How do you personally feel about the Resident Evil series, Sup Forums?

How do you personally feel about the Resident Evil series, Sup Forums?

I like it a lot.

shit waifubait, just like literally every single japanese game out there.

old and busted just like that womans face

first game is my all time favorite senpai
also Jill is best girl

1,2,4, and 7. Everything else is trash

It was nice up until 4, which is a nice game in its own right, but led to the just another average third person action game with "spooky but not spooky" elements turn for the series.

Dropping slow zombies and limited ammo as the main foes was a mistake and I have not cared about the franchise since.

I stopped buying them After 5


I want her to rub that giant fucking chin of hers on my asshole til I cum on her massive fucking forehead.

Favorite series. They're all pretty good except 6 and most of the spin offs. REmake is amazing.

last one I bought was six. and I've regretted it ever since. Five was fun tho despite having nothing to do with resident evil other than some memorable characters slapped on

>that chin

Chinlet detected.

It's an enjoyable series. Anyone that says otherwise probably just doesn't like vidya.

nice herpes lips

Jill is my waifu.

She's been my wife since '98 pal

washed up, quit playing after 5

A good long running franchise that has at least one game anyone can enjoy. Because of this, the fan base is constantly fighting over who's game is best.

What, you didn't play the first game or something?

My smile and optimism: restored thanks to RE7.

I just fucking expect that capcom listen to pretty much the majority of fans and make the revelations a more action oriented series and the numbered series focused on horror

I first played it in '98

So this is how autism looks like

Oh look it's that sjw again

I think Jill looks the best in REmake, for sure but isn't it kind of sad to see Julia Voth STILL holding onto her likeness being used like 15 years ago? She needs to let go.