I am a nu weeb

I am a nu weeb

>common projects
I will never understand those sneaker everything it copys typically looks better beat up and for the price youre paying there are much better options with way better build quality anyway back to/fa/ I go.

Are those german army trainers?

Wow, are those shoes? Nice.


nope youre just a fuccboi

What are some better build quality sneakers at that price point?

says the peasant who only can afford stan smiths lmao

Great now kill yourself

>American shoes
>American version of game
>American book
>American wood
>American table
>American photo

You are a failed normalfag.

so a nu weeb then

any of the italian sourced repros

you won't get slimmer toeboxes though

>pegi 16
However, Op probably is a fuckboi ironic weeb that wants pounded off of the Suicideboys and xxxtentacion

that's too bad, the toebox is probably half the reason I love my Common Projects.

is that a Sup Forumstard book?
asking because I actually dont know

>former greek finance minister's book

Xxxtentacion is the type of nigga to kill himself during sex

leftypol if anything

Nice CPs /fa/g
How much ?

>Only on Playstation


>he doesn't even wear Rick's


>communist faggot
>dirty poser shoes

>allowing your dirty ass shoes to touch your floors
Not even close desu

now show us your socks

Nuweeb = numale

nice meme shoes nerd