What is the Yeezus of video games?

What is the Yeezus of video games?

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


The weakest in the series yet hailed by the general public as genius

None. Black people don't make games.

Fisher Price My First Experimental Hip-Hop Album

Probably Spec Ops: The Line; everybody thinks it's so fucking deep and well-acted but the gameplay is shit and it's like they've never read a fucking book before.

They dont make music these days wother. /Snap.

The general public hates Yeezus. Only critics and music snobs like it.

You're wrong foremost on the basis you can make a stronger case for the other way around.

>Fisher Price My First Experimental Hip-Hop Album
lol, like "experimental hip-hop" is worth eating elitist over. dälek and clouddead aren't the greatest things to ever grace music, kiddo. Seems to me like you're just being snobbish for no reason.

>Have standards
>Get called snobbing
Whatever faggot, Kanye's on his way out. Peaked with MBDTF and he's been going downhill ever since.

I read Heart of Darkness and watched Apocalypse Now before playing the game and still liked it.

>>Have standards
k, so you didn't read my post. Don't have to drag Kanye into this.

Hold my Liquor and Guilt Trip are GOAT

I don't think I've ever seen Yeezus get labeled as deep. Bold, maybe. But deep, no. Not like a music critic is going to praise "HURRY UP WITH MY DAMN CROISSANTS" as some transcendental thing.

Better cuestion: What is the vidya equivalent of pic related?

be humbo

platinum games

hip-hop is actually pretty deep, just look at the samples used sometimes, they know their way around music

Persona 5. Not as good as the last one but still great and memorable in it's own way

so basically it isn't obscure enough for you

yeezus woke

the music industry rn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vidya industry
seriously its like every game that comes out is shit and most songs that are released are great.
i just wish vidya was fun still

>Not as good as the last one
Persona 5 is better than the abomination that is 4.

>thinking this in the year of ni-oh, automata, botw, persona 5, yakuza 0 etc
Shit taste

Outdated production and outdated rapping style claiming to be great?

Any Nintendo rehash praised to oblivion, I guess


Not an argument.

>babyboomers caring about anyone beside themselves

Like explain, are you saying, for example, 36 Chambers is outdated?


Yeezus a shit

Not an argument at all.

>ITT: Niggers

>anything from Eastern developers is weeb trash
I love ubisoft. Bethesda, Activision and EA too but not all Japanese games are bad.

youve got me, ive heard nothing but good things about those but i dont have either of those consoles lmao. only a mid-tier pc

Nigger rap is not music.
You are underage.

DmC featuring Donte by Tameem

What's the matter weeb? Did I hit a nerve?

Fuck off retard.

Music is pretty mediocre and outdated according to Pitchfork. They give it a 7.4 overall.

I bet you only listen to video game music and/or Protomen.

I've never met anyone older than 24 who still listens to negro noise.

Do you even know what a weeb is, son? Protip: it's not playing japanese games

>Music review sites
>7.4 is mediocre
I don't understand a single bit

>Outdated production
>outdated rapping style

Show me an example of a hip-hop song which you consider to be not dated

>Not being nigger

Disgusting white beta male

Yeezus will go down in history as a defining album of the early 21st century. It's a time capsule in CD format. Casuals are slowly warming up to it.