Video games are not art

Video games are not art. Bunch of loosers sitting a home wasting hours and hour on virtual world just because you are trying to scape from this world just because the world is shitty and you cant handle it you use videogames to scape from reality. How can this be an art?


try harder

Op here


that depends, do you consider literature to be art?
Cause it pretty much does the same job as vidya but arguably worse of a job, it requires creativity yet chemistry and structure, i could make a jumbled shitfest of a game and call it abstract vidya, but that would just be a solitary experience like looking at a Picasso painting, I do agree that if you are just farming xp on wow you aren't doing anything creative but many elements of games including story and aesthetics require creative minds and allow creative responses,

There is nothing creative about a video game.

>cares about the definition of art.

Unless you're a museum curator or textbook author there's no reason at all to give a shit about the exact definition and scope of art.

All art is escapism

This. Art, like artificial, like not reality.

Typical video gamer response

It's the same response anyone into art would give you

What do you gain/lose from it being/not being art? In other words, why do you give a shit?


That's not the point. OP doesn't know what art is at all. I mean, it's a troll post, but if it weren't, it would've meant that OP can't tell the difference between art in general and high art, or that all video games are different, or that having one or many creators has nothing to do with whether something is or isn't art. OP
s just kidding, but there are enough of people who simply don't know the difference.

Thanks user. Why, video games indeed are my artistic medium of choice.

That statement is an opinion, faggot,
if the game in question is tennis 2017 then yeah i agree, but paper mario thousand year door has a color palette, characters with art aspects, music design, map layouts, backdrops, sounds, dialogue a story, these things have interchangeable elements that can be injected with different variables at many different points, the decisions made to make these things the way they are are objective, if im making a tennis game i have no artistic opinion on it, i cant make my character have jetpack legs and a cursed tennis racket that shoots lazers but in a fictional game i can, i have an artistic opinion that can affect the development of my product and how many individuals will react to said product.

Books do the exact same thing. Is literature not art?

op got rekt

Living in germany, I actually stand to gain something from vidya being recognized as art: Freedom from censorship.

I like to think games fall under a entertainment spectrum.

One side is simulator, and the other end is art

That sucks mane.
in my opinion the people who submit to social justice with their game series let their sales act as punishment for doing so, this trend will likely die, i just hope Elder Scrolls 6 doesn't subject to i.

It's not so much social justice as the remnant of denazification. Generally, you're not allowed to use nazi symbolism (in public, in certain ways, games fall under that), but there's a constitutional right for the freedom of artistic expression that supersedes this.

Hence, we get nazis movies, but "the regime" or "the enemy" in games.

Using political themes is a powerful argument for legitimizing something as art.

While you personally might not like that stuff in your games, it might actually work toward Germany's advantage if they want to de-censor vidja.

Maybe you shouldn't have started...oh, wait, the British did that. Sorry.

I think OP is literally pretending to be retarded


That argument also applies to most movies, novels and paintings that aren't slavish recreations of real world happenings.