since the meta still prefers ORKOs.


If he doesn't rank him up, and doesn't plan on rank up extra ones for merging(which can be a real hassle if you want to make all the meme teams) having a merged 4 stars is a perfect solution for having lots of the same unit, a +10 4* is much stronger than a 5* unmerged, and you're probably not going to merge most of your 5* units anyway since you would need to spend much more feather for each.

No offense, but how are people losing to this garbage team? Putting in armored on defense is basically a free win

>using a good team is for losers, everyone should use shit teams like me!

Too easy

>Anything that tome could do Rauðrblade+ and Life and Death could do better.
>anything a weapon can do can be done better with a weapon and a skill
Gee, wiz!

Anyone got a general inheritance guide? I'm looking for skills to look out for and which classes to give them to.


>Wrathful Staff
I can feel me hating 10th stratum tower already.

>being so bad you can't beat brain-dead AI with any team

Wew lad


>being so bad you get jealous of people who have a good team

Wew lad

>That guy that end his turn without making a move every turn

Of course any character can be good if you're willing to put enough investment into them, but there's a reason characters like Thundercock are so good, you don't have to do jack shit to them. If you're willing to five star a Tharja and an Hana with 20 - 40K feathers be my guest.


>On team Linde
>Have Tharja as my main unit

This slut was hard as fuck. Shame I didn't have a Hector to throw into the enemy.

How the fuck do you snipe the unit you want? I've wanted Ike or Hector and haven't been able to get either.

>Mobile shit is allowed on Sup Forums in 2017

>A skills you want:
Life and Death
Darting Blow (the speed one if I'm getting the name mixed up with the C skill)
Atk/Spd up
>B skills you want
Quick Riposte
Wary Fighter
Wings of Mercy
Breaker skills (Sword and R/B/G tome breakers are probably most useful)
>C Skills you want
No one cares. Hone Fliers/Cavalry/Armor is nice I guess.
>Healer skills you want
Atk or Spd balm
>Specials you want

Less than a week for a release and no CIA yet.

What the fuck

Two easy steps:

1) Only draw units from the right color orbs (so green for Hector or red for Ike).
2) Have a lot of luck.

>put Hector in the front
>the two bandits and ursual kill themselves on him

And he is -atk ffs.