Games only you remember

games only you remember

i feel this game will become a meme because of its name.

i might play it again because the graphics really were fucking great. felt like the dev team wanted to be movie directors instead of game makers. and looking at their next project it's exactly what i thought.

Remember Me really gets more shit than it should, it was a decent game.

They are making another game again, which is Vampyr, a sort of vampire souls game, but I agree, RM is visually very nice and the combat isn't half bad.

I like Remember Me just because it's an interesting case of a game just barely being not good.

>Arkham-style combat with customizeable combos that still somehow manages to be boring
>Fairly interesting sci-fi premise that's handled in the least thoughtful way possible and has mile-wide plotholes
>Cool puzzle mechanic that's only used a couple times over the course of the game
>Incredible art direction that's squandered on super-linear level design

Kind of feel like the game was a little before its time in that if it'd been made closer to today they might have made it without making a lot of the mistakes they did because these kinds of games have gotten a little more fleshed out. Maybe.

I was going to enter the remix contest for some of that game's music

Great trailers.

What's that game that felt like portal where it's only memorable part was great water physics?

Biophobia or some other word for water.

I remember now, Hydrophobia

fire emblem new mystery of the emblem, especially with the flood of normies who refuse to play the better games

Can't believe they're the same guys who made Life is Tumblr

Bermuda Syndrome, Dinosaur shooting side scroller.

In hindsight it was not very good

I remembered that game the other day since only seeing a trailer for it in 2009 or something. In my memory the graphics were way better, I didnt think I could have rose-tinted glasses for a game I never played.


We had quite a few of these high concept cinematic linear games with simple combat and braindead platforming/scaling environments gameplay last gen. I haven't really seen anything of that kind this gen.

i think the main reason why it failed wasn't just the plot that falls flat at the end, but because it was a simple adventure game that came out in a time were everyone was expecting big micheal bay explosion

Never finished it. After playing the shareware boobs, I installed a virtual mashine some years back to play it. It was worse than blackthorne. But it got style. Wasn't it completely voiced?

The gameplay was horrible. Who want to play hide & seek for 10hours ?

The story was enjoyable if you like spooky ghost story and know a bit about Salem.

I agree


The combat was really terrible which made it unplayable for me, nice scenery though

>Who want to play hide & seek for 10hours ?

Every stealth fan? I didn't play Murdered, but that's mostly because the game looked fairly boring from the gameplay videos and didn't look like it was taking advantage from the ghost concept. It looked like a lesser Geist to me.

>Every stealth fan?

It's not enjoyable stealth like thief or splinter cell, it's hide in a body and jump from body to body stealth.



>hype up game for years because graphics on new next gen system
>game is released
>nobody buys it
>put main character in your own smash clone
>nobody knows who it is

I haven't actually played this but I don't think I've ever even seen it discussed apart from people posting that camera thing every once in a while, but even that was a long time ago.

>Arkham-style combat

If only. A counter move would have made the combat system much more enjoyable than dodgerolling everywhere and constantly interrupting the flow of combat.

It does come up whenver people remember Raven, but since they are as dead as Neversoft, it never happens anymore.

I don't remember her, but boy do I remember that ass.

Remember Me still looks pretty at least

I remember dat ass.


The funny thing is, that the ass only looks good in jeans. There's a underwear mod for her and her ass looks fucking terrible with it.

Got really good at fighting the AI here. Also, the girl models were kinda cute.

that game is a fucking disgrace to the legacy of "The Ship"

Man I remember playing this on PS2, such an underrated game. Good thing it's on steam.

Just like real life then

>Implying The Ship was good
>Implying it wasn't just wondering around a huge maze to find the one asshole in a million you're supposed to kill
>Implying the sequel that lets you actually play the game is worse

god i really tried to get into this game, i put a few hours into it, but fuck man. pretty lame.

I remember that game

was fun af

riding from the two main villages and doing quests was pretty comfy.

but that's the whole point
>find the target
>use a creative weapon you found, ideally one that gives big points
>use disguises
>don't get caught
>play a little bit of sims in the meantime
The Ship is such a great game.

My first stealth game too.

>Finding the target in the maze of almost-identical dudes
>Sometimes it just randomly changes
>Faggots camping in the safe zones