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boiling milk
>It is a Chris plays a video game with a bunch of unfunny faggots episode.
let's stalk ding dong some more
find out his real name
we do not forget we do not forgive
Would you torture a tiny clone of Hitler who had all of Hitler's memories?
ok mason
what if you die and you went throught the nostalgia critic intro
what intro were they talking about
im glad they dropped YL and picked up BK instead, its been their funniest episodes ever because the game is actually well designed and they can collect jiggies without needing to pay too much attention
the argument about clone shapiffany was fucking hilarious
funnay scream
bart i pour boiling oil on your skull
i buy eggs for bart
my boy
pull up
funny scream
I'd wompa her fruits
Ding Dong and Julian are the same person
I always thought from the sound of his voice he would be a weird looking faggot but he's actually normie tier
can't be any worse than Sup Forums trying to dox you because of TBG
>Fem version is Britney Spears
he's already admitted to being recognized in public based on his voice alone
I tried watching their LPs, specifically their BK one, because like Julian I am also a gay furfag but I found it hard to pay attention. All their voices sound the same and they just keep rambling and talking a mile a minute about random stuff.
How does it feel to have ADD so severe you can't handle a let's play?
I wouldnt know. I can watch every other LP just fine. The old TBF ones were my favorite before Matt got all pissy.
I think this has meme potential
The BK one is probably the most hectic because they have 4 people on. The Crash 2 playthrough is probably their best, but yeah they do talk a lot about random stuff.
Where's the proof that this is him? What's the source?
Banjo Kazooie.
Is this really him?
>this artist
His mouth looks like a pussy
He looks older than I thought he would.
haha epic!! upload it to memegenerator please
Matt is a faggot and I fucking hate him
Oney plays really bring me back to game grumps pre skinny jew
I just recently got into watching their stuff and it's pretty enjoyable most of the time. Although I can't stand when they do their autistic screeching bits. The Crash one of him screaming when he completes a level was good though. That one always made me laugh.
Matt usually sucks but in the latest Banjo vids he's been pretty alright.
I feel like Julian is becoming progressively more unfunny and annoying lately.
So is that Chris' natural voice or does he just affect an American accent all the time?
>This fat, glass-eyed, gay furfag has probably gotten laid more then you
>tfw always thought Oney was doing all the thumbnails
he's a cum connoisseur
he's not?
I have no idea what's with these Newgrounds fags that have American accents like him and Ross
he does some, but julian does others. wild woody and banjo kazooie is julians work
Why is Matt so obsessed with urethra?
Julian does the thumbnails.
Julian does like 90% of them. Most recent one Oney did was the RE4 one.
supermega fucking sucks
their only good shit are their irl stuff, the guys climb a mountain is honestly their best video
I was hoping they would actually play re4 more
I feel like they're just on the cusp of being watchable but they're lacking something. A third man maybe? Their blood on the sand playthrough with joolian and ding dong was great.
They said that they want to finish it I think. That + Kingdom Hearts and FF7.
Is this true there's a picture of Julian?
the 50 cent playthrough was great
>A third man maybe?
Yes. Publicly on his tumblr. He doesn't care since he more or less looks the same as he does on the thumbnails just brown with glasses.
I've seen like 3 different photos claiming it's ding dong and they've all been different
He needs to do more of these.
I'm not convinced anyone has got hold of ding dong's face yet since i'm pretty sure he'd admit defeat on twitter if someone managed to find them.
they had a third man but he hung himself
why is Chris so obsessed with pouring boiling milk/oil?
With guys so what does it matter, it doesn't count.
join this discord faggots Dbqhn
Wait what. Really? I only found out about super mega through oneyplays and thought it was always just matt and ryan.
They used to be Cyndago, and did comedy skits and a podcast. They were fairly popular but the third guy killed himself so Matt and Ryan discontinued and started Super Mega.
look up Kids with problems
looks like a cross of jeff daniels and owen wilson
Bet that piss pocket wearing furry faggot is to blame for this.
I just looked this up. Pretty sad shit. I remember Ding Dong talking about people messaging Matt and making fun of his friend's death, but I didn't know it was this public/well known. I feel bad for the guys.
I agree with this a lot. Their no censorship mindset is great. Calling each other retarded, autistic faggot spics and no one getting butthurt about it. It's great.
Not really. Ding Dong just takes any negativity or criticism EXTREMELY close to heart for whatever reason even though its like 1% of the comments.
He's kind of an emotional baby, i don't know what must have happened to make him so thin skinned. Still like the guy despite that though.
What is the point of even having chris on there at this point. Everyone has known what he looks like for ages.
You would think the guy who wrote for TBG would have some balls
What the fuck Ding Dang, you can do edgy ironic humor before it was cool but someone writes a mean comment on twitter and you whine about it?
I tought he was whiter
there was one video, with Supermega I think, where they said none of what they had just filmed was usable because it was full of rape and Trayvon Martin jokes
I like how these threads are always filled with posts showing their faces and names like you're into some real juicy secret
everyone already knows, and no one cares
what's with this corner of internet fandoms that attracts the uttermost fucking autismos