What went so right?

What went so right?

dude fart jokes lmao!

They didn't make a entire game filled with President Hillary jokes and had to delay the game indefinitely to rewrite it to be President Trump

It felt like playing a long south park episode, which is exactly what a game based on a cartoon should be.

i pirated this and stopped like halfway through. terrible jokes and bad gameplay, what a combo

What is funny to you?

Having the writers and artists of the show, and having competent developers

Rick and Morty


Send a runner to Sup Forums; tell them it Looks like shitposting's back on the menu, boys!

Is this why Fractured Butthole disapeared from the radar?

>Liking a genuinely good show is shitposting now

It could have been balanced better. A bunch of characters were downright broken and most of the fights were a breeze.


Not South Park, that's for sure. And anyone who disagrees with that assessment deserves to be executed.

I think that's more Ubisoft incompetence rather than anything.

>Obsidian did a good job with SoT despite the development being a clusterfuck with THQ imploding and whatnot, and it was even one of their most polished titles to date Dungeon Siege 3 was probably their most polished but nobody played it so who cares
>Sequel gets handed off to some no name Ubisoft studio, not even one of the more well known ones like Montreal, and Obsidian doesn't even get the memo

I dunno about being executed, but South Park really is the unfunniest shit. Even zombie Simpsons and Family Guy are better than South Park has ever been.

Sad but true.

Im not asking that, can you read?

LOL! Did I strike a nerve, you fucking pathetic South Park cuck? Hey, if you're so concerned about reading, read this: if you reply to me again without my permission I'll kick your fucking ass.

>I'm too scared to share my taste

Obsidian is a good company that deserves to succeed

practically every game they work on turns out good

Shit taste

He is probably that 14 years old fedora that just found Sup Forums and now thinks his humour is superior

Really good, actually.

14 year old fedora tippers are the ones who find South Park funny.

The story
The lore

Name a show you find entertaining so I can tear you apart, you little bitch!

The South Park movie is brilliant, and you're a faggot for posting in a thread about a subject you don't even like.

It was too fucking easy. Nearly ruined the whole game.

Yea it was epic!! hi5 bro :) btw did you see Simpsons Movie? So f***ing funny bro :D

>you're a faggot for posting in a thread about a subject you don't even like
>you're a faggot for having an opinion

The last season of South Park was so bad that I didn't end up watching it

Reminder that I have watched every South Park episodes before this. It makes me sad how bad the series turned in 1 year. At least Simpsons it took 5 years to see the decay.

>his opinion is "i dont like thing"
>adds "kill everyone who likes thing and disagrees with me" for added edge

some hot opinions you got there bro. maybe use a few brain cells when constructing the next one.

South Park movie hasn't aged well. There few good jokes here and there but it's just cringeworthy most of the time.

It's more aboot the thing that culture has changed radically since 9/11.

I'm not the same person. Him being an imbecile doesn't excuse your own idiocy.

well I'm not the guy he replied to either but it's just silly to get flustered over your non-opinions being called into question.

Looks like we're fighting over other people's arguments.

All me.

is the sequel dead or what

The combat was top notch. I loved the active element in the tun based combat, basicly the ebst type of turn based combat for me and I failed to find anything akin to it. the story was ok and its southpark, so automaticly a 6/10.

90% chance the final boss was President Hillary and they have to rewrite everything like they did with the last few episodes last season


>be obsidian
>make an amazing fallout game on a garbage nonfunctional bethesda engine in less than 2 years
>never offered another job from bethesda

>make the best south park game ever
>never offered another job from ubisoft

being obsidian is suffering


>be obsidian
>promise more than you can deliver
>get upset about publisher wanting to ship game at agreed time
>burn bridges by telling fans it was all the publishers fault
>rinse repeat

You can't be better than your employers if you want to keep your job.

everything related to NV that was good was cuz of obsidian, everything bad was due to bethesda's shitty engine

>forgetting how the entirety of Alpha Protocol's development was Obsidian and SEGA butting heads the whole time
And SEGA holds the IP hostage to this day


>He didn't like our film

Bethesda is jealous of Obsidian.
They intentionally fucked up the QA phase of the NewVegas devcycle to try and position themselves as "The true makers of Fallout"

Well, lack of sense of humor is a sign of autism, so... I have bad news for you.

Go back and stay back.