Let's be real, they are the only ones who are gonna "win" this E3

Let's be real, they are the only ones who are gonna "win" this E3

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I don't think even quotes can justify the use of "win" here.

There is no win when there is no competition in the first place.

So same thing as every year.

Yeah, i was expecting Nintendo to spice up things a little but it seems it's gonna be a snorefest.

They brought one game last year and had more people at their area than anywhere else.
They know how to get attention
Sony doesn't

Yeah, when they show their only game, it's gonna attract attention but still, Sony easily won last year.

Irrelevant, shitty company that just got done releasing their games for the year and now have to sit back and be quiet as the only 2 good console manufacturers try to save the industry.

They haven't won a single E3 since the PS3. Even last year they got completely BTFO by a single fucking trailer. They announce more PC games at their events than even microsoft who ported all their exclusives to PC.

Yep just like always. They never lost.

I always laugh at this comments, seems like people can't handle SONYDOMINATION.

Sony has never once won E3 by virtue of their conferences being super long in the tooth and boring.

I always feel depressed at comments like those. Seems like fanboys can delude themself into believing anything, even when they're exploited.

>They announce more PC games at their events

What PC games?

>Days Gone
>God of War
>GT Sport

Those aren't on PC.

Those aren't on PS4 either.

Last year wasn't long or boring

They can fuck off. Every year they show the same shitty zombie and shooter westernshit and ignore the actually good Japanese games people buy their console for.


None of those games you've listed are out. Some of them were announced 2 fucking years ago.

What are they even going to show this year? They blew through all their THIS GAME AIN'T COMING FOR ANOTHER FOUR YEARS announcements last year, what is left?

Boy, you sure are willing to forget the last 11 years of Sony E3's.

They're announcing the vita 2 so of course they're going to win.

E3 is the equivalent of the Olympics, if the competitors don't even bother participating.


Those are coming to PS4

Don't make me post Nintendo E3 2015 or E3 2008

what is ANYONE going to show?

They are still not on PS4. Btw sony has announced way more PC games on their E3 presentations.

Nintendo devoted most of their 2015 E3 to fucking Star Fox and then when it actually came out and it was garbage.

Sucker punch new IP

You nintenbroters never cease to amaze.

>They are still not on PS4.

I never said they wasn't, i am just saying they are coming for it

>tw sony has announced way more PC games on their E3 presentations.

Multiplatforms are always shown at MS and Sony conferences, what's wrong with that?

Yes it was

I'm an Xbro but I guess it's all the same to you.

You people still exist?

>Zelda will never spray into your face

Nintendo is the only one capable of putting up a fight.

Can't lose when there's no competition

The Scorpio! It has backwards compatibility, because we have nothing new to offer.

A fight against what? Nothing? We know Scorpio is gonna be a better product than anything sony has put out in decades

Would the same have happened if that one game was Federation Force of Paper Mario Color Splash?


>We know Scorpio is gonna be a better product than anything sony has put out in decades

Shame it has no games.

What's the purpose of this thread?

Basically Sony will dominate this e3

Xbone has lots of games

That's not an answer to my question.

As a standalone product it will be a better product than anything sony has produced as a company since the 80's, maybe ever

this delusion lol

Where did he get that suit?

xbox is less relevant than the ouya

>As a standalone product
A standalone console is useless
It needs games you pillock. What purpose would the Scorpio have being a great piece of kit if it has zero games?

Multiplatform games are games

>hurr durr muh pc

No one wants a DRM rental service where you have to change settings constantly to get slightly better visuals

Nintendo and MS always fall over and shit their pants so hard that Sony keeps winning every E3 just by default.

> Press loves Switch right now
> Sold out everywhere and fans seems to love it

We can all see where this is going. Unless they find a way to absolutely fuck up a la Wii Music E3, everyone is going to claiming Nintendo won and that everything else was just muh bro shooters

I'm with you there, but dude, the PS4 is a dudebro machine. The highest selling games ARE those shooters and western games, all the others like Yakuza or Nioh are niche titles and their sales pale in comparison

Bloodborne is probably the best game in the library and it hasn't even sold 4 million copies on an install base of 60 (do correct me if I'm wrong)

>Feeling superior to anyone




Not really a high bar. All they have to do is show up.

You can only win something if there is a challenge. Microsoft and specially Nintendo are literal non-factors at this point. They literally aren't even trying. Nintendo will keep doing its irrelevant separate event nobody gives a fuck about showcasing the same old crap we see from them everytime with a bunch of games they are gonna be showcasing for years upon years before a release and Microsoft will be all about MUH SCORPIO, MUH GIGAHURTZ, MUH SPECS, MUH GWAPHIX and zero, zilch, nada, 0 exclusives whatsoever, so who cares? I bet the scorpio is gonna be priced at 500 dollars which will make it have an even more hilarious death. If they price it close to the Pro, Sony will just do a cut and again render it DOA.

They let Sony go completely unrivaled for the entire gen. It's too late to do anything now. Sup Forums, aka the board who desperately tried for years to prove Sony would go bankrupt by 2013 and that there wouldn't be a ps4 will of course deny it, but reality doesn't give a fuck about what this denial bubble of a board cares for.

I like the Xbox and I like Nintendo but yeah Sony is going to win. Microsoft not bringing Halo 6 to E3 and Nintendo not bringing Metroid Dread to E3 was a big mistake. I don't even know if I want to watch their Press Conference/Spotlight now since they really won't have any showstoppers worth looking at, disappointing. Maybe next year will be a better year for Microsoft and Nintendo, we can only hope.

Sony sucks

There's a reason Nintenbros, PC Mustards, and Xbones regularly beat you sonygroes into the ground for talking shit and not delivering.

I don't even like Nintendo that much but even though, i guess they can pull a decent e3 this time, not even memeing but Xeno 2 is one of my most awaited games even with the shitty designed characters.

>talking shit and not delivering.
you probably don't even realize the irony of your post

Nintendo blew their entire load already so even if we see anything from them, it's gonna be shit that's gonna come out years from now.

Nintendo won last year with a single game.

Now they got game after game coming for the switch while Sony is just 'trailer for game that's 3 years from being released and third party shit.'

Nintendo is going to win again.

Honestly Nintendo will only have Wii U ports, experiment games, and things we already know about, they are just as bad as Microsoft at this point who will just shill the Scorpio, give it a stupid name, price it at $499, and then just show off VR, third party games, and games we already know are coming. What a disaster this E3 will be.

>Nintendo has all their new Switch stuff
>MS has Scorpio
>Sony has nothing

whatever you say kid

Just like every year. Nothing surprising in this statement.

Sony will only win if the announcements are up to snuff and Nintendo's aren't. That's what it comes down to, the fucking games. Everything else is just fluff.

Not OP but they don't have Halo 6 or Metroid 5, what else do they have worth getting that isn't Mario Odyssey and Crackdown 3?

Yeah, but it's not like they're even competing with anyone, Scorpio is going to be a whole load of nothing, Nintendo is going to be its own thing with Wii U ports, some mobile phone games with Nintendo's brand on it to keep up the delusion it's not mobile shovelware on "consoles", Sony will have zero competition, and I'm pretty sure they'll still find a way to shoot themselves in the foot like almost every E3.

As always, we'll need to wait until the TGS to get anything significant, unless Sony goes full madman and they show up with a Vita 2, but there's like a 2% of possibility anything like that will happen.
So yeah, it's going to be a total snorefest on all sides, we won't even be able to laugh at microsoft because there's no way they'll make a bigger on stage suicide than the Xbone reveal.

MS is dead in the water and Nintendo does their own thing so winning is a little meaningless at this point. I hope the customer wins.

Fromsoft+Japan studio announcement gonna kill this E3

Sony wont do shit
Nintendo will win

Microsoft is the wild card

why do online spergs think that anybody gives a shit about metroid?
its one of Nintendos smaller franchises.

It may be one of their smaller franchise but I get Nintendo consoles for 2D Metroids and if one is not made, I don't buy a Nintendo console, it's the same for Microsoft and FPS Halo. If I don't get a FPS Halo staring Master Chief, I'm not buying a Xbox.

alright now why are you projecting your desires onto the masses when Metroid is pretty much a small fry thing?

like sure it would be cool if they made one, but its not what will make millions run to the stores to grab a switch.

no, nintendo is gonna win this year's E3.

True but a 2D Metroid sure as hell would get me to buy one, GameCube and GBA were my last Nintendo consoles.

They kinda win by default because Nintendo doesn't even have a conference anymore and MS doesn't have enough backing to get crazy good exclusive deals. Nonetheless Sony SUCKS DICK at pacing their shows. Feels like they are 2 hours along with maybe 10 minutes of interesting content.

My prediction
>20 minutes of sales bragging
>20 minutes of shitty multiplat trailers everyone already knows about
>"""""exclusive"""""" gameplay footage of the latest Destiny/COD/ShittyShooter
>2-5 min for the newest FromSoft game(s)
>Maybe 2 minutes for FF7R
>Another 20 minutes for VR and Praystation Famiry
>10 Minutes of heavily scripted TLOU2 gameplay

Nintendo isn't going to be at E3. Can't win when you aren't even present to compete.

And everyone knows Scorpio will be a swing and a miss, just like the Pro.


>Nintendo has won every E3 since they stopped doing a keynote
>b-b-but Sony will win this time guise!

People watch Sony confrences for the surprise factor. It's business as usual.

Nintendo might be good this year too but you watch MS confrences to develop pity for them. Sony's confrences will always entertain you with surprise reveals

They had : shemue 3, ff vii, tlg, horizon, spider man, death stranding, re vii, crash, bloodborne, god of war, the train will never stop.

They are at E3 with a pretty big presence.
They just dont go on stage.

>Nintendo has won every E3 since they stopped doing a keynote.

I literally stopped watching Nintendo's thing after Link found the shitty sword after exiting the cave during the presentation. It was just so boring (especially considering the fact that the game was actually pretty decent).

Sony had an excellent E3 last year. Watched the entire show, and was pretty happy with all the games I saw.

>>Nintendo has won every E3 since they stopped doing a keynote
They had a garbage conference in 2015. Most of it was taken up by Star Fox and that game ended up being shit.

2016 wasn't any better. Literally one game, and the presentation was god awful.

it's not even a comparison. Nintendo won't be there, and Xbone is beyond dead. Sony would have to have the worst showing ever to not win E3

how underwhelming

Very loose definition of win. All Sony ever do is act like multi-plats are exclusive, show a handful of 1st party games that are just like the multiplats. Or show a shocking """exclusive***""" 5+ years before it even launches.

Wasn't aware that Bloodborne was shown at E3 2010.

>They had a garbage conference in 2015.
>people still claimed it was better than Sony's LG-FF7R-Shenmue3 triple announcement
>pic related and Metroid Soccer made the Nintendo conference an "A-" on many E3 report cards

Nintendo "wins" every E3, no matter what they do. Reggie could fuck Iwatas half rotten corps on stage and people here would still claim they won because somehow it's relevant how many unemployed manchildren visited the Nintendo booth.

>FF7remake multiplat
>shenmue a fucking kickstarter that might never deliver
>last guardian a delayed PS3 game that ended up being meh
Shit conference for everybody.

Did i miss something?

Insider here, sonys conference is going to piss off Sup Forums incredibly.

Time to dust off your goldface pictures.

The games Nintendo showed are actually out, and have been for a while, everything but TLG is still years off. Sony will come back with those same games this year and probably next year as well.

Sorry, showing trailers and promising games literal years later does not "win" E3. Sony will "win" with those games when they're actually playable and they have more to show than trailers.

how do you win this?

Most Sony games that were announced are already out, sure, there are still most of their games like Days Gone, God of War yet to be released but i am sure they are coming up in a few months.

Also, what about Zelda? It took them like 6 years for it to be released.

>The games Nintendo showed are actually out,
Fuck off faggot, Zelda was shown first in 2014 and didn't come out until 2017
Smash Bros was shown in 2012 and didn't come out until 2014