Can we all agree it's finally time to buy a Nintendo Switch?

Can we all agree it's finally time to buy a Nintendo Switch?

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i'd rather get a lobotomy

Arms, street fighter and splatoon all release soon. Why is that so bad

People are already making fun of the boxart which proves you can be art-illiterate idiot and still be considered intelligent in western vidya discourse.

what's wrong with the boxart? It looks great.

Yea i cant wait to pay over 300$ to play roms.

It's fine. He's making shit up

cammy is blocked by the text

That's literally all you can do on a PS4 is roms, ports, and multiplats. Rip the console all you want, the games are always the only thing that matters

I've already seen comments from people complaining about modern Bengus style. People really can't get it around their heads that artists don't stay the same for 20 years.

If nothing has caught your eye yet, then wait until E3. If nothing catches your eye there, then its a pass until next year i suppose.

No one cares about that. 40% of switch owners will download digitally and won't have a box to look at anyways.

>If nothing has caught your eye yet

Definitive Zelda
Definitive Mario Kart
Both Shovel Knights
The best Binding of Isaac
NBA Playgrounds
Puyo Tetris
Fast racing

And then street fighter arms and splatoon are right around the corner.

That's a lot of games

>lots of shit

Sometimes I wonder if these people even read the shit they type.
This is some delusional shit.

Where the fuck is Blaster Master Zero you double nigger

>paying ten dollars for a shitty neo geo Rom

Look, I'm all about Nintendo. I made this lovely thread. But fuck off

What makes you think i am defending the PS4?

And even if i was fact is Switch literally only has roms Mario kart and Zelda.

If a worse version of an over 2 decade old game sold at 40 bucks convinces anyone to buy a Switch they really need to have their head checked.

That explains why she has her own portrait on the back of the box.

>Definitive Zelda
Fuck off

BMZ is not one of the Hamster Neo Geo ports though.

It's a remake of the first game with many modern ideas made to convenience the player.

Why are you buying a 26 year old game again?

It has better resolution and frame rate on switch. You can also take it anywhere in the world and play it

Because I owned it on a hand held about twenty years. Haven't seen it since the 90s. Id like to play it again. They also didn't have online play for it in the 90s

yeah but it was a shit game by design when i played it on the wii u, portability will not change that.

This is gonna make MvC Origins and Darkstalkers Resurrection look like smashing successes.

I blame digital coloration, it ruined modern anime and makes everything look cheap.

I bought the Wii U version, but the Switch version is the definitive (official) version, it runs at a higher resolution and runs more smoothly.

Splatoon 2 comes out in 70 days

why couldn't they switch the ARMS and Splatoon release date, fug.

isnt this shit like $40?

why the fuck would anyone spend that much on a tweaked rehash? people hated HD but were thirsty for a recent capcom fighting game at the time. this is just trash.

milking nostalgia has its limits.

Because it will be the next competitive Street Fighter games since SFV was complete trash. All we need now is joysticks for the Switch.

something being built for competitive play isn't a feature when its dead on arrival

B-But... has a brand new first person "Way of the Hado Mode"!...
>It's like I REALLY AM Ryu...

A. It has a physical release.
B. Doing the HDR graphics in addition to two new characters.
C. Apparently has an enormous art gallery attached.

The sooner you recognize that this game is aimed firmly at people who's last Street Fighter was HDR, the easier it is to digest. It's absolutely a last-ditch attempt at capturing the SF2 SNES nostalgia audience.

>What makes you think i am defending the PS4?

Because it is currently the only other similar apparatus to play games on for us to draw comparisons. Xbox literally is dead.

>And even if i was fact is Switch literally only has roms Mario kart and Zelda.

And the other console had nothing for 4 years. So are you just complaining about the state of gaming in general, or are you just new?

>Toddlers actually believe this

>SF2T is already going to be online on switch
What the fuck is this capcom?

>overrated, garbage story, 90% of what you need to know is simply dumped at the very beginning instead of you being shown more as you move further
>all the "dungeons" and secrets look and feel exactly the same
>weapons that break in about twenty fucking strokes each
>stamina wheel
>tanky enemies with the most braindead attack patterns but can kill you in one or two hits if you're unprepared
>least amount of unique weapons and tools of any zelda game since the NES iirc, in exchange for the runes, which you get all of at the very beginning
>pointless bullshit i don't care about like food

it could have been a half-decent game on its own i guess, but as a zelda, it's at least the second-worst console zelda by far. basically, the fallout 3 of zelda.

definitely the most overrated game in recent memory.

They're probably doing this because they wasted so much money on HDR's art and are trying to recoup some of the costs.

But toddlers hate SF2.

Sure I'll just go to my local store and buy one. Oh that's right, can't buy one

EBay has plenty

Why would I overpay plus wait to get it shipped. Until I can buy one at a local store without any hassle I'll wait.

I want a fighting game with that art style
Looking all funky, reminds me of samurai shamploo

i have kawaks.

ill pass thx