There are people on this board right now who will defend these games, being fully aware that they're shit compared to their predecessors
Nintendo Apologists
>fans don't know what the hell they want
daddy nintendo needs to decide what's best for me :)
What hurts is that I've bought Nintendo shit for over twenty years and they've done nothing but disappoint me for the past few years. Color Splash and Federation Force were just blatant insults to their fans and I'm thinking Fire Emblem Echoes is going to be the last thing I buy from them for a while, at least until they get their shit together. I have no interest in Breath of the Wild and the Switch launch looked like a disaster to me.
>You think you want this but you don't
This has to be a troll. No one is that much of a jackass outside of those anti-Nostalrius faggots
>I used to buy Nintendo shit
Does anyone actually believe these posts?
>Switch launch looked like a disaster to me.
Pretty much every measurable aspect of the Switch launch went over three times better than expected. Nintendo sold a three-year old piece of hardware that underperforms their old console and yet they sold millions upon millions of units despite everyone in the market saying it would be a failure.
>games that they THINK they want
can't make this shit up
Just fucking kill yourself
I liked Star Fox Zero and its chicken walker. Needd more stages and rail shooter sections though.
>Nintendo has stopped listening to fans during the Wii U era
BotW isn't anything like SS.
I think Nintendo fans as a whole are sick of people pretending Nintendo is doomed every week.
Primefags literally asked for Federation Force.
>fans scream they want remake of SF64
>nintendo gives it to them
>fans scream that it sucks for various reasons
And thus why you don't listen to the fanbase.
The chicken Walker shit was retarded.
As they always have, yes.
The very basic of the consumer/creator relationship is that the creator has to follow the consumer's demands since they're the ones who vote with their wallets to begin with.
Without a consumer demand the creator will be aimless to know how to make a profit/improve
Is financial success your only measure for worth? It's a pretty bad launch all around if that's not your criteria.
Mongoloid Console War thread. Kill yourself kid.
The Wolfen was much cooler but I like Robotech.
As a longtime Nintendo fan I hate the modern Nintendo and its shitty apologist fanbase. Nonstop gimmicky bullshit the shills eat right up.
You talkin about you know who OP?
>remake of SF64
you mean SF64 3D?
BotW isnt anything like any zelda
>fans scream they want remake of SF64
I have been found out.
>People defending Color Splash
Arlo can be critical toward Nintendo and has expressed his negative opinions toward games like SFZ, Federation Force, Color Splash, and Hey! Pikmin.
Sup Forums's local Nintenbro hates his guts and constantly brings him up
They are half truths. It's either "my parents bought me a Wii way back when I was still a kid" or "I used to have friends"
>He wasn't here last year
Nigga, Paper Mario threads were the worst
A good chunk of it is attributed to a single shitposter
are you asking what video this was on?
if so, no this was on a video by some random nintendo rumor channel
>nintendo apologists complain about how the industry is nothing but "cinematic experiences" with no good gameplay
>they willingly defend Metroid: Other M as one of the best Metroid games
Explain this, my dudes. And please, have some respect and don't try and deny it.
>Those fucking faggots who defend the shitty 10-15 hits before your weapon breaks in BOTW
>You're allowed to be nigh-invulnerable Link the thunder god but asking for an unbreakable weapon is just too much
I was here, the threads were hectic but it still disgusts me that people beyond Cody defend it though.
>they willingly defend Metroid: Other M as one of the best Metroid games
But everyone shits on this game except a couple brave souls
>amiibo collectors
>10-15 hits
I can't tell if people believe this or if it's just bait
If Nintendo listened to faux fans they'd probably be some shitty mmo Pokemon game and every classic remade in shitty unreal engine
>those autists that roleplay as literal Nintendo robots on websites
There are people who buy the games,but just a vocal minority autistically screeching as loud as they can
They defend Color Splash too and its definitely one those cinematic games
>hunting down youtube comments to make shitposting threads
Tbf imo the gameplay was decent but the story was god awful. I'd be up for another Metroid with those camera angle
Why must you lie to me?
how long does it take for cancer to kill a man?
>Sup Forums shitposting has become so pathetic and lazy that anons are literally screencapping youtube posts by people that aren't even e-celebs or video game journos
I hate this place.
You know how when a new Pokemon game is announced that genwunners show up the piss and moan and shit on it because it isnt gen 1 or in SuMos case with the Alola forms, it ruined their childhood? Imagine if those autists got their way and got a remake of gen 1, only to get royally fucked in the end.
>Bitch over Adventures for not being 64-2
>This autistic shit lasted throughout the entirety of every game released
>When Zero was announced, they acted like this was a guaranteed GOTY and a return to it's glory
>HAHAHA NOPE! Zero ended up failing that badly that it's been announced the series is in critical condition
>All the damage control that happened for the two weeks it came out, you thought the defense was bad with other Nintendo games? They literally pulled so many excuses out their ass to defend the game
>Some YT channels actually did the same shit too, one of which came off as "PLEASE! BUY THE GAME!! IT'S GREAT!!! MY FRIEND THE COMPLETIONIST SAID SO!!1!!!"
>The completionists opinion doesnt mean shit as A: he's a shill, his display in his SFZ video reeked of it and B: he willingly refuses to acknowledge any fault any game has, which is not ok if you're a critic
>Yfw 64fags on suicide watch
>someone somewhere has said something stupid!
This is Sup Forums now
This was on a video in a thread like 30 minutes ago, and I happened to look at the comments. How else am I supposed to get replies?
People bitch over Adventures because it has a retarded fanfiction-tier plot, that doesn't mean they wanted a rehash of SF64 (which was itself a rehash of the original Star Fox). You don't see people whining about Assault.
>The entire fight is done using the chicken walker
That's factually incorrect.
You won't leave.
Funny how you know who likes the Completionist to the point of making a video about how he loved his top 10 Dragon's Quest list despite how he ranked Overwatch (you know who denies Overwatch's popularity) higher than SFZ in best game of 2016 and enjoys Playstation IPs like R&C, GoW, J&D, Sly Cooper, and Uncharted
>Someone said something retarded on youtube
Wow stop the presses.
i was pointing out the fact that there is a proper starfox 64 remake called starfox 64 3d
and there was no outrage about that
>They say it's one of the best metroid games
>post pic of people complimenting change in play style and music
Why must you lie to me?
>Nintendo fans only think they want nintendo games
>won't buy unfamiliar nu-tendo products
nothing is wrong with nintendo fans then.
>post pic of people complimenting change in play style and music
They're still complimenting it as a metroid game, instead of a filthy parasite trying to ruin the series.
Being forced to exit after landing a few hits just to mash somersault to not die doesnt really count. Neither does that very last portion where you shoot him right as you leave
Whatever Other M's merits, it is _not_ a Metroid game. It looks like one, but it isn't.
How is it bad? It broke console sales records while also delivering one of the most highly acclaimed games of this decade as a launch title. The game library isn't huge right now, but that criticism applies to every new console ever released and is only a valid complaint if the library is still stagnant after it's had time to build one. The underperforming hardware is the only negative aspect of the entire launch. Yes, finances are important because money is the sole indicator of success. Are you going to call the Wii U successful? It wasn't a bad console, but that doesn't change the fact it was a failure.
>if you ignore the parts you're not using tbe walker the fight is walker only
You don't say.
it's a metroid game that the fanbase refuses to accept as a metroid game.
I don't know a single metroid fan who could defend this game without seeming sarcastic
I used to be just like that kid.
It was a heady combination of tribalism and the desperation of the usual Nintendo droughts.
Eventually not having games to play wore me down, bought a playstation to play FF7 and never looked back.
This. Primefags are the reason metroid is dead.
It still sold like shit though.
The plot even in 64 wasnt that great either as straightforward as it was, Zero just made it worse than it. I'd like a remake of Adventures
>Implying those at the time didnt bitch because they expected a full blown copy paste of 64
Same reason Mario Sunshine got shat on because it wasnt exactly a Mario 64 2. I know it has less levels and some other dumb shit, but it's still a worthwhile game.
>fans don't know what they want
I never asked myself "I want to play as those nobody federation faggots and try to push aliens into containers and shit" I rather play DS Hunters over Fedforce
I can get Color Splash or Federation Force, but about Star Fox, didn't people just want a new game in the series? The fact it came out with some problems doesn't mean "Nintendo doesn't care about us"
Or did people actually expect a copypaste of the older games with nothing new to it? No dev team would do that
Maybe people expected the game to actually have at least as much content as SF64
Its pretty fucking sad that with even bigger disc space, and multiple delays, they couldn't even match that
do you really expect anything from nintendo fans?
>go to PS4 thread
>shit talk Knack or The Order
>no one disagrees or cares
>go to Nintendo thread
>Shit talk Color Splash, Metroid Flop Force and Star Fox
Nintendownies are the worst fanbase on Sup Forums.
Star Fox Zero was a monkey paw
People asked for a new Star Fox game that was traditional
Game's short, has poor visuals, and had a forced gamepad gimmick that took away multiplayer and was really the only "selling point" it had because Shiggy was tasked with finding a way to make the Gamepad prove to be not a simple gimmick
It's cute to continue seeing people pretend that Zero, Feds, and Color Splash are bad games. Not only are they good, they were some of the best games released last year.
nah, this only just buries the myth that nintendofans eat all the shit nintendo cranks out.
Ninten drones get shit on for buying the latest game in franchise, ninten drones get shit on for not buying latest game in "franchise". for consumers they get the short end.
>He's here
You know the drill
Ignore, hide, and report
Speaking for the shitposter himself, debate BlackB0nd you pussy
>They're still complimenting it as a metroid game, instead of a filthy parasite trying to ruin the series.
Moving goal posts. This isn't evidence of them calling other M "one of the best metroid games."
>E3 in a month
>Nintendo shitpost threads start being made more often
really makes you think
The Order isn't a video game.
I don't see the connection, Nintendo doesn't go to E3.
A star fox game with on foot combat is a bad star fox game.
K, point still stands
Yeah, and nobody in a Playstation thread cares when it gets shit on
64 had on foot combat
I can't think of a year they haven't shown up.
They haven't gone the last several years.
All of those series aren't even beloved Nintendo franchises except paper Mario.
Star Fox and Zelda became pretty much cult hits. Fire Emblem was the same way until climbing from the depths due to a change in formula. But the problem is, changing the formula for Starfox and Metroid pisses people off.
wasn't that unlocked by a cheat code or something?
Are you aware that the trade show on the show floor is the actual event "E3"? Companies just hold separate, independent keynotes at the same time to brief attendees on what they'll be demoing off. Nintendo doesn't do theirs live anymore, but they consistently have a very large booth at E3.
The fuck you talking about, they transformed a good chunk of the e3 show floor into a Zelda booth.
It was in the multiplayer dingus
Those straight 90+ scores should say otherwise.
Hmm, then why do they always take up something like a quarter of the E3 showfloor? I don't think they've ever missed a year.
Hint: The live conferences are not "E3"
i remember it being in multiplayer but it wasn't just an option you selected right away. either that or i'm mixing games up with 007
You're imagining things. It's impossible for Sup Forums to make shitposts threads more often than it already does regardless of the subject.
A Star Fox game with all range mode is a bad Star Fox game.
Kind of why i'd like to see a remake as if they get the right team, it would be pretty damn good. Even something as mindless as a musou game would be good, shit that was actually proposed by Koei, but thank Zero for fucking that up.
If I'm remembering right you pressed one of c-buttons while picking the mode and stuff.
underrated post