what are some games where you can become an idol?
What are some games where you can become an idol?
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Tokyo Mirage Sessions
What are some games where you can violate your slaves without them dying?
is this translated ?
Is this real?
>in Idolmaster
Wait what?
has le teaching feeling guy made any other games other than the first one of that series? are any in english?
yes, translated into japanese
How can you be an idol when you're scarred, ugly and worthless?
He's made multiple games before Teaching Feeling you fucking memelord. One of them was even translated and put on Steam.
over the line
nah, that picture is like a year old
>a year ago was 365 days ago
where does the time go?
>no ero
ok i mean are there any fap games in english by him
Call me when I can marry the shopkeeper and adopt Sylvie
>>no ero
Sachi a cute
Omega Quintet.
Search your heart and know it's true. You have to be cute to be an idol
Isn't this game by that racist gook that asked all baka gaijin to stop pirating his shit even though he has no intentions of translating it and releasing it abroad?
Nice ogre hands
It's part of the multiple collabs SS does like the Taiko one
or the Shadowverse in pic related
cute hands!
Whatever discount Shrek
>this got on steam
what the hell
super rude
Bought this on steam but haven't played it
Are there lewd in it ?
Look at Sachi eat all that candy, what a FATTY!
Starlight Stage has so high production values compared to any other F2P mobile game. How does scamco do it?
There's a side app where the girls get BLACKED. Probably why the game is so successful.
Link NOW
Sup Forums is over there
muh Sup Forums boogeyman
>Still not translated to english
Wtf do they hate money?
Is that real?
If so then congrats to the dev.
Because Scamco doesn't actually make it, Cygames does.
The Scamco game is this one
With cards/designs from an anime studio (A-1) so the entire game looks cartoonist and all the girls look the same
Is there ANY Idolmaster or similar gacha game in ENGLISH?
That isnt Love Live, I already played and didnt like it.
I played this one IdolM@ster game in japanese and shit had 3D models during the songs. Its like some effort you rarely see put into mobile games.
Something about that looks off. Maybe i'm just used to CGSS
literally made for big black cocks holy
There's Granblue Fantasy or Fire Emblem: Heroes but other than the gacha there's no similarities to Idolmaster. It's avalible in english though.
But it is indeed rare for mobile games to be as quality as Idolmaster Starlight Stage.
Are you still shitposting so aggressively?
take your nigger fetishism back to Sup Forums please
>everything I don't like is shitposting
Nope and there won't be.
Starlight Stage is widely popular and everyone plays in Japanese, it's not hard to understand
im sick of these japanese companies pandering to the japan market
I play both of those, I meant actual idol games with music gameplay and stuff.
Seems the only localized one is Love Live.
Eh might as well give it a try.
They are pandering to global market now, as most japanese games get translations (GranBlue Fantasy, Shadowverse, Love Live and most of the shit that is coming to Steam cause it's free bucks at little work)
They realized the market outside Japan is miles bigger and even if they appeal too small part of that market it's still bigger than the nip one
why don't they just pander to china? even more people and less shipping costs
Japan hates them
Please stop shitposting.
Cause china is too poor to afford them
>Starlight Stage newfag complains about an iDOLM@STER game having the traditional iDOLM@STER artstyle
Theater Days looks barely any different than iDOLM@STER 1.
pretty sure someone else is worthless
>A game on 2017 looks the same that one that came in 2005
And this is good?
It's a phone game
He's speaking literally, user. You talking about black people is LITERALLY SHITposting.
So is this, your point?
There is no reason to make the designs look cartoonish when you can make then look good instead.
2d(or 3d animu) is ok but I can't stand real people doing this shit.
They pirate everything
This, 3DPD idols are trash
>when you can make then look good instead.
Such as?
Are you expecting them to make idolmaster game with Honey Select art stlye?
That's sounds like a bad idea.
Tales of, Starlight Stage, Neptunia, VII, Persona, God Eater, Nier are anime games that don't have a forced cartoonish design look.
Even the fucking Nekopara VR trash doesn't look so bad
It's called different artstyles
>forced cartoonish
Dear lord, you are retarded.
All of them still looks cartoonish.
You actually just complain that the game looks similar to idolmaster you dumb fuck.
Not "cartoonish"
>VR "gameplay"
I want to FUCK this chuuni
never buy vns on steam.