Why is the Dark Souls community such cancer Sup Forums?

Why is the Dark Souls community such cancer Sup Forums?

>buy ds3 after finishing bloodborne
>play through the story and enjoy myself
>face boss
>boss dies and I now get an ember which means other players can invade me
>i cannot get rid of this without killing myself
>you have to break the immersion to get rid of that stupid "feature"
>anyway continue playing because i didn't know this
>some fag invades me
>i close the game because i was just standing in front of a bonfire and wanted to level up with 20,000 souls
>1 minute later
>get a psn message with "lol u coward :)"

I never had an unpleasant experience like this? Why does FROM push their shitty online mechanics on the players?

Play offline.

Stop going human in my territory, faggot.

>turn off modem/router



Why would I do this? I'm paying to play online already

>wah wah why people are so unpleasant?
man up whiny bitch

It makes the game a little more fun.

How does me losing all my souls make the game more fun? It doesn't even fit in the story that there are people teleporting into my world glowing red and green

then suck it up, retard

A prime example of what's OP complaining.

>solving a problem instead of making an epic thread on Sup Forums about it

Worf knows what's up.

>plays game notorious for being hard and devlishly remorseless
>gets invaded and pussies out
>gets justifiably called a coward
>immediately goes to whine on a qatari arabesque discussion forum

jesus fucking christ

You wouldn't lose your souls anyway you idiot. You'd drop then and spawn at the bonfire right next to where you'd drop them. Worse case scenario is you lose your humanity, which you wanted to do in the first place. Invading someone isn't "cancer", you're just stupid

>can't play offline
>can't do a little PVP
Why is the dark soul community full of fucking babbies. Go play Skyrim.

That's why they made the blue covenants to help your coward ass :)

Just because you started with the last game in the series and don't understand how shit works doesn't mean it doesn't fit into the lore.

Also it's more fun because you know have a challenge to get more souls, and it's fun for the invader. Pvp is fun. and yeah like that other user said you're just going to drop them and be able to pick them up just fine.

>Pussies out before the bonfire
Taking that 0.5 sec to pick up those souls after the deed is done sure was worth the game restart eh?

Just let the police handle the invaders.

Seriously I don't understand why people don't do that if they don't want to get invaded.

So I want to explore a swamp area all in peace and kill some monsters and then some guy invades me and I get ripped straight out of the immersion. How is this fun? It's literally retarded and then I fight someone who's playing on a Starbucks connection so the fight is horrible anyway

there's an option to play offline right on the main menu

Get some friends and form a gank squad. There's nothing more funny than invader gays dying like bitches and then getting mad.

Holy shit OP you are such a faggot

You can just turn it off to lol its not that hard.

Can't imagine what your reaction will be when you run into a trap message on the ground. Better to do in now before you end up back on Sup Forums embarrassing yourself

pick up your souls after you die, you're right next to the bonfire idiot
or better yet just kill him? odds are vastly stacked in your favour

and no, invaders are part of the lore, pay attention

This. Dark Souls 3 basically doesn't let you get invaded when you're solo. I bet OP had a gank squad summoned and cried when he got invaded.

there's no way this fucking faggot beat Orphan of Kos without summons

Multiple times I had to read "wall ahead xDDD" or "try jumping" shit like that is just so annoying. I wish we could report those guys.

>Dark spirit has invaded
*unplug's wifi*
Nothing personal kid

Maybe. But most people who invade have autistically built their character and put in 1000s of hours

I beat all bosses without ever summoning. Some are though but the majority are not.

1st playthrough should be offline
2nd playthrough go online

If you want to experience low level invasions create a second character.

Messages are only good for hidden walls.

Haha right this game is only for us hardcore gamers :^) I put in 72 hours a week just reading up on the games data to improve my meta, how about you?

Hahaha try jumping amirite? xD

Play offline? Organise a gank squad(you can literally have 4 phantoms fighting for you)? Hide?
Christ, there's so much you can do.

OP complaining about Hodrick

get rekt faggot

Disconnecting while invaded should delete the game from your account. People like you don't deserve to play video games.

Even if you died you can just get it back. You're next to the bonfire anyway
Just embrace it. It's part of the game and you might enjoy yourself. Plus it's mostly npc Invaders in most areas.

There's literally an early game covenent for people like this


launch the game in offline, you fucking idiot.

>Playing Bloodborne
>Don't have PS+

You knew this going into the game. Playing the victim makes you seem like a whiny bitch.

>It's not part of the story
Even if you were right (which you're not), it's part of the gameplay. Get over it or don't play.

>Why is the Dark Souls community such cancer Sup Forums?
Because they marketed a game with no difficulty setting as a bone crushing, skull raping, marriage destroying epic experience for hardcore gamers in the west since compared to western difficulty settings game falls between normal and hard.
>Why does FROM push their shitty online mechanics on the players?
Online mechanics was supposed to be something that you can get help from other players for a boss you can't pass but since that trivializes the game by being just straight up cakewalk that you can pretty much sit back and let your helpers take care of the boss they balanced it with invasions so human form has a risk/reward thing now.
The thing is that means two players can fight against eachothers in an online game so this ended up as metafaggotry after the steam relase of DaS. (Yes it wasn't actually bad while it was games for Windows, steam just straight up brought cancer to community along with retarded memes and circlejerk.)
Then they saw how people were into muh pvp and made it a stronger aspect in DaSII. Now not only PC is shit with meta pvp faggotry, consoles are like this too.
By the time DasIII came out it was a strong point of the DaSII against it's shitty pve so people stick with that mentality for DaSIII.
If you can't be arsed with being invaded or shitty community just play it on offline mode.

>offline mode
what a whiny little bitch OP is.

shitters can't coop then

>Because they marketed a game with no difficulty setting as a bone crushing, skull raping, marriage destroying
It is tho. My friend lost his gf because of DaS3

Bruh, it's like 8 bucks a month

Well, if your buddy had a gf he wasn't a true hardcore pro gamer to begin with.

Back in the day in PS3, DeS and DaS were nice comunities, until the pc port arrived. Then all the normies came with MUHH PRAISE DE SUNN!!!1 and all that shit.

And im a fucking pc fag, but come on the comunity went to shit.

Except for DeS ones that still playing in ps3 and lurk /vg/.

He was a mere casul before, but when I told him about DaS he just couldn't stop playing, and because he was laughable bad he was playing all the time.

Yeah just keep completely ignoring the solution that should help

If permission was required to enter your game they wouldn't be called invaders.

>psn message

The best of the PvP community play on PS4

oh that's rich pal, any other newfag red flags you want to give us?

Thread's over, folks.

git gud

lol, I am one of the 1% who have beaten pic related without cheats or guides, when the game came out. I was five years old at the time. You tell me to "git gud" when i was beyond gud before you were even born, sport.

>playing mario kart
>enjoying myself
>in first place and about to finnish the race
>get hit by a red shell
>get mad and close the game because I didn't instantly win

That's how you sound. You wanna play a game but only the parts that are convenient to you. People like you make such a big deal out of dying in dark souls. Just go grab your souls, you gave up fighting the invader before even trying.

After spending tens of hours invading I say with confidence that in 95% of my invasions the host had AT LEAST one butt buddy with him. Currently I even have an SL20 character with +0 weapon who invades in the High Wall and I NEVER invade solo hosts so if you don't want to get invaded play offline or play at least solo.

Then you can't play with friends
Then you have to ember to play with friends
Then you play with friends
Then you get invaded while playing with a friend
Then you kill the invader with a friend

Really productive huh

This has to be bait. No one can be this much of a little bitch.

>inb4 muh honor or summon spell that you don't get until cathedral of the deep

what was so unpleasant about disconnecting from the internet? Play offline noob

careful dont do that too often