Blocks your path

>blocks your path

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unblocks it

if shogun 2 is realistic at all, I have no idea how the Takeda Clan got cavalry to work IRL

*unsheathes katana* nothing personal.... peasants...

>slaughters you en masse

>genocides in british

IRL cavalry isn't really countered by spears as much as total war would have you believe


it never made sense to me have an entirely separate hero unit.

>rushes you on turn 1

Why did Rome 2 have such awful unit cards?

>early game units are good en masse in the early game
What did you mean by this?

Why are you such a fucking pleb?

They wanted to be 'period accurate'


i think its cause oda yari ashigaru are stupid op all game even on legendary difficulty.

nice army there it would be a shame if it blew up outta nowhere
nothing personel damyos

It is literally impossible to get a horse to charge a spear wall, so long as the line holds cavalry can never beat a line of spearmen.

Are there any good mods for this other than radious?

>Shogun 2 thread

Post your favourite unit cry
Mine's has to be either:


Im still mad Shogun 2 never got an imjin war addon.

Did people ever actually use boats in Shogun 2? I feel like it had the least important naval aspect of any of the new engine games.

>play on hard for the first time
>everyone is declaring war on me

jesus fucking christ.

it even happened before i got to realm divide, when i had made peace with everyone and was just trading and developing.

Are crabs the spiders of the sea?

no, but

>tfw us marines isain't the best unit
how could they do this to us, ameribros???

*unifies your nation*

tfw playing hatori, tfw making nothing but ninja armies, MASSIVE NINJA ARMIES.




i never know how to use them, except in siege castle battles




post screenshot

use them as flankers duh
baka gaijin

ninja clan

ninja clan

here we stand

i tried but they get run down by cav


>Massive stack attacks one of my castle towns
>All I have is a couple of Ashigaru archers, one group of spears and samurai retainers
>Go into battle expecting a massive loss.
>Somehow, my archers manage to inflict enough losses that when they manage to climb up the side that even they and the samurai can handle the rest in close combat
>Force a retreat and the castle town holds
>My real army routs the rest later

What was your most memorable battle?

you can see calv coming just keep them hidden till your main army gets into combat because ninjas can stealth move, and then throw grenades.

Used properly cav were great in euro pike&shot and the japanese pike&shot knockoff

>hiding from AI

here's how i know you never shogun 2

Those trade routes are hella lucrative.

That's why cavalry charged flanks/rears or already busy enemies.

what are you talking about? in shogun 2 its literally >did you attack them, if yes they will hold position and wait for you
>did they attack you, if yes they will advance on you
hiding units still works in trees or bushes still works.


>Buy shogun on release
>Playing on normal difficulty
>Get into combat and wear down opponents army to about 2 ashigarus left
>He runs away on the world map, barely pass into the fog of war
>I follow him, intending to finish him off
>He is fully restocked with troops and healed, bulldozes the fuck out of me
>Realize every enemy army does this on normal and above difficulty, can cheese big armies in seconds
>Doesn't happen on easy, but the game isn't worth it in easy
This is years ago, is this shit fixed by now or what? Is it ok to reinstall?

generals and yari cav/light cav will attempt to flank

what does that have to do with hiding unit mechanic not working?

Yes, I usually end up building a pretty large navy to protect my trade routes.

I always auto-battle though because fuck naval battles in S2. FotS naval battles were the shit though.

>banzais your line
pssh, nothin personal... kisama

not really, but they build yari in fog of war and use some ancient japanese neko magic bullshit to convert ashigaru to samurai yari/bow.

though it unit by unit over a few seasons.

>what does that have to do with hiding unit mechanic not working?

how the fuck are my ninja supposed to flank if they run into cavalry dipshit

Play Warhammer instead.

hide them in the tress then throw granades when enemy passes trough

>how the fuck are my ninja supposed to flank if they run into cavalry dipshit
ninjas can stay hidden while they move fuckin zero skill gaijin baka


Pre ww1 american military was pretty shit desu.

I really wanted to play samurais senpai...

>Obama on VH
>get trapped in some western front tier attrition warfare with Tsu
>Wakasa is constantly sieged
>barely win battle after battle and just barely get my army back before the next one
>give up once my fort starts getting naval bombarded
It was a ridiculous campaign but fun in just how grinding it was. The image is of a single survivor from a levy garrison unit that fended off kaichi at one of those battles.

Why can't I get into this game?

The engine just gives me cancer, and the campaigns are ultra vague (literally 16-20 clans of all Japan? kek)

When will the next Koei Japan RTS be released? I want a sequel to Nobunaga's ambition.


Who is that even supposed to be? Nobunaga? Tokugawa Ieyasu? Hideki Tojo?

I play on hard and I don't know what you're referring to. the computer gets extra cash, and thus makes large armies, but there is a logic to it. they dont just spawn randomly

>tfw playing as Otomo and asking people if they have a minute to talk about our Lord and Saviour at gunpoint

Best way to play.

>be me
>fight with honoru
>opponent has honorobu army
>win battle honorobrury
>opponent pulls their hidden gun cav from the trees to finish off my remaining units

this game could have been fucking great

>blocks your path

if you weren't using naginata, you were playing this game wrong

try playing chosokabe on legendary without ships and see how that turns out for you nigga

The game tells you that victory wipes away dishonour, boyo. Break out the gunpowder and horses and start winning the "honourable" gaijin way.

>bow hero is point directly at you

Kinda sad they never did that again

Yari Ashigaru are amazing for their cost desu senpai baka

*burns your nuns*

*runs after getting sneezed at*

Aren't French marines better?

i play total war
i am military tactician :)

I liked the Rome 2 ones because it looks like all of the units are moonwalking.

French Marines were the best shots
Royal Marines were jacks of all trades
American Marines were the best at melee

I felt the American marines were actually the best since they can easily hold their own against top melee units.

>I get my historical knowledge from Total War and Braveheart: the post


but once you get brit/french marines and get kneel fire no one even gets near you.

It's still helpful in siege defense and honestly you don't even need elite infantry once you get kneel fire so I like having a unit strong in something else.

>level up a couple ninjas
>realm divide, some minor clan asshole I hadn't gotten to yet decided to try to play hero
>stunlock minor clan's army because loadsaemone
>never actually bother fighting him before winning anyways


I have to say there are few things more satisfying in video games than FotS artillery

it's so fucking easy too if you play defensively and only ever get into battles as the defender, because the computer will have to come towards you and for whatever stupid reason will NOT use loose formations and will NOT charge until they are within non-artillery gun/bow range

so it's just a slow death march towards your artillery as it racks up hundreds of kills and then units are half dead and demoralized so by the time they reach your infantry line, the first salvo shatters their morale and they break and run and the battle is over but continues in reverse as they have to run all the way back across the map, still under fire from your cannons

it's the same shit every time but i can't fucking get enough of it, even after hundreds of turns of campaign

>, because the computer will have to come towards you and for whatever stupid reason will NOT use loose formations and will NOT charge until they are within non-artillery gun/bow range

this has always bothered me.

but it will never change, will it? they dont give a shit about AI.

>pick archer clan
>entire army is monk or samurai archers
>attack a fortress
>mow down all his archers from outside
>retreat when out of arrows
>attack again right after with fresh arrows and mow down the rest
>bumrush with bow samurai when out of arrows and mop up the stragglers