The Last of Us 2 infected Joel

Joel becoming infected is one of the most popular theories around here so I did a quick mesh to see how infected Joel looks like, but now looking at it don't you think it's too easy to invoke drama? I will be surprised if it actually happens.

Also what's wrong with Ellie's design? I think it's on point except maybe for her shoes.

The entire reason they made Last of Us 1 is because they wanted to say "what if the immune child trope ends with the 'dad' choosing her life over the world?" If they want to be just as "subversive" then both Joel and Ellie will survive again.


>Also what's wrong with Ellie's design? I think it's on point except maybe for her shoes.
She barely has any feminine features as if being feminine is wrong.
Fucking hijab tier.

Spread it everywhere and create a shit storm

It's called being a tomboy which fits her character well and also she is a lesbo

Spread this shit, i would love to see TLOU fans cry

i would prefer it if ellie died or became infected.

joel is one of those 'can't fall off the floor' characters. the more horrible shit the games can do to him the more entertaining he'll be.

This actually looks pretty good, almost looks like some leaked concept art if you know what I mean.

I guess that makes sense.

Well it could still happen. The ending showed Ellie's bite getting worse, didn't it?

It would be too obvious and such a cheap way to do Joel's death. That said, I'm 99% Ellie will kill him.

The fireflies lure Joel into a trap and get him infected to get back at him for what he did at the hospital. Remember these words.

What TV show is this?

Perhaps the Ellie's strain of cordyceps is growing in size and pushing her brain which is causing her to shake (masked by could be just an adrenaline rush) and have hallucinations of Joel?

But she lives in a time where feminity is an obstacle to your survival, so it's to be expected she is masculine in her figure. I'd hate her to look like weeabo tier shit just because muh sexy vidya girls.

Thanks user, I used these

Also the TLoU ending was like that because they wanted to make a sequel so they could make some more of that sweet sweet money.

If this happens, i'm gonna be so mad i might just throw the PS4 out the fucking window.
Seriously, fuck the fireflies.

Don't you think it's too obvious and cheap as other anons pointed out?

Probably but something obvious does not make it bad. It's not like the story in the first game was mind blowing.

What other choice is there? This is not the kind of setting where you just die of old age in your bed. If you're gonna kill a main character it's either gonna be through infection, or getting killed by bandits/rival faction.

It's HOW they tell the story. The story in the first game was only decent at best but they told it so well that it looked fantastic. If they do something like lure Joel into a trap and get him infected so Ellie can find him, maybe the chain him too or things like this, it could be very emotional and great

uncharted 4 ended this way because of it

they hyped up one of the main cast dying and then everyone survived

*gustavo's guitar starts crying*
>I am gonna find
>and I am gonna kill
>every last one of them

They should make the story where ellie has a chained up infected joel and she goes crazy trying to cure him

They should make the story where ellie has a chained up infected joel and she cannot do anything about it so she goes crazy and start fucking him while he's still infected and chained saying: "Am I useful Joel? Do you still love me? You won't leave me, right?" while Joel bites her to death and cum in her

Yes and Sara should be revived and Joel should scream cum my babby girls you stupid memeing faget

Please spread this shit around
I'd love to see normies triggered by their cinematic protagonist getting infected

Sup Forums cannot create memes anymore

If they had balls, Ellie would have been killed by the fireflies & Joel went insane because of it

The whole game is Joel imagining Ellie is still alive & they are on a happy journey to slaughter all the fireflies together

>TLOU announced
>who cares lol
>TLOU coming soon
>lol its gonna get 7/10s
>gets 10/10s
>who cares it won't hit a million sold
>10 million sold
>who cares people will forget about it by next year
>4 years later its more popular than ever and Sup Forums is still butthurt over it
Damn, this thread.

Looks like a HeadOn ad

Who are you talking about?


Too easy in my opinion. I think Joel is going to die like people predicted with tlou + some SJW bullshit.

But this thread has maybe two haters user

Watch this shit.

They should make a TLOU / TTWD crossover.

>In the middle of a gunfight between survivors, scavengers and walkers, a stray bullet hit an abandoned nuclear reactor, opening a dimensional rift
>Now Ellie and Clementine are trapped inside each other's world. Will they have the courage and strength to survive in a world similar but different to their own? Will they find a way home?

>The Walking Us: when dead worlds collide

I just looked up the comments section of the trailer for this game

>Am i the only one that had a crush on ellie? And before everyone flips out i was 14 when the game came out

>Caio Durrer I was 13 the time the game came out, thought she was 12 until she told that she was 14 and I'm like "she cute" haha

>i had 14 too and im like i see her in the trailer now and im like she's hot and cute...and she's still my videogame yea

>I was like 10 when I got this game and yes I did

>ya I had crush on her too and I was 13

>I was 15 lol

>Well shoot man same here! Dream girl, it's pretty sweet too because we aged with her and Joel

>I played it a year ago when I was 10... I thought she was ugly.. Lmao Now I think she's Hot Lmao.

>bruh im 14 now and yup i have a crush

The only thing that will impress me is if Ellie gets infected and Joel has to kill her. She's not even a loli anymore either so why bother with her.

Surprised at the lack of shitposting. Well done Sup Forums.

Also infected Joel would be a cop out, but even if they go with it I'm sure they'll pull it off properly. TLOU had plenty of cliches, but they rarely felt cheap when played out.

TLOU is like ND's golden child. It's literally impossible for it to turn out as bad as something like Mass Effect Andromeda.

My asspull theory Ellie watches as Joel turns, and sets him loose on the fireflies. Doesn't kill him, just walks away. Turns into a bloater by endgame and saves Ellie in some way

Stupid infidel, it's haram for females to dress like man. Stop spouting blasphemy!

Ellie becoming a male is one of the most popular theories around here so I did a quick mesh to see how male Ellie looks like, but now looking at it don't you think it's too easy to invoke drama? I will be surprised if it actually happens.

>joel becomes infected
>some black guy appears and saves her
>ellie suddenly "stops" being lesbian
>game ends with ellie burning the coal
It's so stupid but who knows.

He thinks the world is shit due to extreme selfishness and doesn't deserve a cure (which ironically doesn't happen because the man with the potential to get a cure done is indeed a selfish shitlord), I can agree with that.

It's basically 100% expected that Joel will do something horrible and some negroe will kill him and be Elie's new sidekick. I think she will find her lesbian love too. Druckman has already said that it will be a response to Drumpf and hwite people

Why isn't Ellie like my Japanese animes?

>But she lives in a time where feminity is an obstacle to your survival, so it's to be expected she is masculine in her figure. I'd hate her to look like weeabo tier shit just because muh sexy vidya girls.
Do you think nature cares about that? They grow into those shapes weather you want to or not.

Weird how some Africans have nail clubbing even when they're healthy.

We have to spread this meme to trigger normies

Fucking cringe. Please don't bring that steaming turd anywhere near TLOU, they're in two different leagues.

Would be interesting if they went full I am Legend and the infected are suddenly the good guys just trying to survive.

Ellie eating spaghetti is one of the most popular theories around here so I did a quick mesh to see how Ellie eating spaghetti looks like, but now looking at it don't you think it's too easy to invoke drama? I will be surprised if it actually happens.

>It's literally impossible for it to turn out as bad as something like Mass Effect Andromeda.
I could see it happen. David comes back as undead, Ellie has a lesbian lover at the camp but they're all slaughtered, Joel travels with her because he wouldn't ever leave her, some forced drama at the end. Maybe forcing some dumb fanservice in from the first game.

>Ladders 0 / 1
>Pallets 0 / 1

Actually you're right, the only thing they are alike is in how shit the """puzzles""" are.

>hurr how do I fit batteries into radio durr

I think the voice acting on TWD games is pretty damned good

Friend gave it to me couple of years back, played it for an hour and dropped. I don't feel anything towards this game, but mocking it's fans is a little fun.

Nigger you fucked up. The game gets pretty damn good after a couple of hours. In 1h you just played the intro. Sure it's a little unpolished here and there but overall it's an excellent game. The multiplayer is actually really fun if you have friends.

Well i don't have any. And i've heard "It's get better in x hours" so many times that it doesn't sound legit anymore.

>just suffer through the bad parts bro
>dude, the ladder puzzles are fine
>who cares if the game is too easy or if the AI is bad?

>Killing off the best character because they need muh non cis female protagonist

We just did, faggot.

I still don't understand the love of TLOU.

I gave it a genuine chance, there is a ton of people here who shit on it but that happens with every game on Sup Forums.
Considering it is considered the second comming of christ in every other corner of the internet I gave it a go.

Holy shit was it fucking bad.
>Boring as fuck gameplay.
>A terrible crafting system.
>Most of the enemies were human.
>Three types of infected which appeared fuck all.
>Walking simulator until you got to an arena like area with boxes and shit to hide behind.
>Boring, bland and cliche charaters except for Joel.
>Boring, bland and cliche story.

It was uncharted clone with a tacked on crafting system and boring road story rip off with zombies.

Why in God's name is this seen as a good "game" by normalfags?

>>just suffer through the bad parts bro
Which bad parts? At worst it has some slow parts, which I enjoy because character developments and exploration.
>>dude, the ladder puzzles are fine
There are literally 4 (5?) in a 15 hours game, and they're there to hide loading times.
>who cares if the game is too easy or if the AI is bad?
Play on the hardest setting. The AI is just as good or as bad as any other stealth game.

>trying to discus TLOU of Sup Forums
Oh shit nigger what are you doing!

Welcome to the agre of cuck, user

I also wasn't impressed by it. The game was bland and forgettable.

name at least three (3) better games then
hint: no shooters

Welcome to the minority, son.

>I gave it a genuine chance
Bullshit, user. You don't even own a PS3 or PS4.

He chose a cynical ending condemning humanity for its selfishness over helping others and basically ending it with everything is fucked, his personal politics arent sjw if anything its more like 80's tomino stories.


Metal Gear Solid 1 to 3
Resident Evil 1 to 4
Dark Souls
The Witcher 3
Dragon's Dogma
Animal Crossing all besides city folk
Harvest Moon a few of them
Pokemon most of them
Fallout New Vegas
Warcraft 3
Red Dead Redemption.

Those are just a few of my favourite series.
Metal Gear Solid 4 was a better movie than TLOU.

I only own a PS4 and a 3DS, I do not have the space to build a pc yet.
I bought TLOU when there was a two for 1 deal on PSN, I bought TLOU and Dishonored.

Neil really hasnt done anything SJW like in his games, the fact that the closest we got to it was making the black secondary antagonist competent and say "fuck this we lost I'm leaving" is proof that hes really not putting anything really undesirable in it. If he condemned nathan drake for killing "people of colour" then sure fucking witch hunt his ass, but he didnt really put much of any politics in U4 and in Last of us his politics had way more to do with cynacism of humanity than sjw shit, like joel is already a legit monster so killing him off isnt sjw shit.

If anything it seems more like TLOU 2 is leading to ellie becoming joel 2.0 and dying with him.

he would deserve it, because despite the ingame knowledge joel knew, he killed off to the best of his knowledge humanities best chance of creating a cure for the infected. he came across audio logs mentioning there were atleast 12 other people like ellie, so if he even wanted to just half a selfish dick, he could of left the scientists alive and you know, found someone else who was worth less then, you know, every fucking human being on the planet earth, from there and every day forward.

>inb4 "it was reaaaallly unlikely so saving literally billions wasnt worth the risk!"
wew lads

Stop lying, user.

That's ok, bros. Some people have shit taste in food, others have shit taste in cars. You just happen to have a shit taste in videogames.

>tfw joel and ellie become enemies
>last level is you beating the shit out of each other

I even have a playstation plus account.

I bet you like capeshit.

That's exactly what leads me to believe Naughty Dog would use it

>Metal Gear Solid 4 was a better movie than TLOU
It's because MGS4 is a 9 hours long movie with gameplay segments while TLoU is a proper game

>in the early stages of the games development Tess was originally the antagonist

Metal Gear Solid 4 had Gameplay, Uncharted with Zombies did not.

You can't possibly believe that bullshit if he thinks diversity is just as important as gameplay.

chosing what you cherish over what's best for the world if a very common trope in JRPG though

>and also she is a lesbo

No she isnt. Stop spreading this stupid meme.

>Unironically defending muh cinematic experience: the game
You are what's wrong with the video game industry.

the only one i can accept as valid is RDR, the others are an utter shit, there is no way they have the same mechanics, characters movement, music, technology, story, gameplay, graphics and so forth than TLoU
you are either a troll or just a pc gamer

>Uncharted with Zombies
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune or Uncharted 2: Among Thieves?

All of them

>there is no way they have the same mechanics, characters movement, music, technology, story, gameplay, graphics and so forth than TLoU
Metal Gear Solid for playstation trumps TLoU in all those aspects besides graphics and it is almost an eighteen year old game.


>aiming with a controller
>console UI
>$60+ movie
why does Sup Forums discuss cancer?

>the only one i can accept as valid is RDR
You just have shit taste

I have never played this game: The post

fonald zlump

No user, pretty sure i'm not.

here it is

another feminist game from this shitty dev

nd is dead

sony is fucked

this is why many employees are jumping off the boat

>user talks shit about something he knows nothing about
Game runs at either stable 30fps or stable 60fps depending on the settings. Also its only $30 at the most now.