Hey Sup Forums, I'm thinking about buying a switch now that all the major japanese devs seem to embrace it...

Hey Sup Forums, I'm thinking about buying a switch now that all the major japanese devs seem to embrace it. So far I'm planing on buying

>MK8 deluxe
>Mario Odyssey
>Disgaea 5
>Project Diva Future Tone
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>I am Setsuna
>Xenoblade Chronicles

Am I missing something?

how many of those games are available right now?

have fun sitting around with your thumb up your ass while you wait to play vidya

5 of them are out. That's more games than I own on my PS4 and I had that shit since launch.

>Am I missing something?

A life?

Who buys that many games with a system?
you have too much money m8

People that have a job tend to have more money, you know.

You can have a job and still waste it.
Spending that much. fucking state of your life

Your dignity

>Am I missing something?

maybe good taste

>That's more games than I own on my PS4
You probably think remasters and ports don't count on PS4 but do count for Switch for some reason.

Have you considered ARMS and Splatoon 2? Them and FE: Warriors are the only other games that I can think of that are coming out this year barring any announcements at E3.

I'm interested in Project Octopath Traveler. It probably won't come out for a while, though.

Can you go and promote your console wars somewhere else please? I'm not asking for your sonyfriend opinion.

Good luck finding one

kek you're the one who brought up the PS4 first.

Splatoon 2 and maybe ARMS. ARMS seems like it'd be fun for 3-4 hours then it gets boring.

Sense, mostly.
A few of those games aren't even remotely announced for it.
Also, don't buy I am Setsuna. Despite the fact that it's just not a very good game, it's also a bad port. Get it on PC or something.

The only two games you should even be looking at right now are BoTW and MK8 since they're the only two games worth a damn released for the console so far.

What are the rumors on virtual console or whatever other means of backward compatible?Never owned a nintendo console so being able to play older games would make up for lack of newer games.

Xenoblade Chronicles is also for the wiiU right? Have it been ported to switch? I have heard good things about it.

good fucking luck finding one

I've called every store in three counties (in southern NJ), not one had a single system in stock

He's talking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Not Xenoblade Chronicles X which is a Wii U game right now.

It hasn't been implemented so far and if it's anything like past VC, the games will be really overpriced because no one wants to pay 5 dollars for one NES rom.

And no. Xenoblade hasn't been ported in any fashion. There's a port for the 3DS but not the switch.

>Hate my PS4
>List games that have been on PS4 for the longest time

How does that make sense?

If you had a PS4 since launch why didn't you get Disgaea on that?
>inb4 b-b-buh doesn't count

>future tone

Because it's not portable?

It's faster load times on the Switch.

So it magically counts for Switch but not PS4
yeah you guys aren't biased at all

Unless it got ported for the PS Vita, I woulnd't have bought it. So yeah, I'm getting it for the Switch. I just can't sit down on my couch and play it for the 100+ hours that it is. I'm constantly traveling for my job (once every 2-3 weeks) so portable for me is much better. I'm not dissing the PS4, but PS remote play is only for when you have decent wifi, most times I can't connect to it with the shitty hotel wifi. And yeah, maybe I am a bit biased because I'm really enjoying my switch and it needs more games altogether.

Why do you care how I spend MY money on things? You can buy the gmae on PS4, I won't. Now fuck off retard.

Whatever faggot be biased all you want, its just ridiculous for you to claim that the PS4 has no games and then list a game that was on PS4 for several months before Switch as a fucking Switch game

Pathetic victim complex you got there. In your opinion what should I do? Buy the version of the game I don't want to play so you no longer feel like you're being victimized on an anonymous image board? You know what would be better? If you grew a pair, faggot.

>Disgaea 5

Why not just set your Switch on fire yourself and save yourself $60?

Why are you projecting so much? All I'm doing is pointing out your hypocrisy.

You won't be able to find one.

I spend every hour I'm not at work and not asleep trying to get a switch, its impossible. Online stores sell out within seconds, physical retail stores sell out within a couple hours. The only way your going to get one is by paying scalper prices.

Oh dear god not the hypocrisy of having personal preference of buying a game for a portable system, something which nobody would blink an eye at buying Hotline Miami on Vita or Shovel Knight on 3DS

Not the hypocrisy, anything but that

There is no hypocrisy. One of them is portable, the other one isn't. That might not be a selling point for you but it certainly is for me. Stop projecting your criterias onto me you fucking retard.

The hypocrisy is you claiming PS4 has no games and then counting multiplats as games for Switch.
>b-b-buh its portable
I don't care.

Pokemon stars

The stupidity is giving a shit how many games he owns for either system and thinking "I only have 5 PS4 games" means "the PS4 is fucking shit and has no games"

You're literally projecting console warring onto it because you're a faggot.

>The hypocrisy is you claiming PS4 has no games
Point me towards the post that said anything like that.

>You're literally projecting console warring onto it
Someone asked how many of the games in OP were actually out and OP lost his shit and started crying about PS4, which I'm sure he doesn't own. Don't tell me I started that shit.

I'm getting SMW for it no matter what the cost

>mandatory nintendo rehashes and a bunch of ps4 multiplats

Why does that console exist again?

Ps4 isn't portable you fucking aspie

>Project Diva Future Tone
What did OP mean by this?

Performance > portability

Pretty sure the guy asking about the games lost good shit with that unnessessarily hostile post

OP's just fucking retarded and needs to realize if the system has more games he wants than his PS4 why the fuck shouldn't he get one

Get a cheap gaming pc if that's you're worry faggot

portability >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performance

Good thing the switch has great performance then?

>Switch has better performance than any other mobile device on the market
>"It has no performance"

Is this game on PC?
see pic
Is it competing with PS4 or not? Make up your mind.

what fuck is that image?

wojakception maybe?

OP here. That's your opinion. It doesn't apply to me.

I don't know what your pic is trying to prove, dude. Take your console war fag shit and go pls

>new game 1
>rehash 1
>new game 2
>rehash 2
>rehash 3
>rehash 4
>rehash 5
>rehash 6
>rehash 7
>rehash 8

Radical, dude!


OP started it, you can blame him


It doesn't need to "compete" with the PS4. Most modern games can be easily optimized and scaled down, and won't need to be scaled down if they properly utilize FP16 and develop for the system from the start.

>I am such a raging autist I need to be playing videogames at any moment or I would go into bing bing wahoo withdrawal

How about doing things that are not video games when you're outside, autismo?

>Most modern games can be easily optimized and scaled down
So you admit the performance is worse

>thread asking about >>>>>NINTENDO SWITCHsonybros start calling him names

Glorious. What a great display of a cancerous fanbase.

Disgaea would be awful to have to play only on the TV. I have a PS4, played the demo and said "looks fun but I don't have time for a game like this on TV"

Is the PS4's performance worse than PC? Think on what you say before you say it, considering that that's a way more valid comparison than anything you've peddled so far.

>I don't have time for a game like this on TV
What the fuck does that even mean?

>viral marketer starts switch thread to make it seem like a sought after product which has games
>people are rightfully calling him a faggot and a retard

I see nothing wrong here.

nope, it comes at the benefit of increased portability, silly graphixfag

Is Dragon Quest 11 coming to PC?

The only viral marketing right now is the sonybros trying to force their system onto people.

are you talking about the Switch or the PS4?

>make it seem like a sought after product
lol. you're beyond help

>are you talking about the Switch or the PS4?
I'm talking about the games that OP listed, lmao.

How dumb are you that you can't infer that?

>it comes at the benefit of increased portability
Ah you're one of those "I'm so poor I have to take a 2-hour commute on the train" people?

If it's marketing why post in it

he was talking about both switch and PS4.

>taking a train means you're poor

American education, everyone.

It means I'm an adult with a family who doesn't have time to play a game like that tethered to a TV. A game where I might spend an entire session grinding some random thing.

>can't afford your own car like a big boy
Yep, poor


still somehow manages to be a better library than the entire PS4 and it just came out haha

>It means I'm an adult with a family who doesn't have time to play a game like that tethered to a TV.
Yeah because playing it handheld is somehow so much different and doesn't consume time from your family
lmao what a desperate attempt at reasoning

epic strawman lol

>Americucks have been brainwashed to believe that a car is an actual necessity all around the world

You always yell "KEK", but the truth is, the American population is the most cucked population on the planet.
You've got a nigger problem, AND you slurp corporate cock every single day.

>you slurp corporate cock every single day.
Youre posting in this in a thread slurping nintendo cock, but the irony of that is probably lost on you
You probably fell for the Wii U scam too

No one is being biased. Sony doesn't make good games. All the good IPs on PS4 are multiplats

>5 ps4 games
You don't care about japanese devs.

All their first-party IPs come from studios they've acquired or commissioned to. They have not fostered in-house content producers on any major scale like Nintendo has.

Now that's a bit much, but I will say that H5 and Horizon 3 are underrated and unmatched by anything on the PS4

How the fuck do I get a switch. The stores around here get a couple a week that don't last long at all. Seriously getting pissed off and about to say fuck it and not get one out of principle.

>Project Diva Future Tone

Did I miss something?
I'm getting my Switch when Taiko comes out, but if Future Tone is getting a Switch port, I might just as well replace my 3DS as far as rhythm games go.

No, you listed the whole library of games the console will ever have.

I'm not asking you to understand. You've obviously never been under the same circumstances. But also, you're wrong. Playing a handheld in the bathroom or while grilling something or on lunch break at work, etc, etc doesn't really take away from family time. Sometimes the kid is asleep and my wife is watching who knows what on TV and I can sit with her while playing a handheld. Especially something with mindless grinding like Disgaea

>all the sony tears in this thread over one mention of PS4 games
jesus fucking christ relax spergs

>Youre posting in this in a thread slurping nintendo cock
yeah, i'm the one pointing out all the shit games and rehashes, retard

5 bucks is a lot for an NES game? Are you poor?

I'll add though I've never brought the switch out of my house though. It's a bit more cumbersome than a typical handheld

Luck. I was lucky enough to be able to take 2hrs for lunch to get one after being fortunate enough to see a post online about them being in stock in my area. Keep your eyes open...

>Still pushing the artificial scarcity meme
They made 750,000 more in March than they originally had planned to and fucking flew them in on a plane.

>Project Diva Future Tone on switch

Wat. I've heard nothing about this. Don't get my hopes up, user.

He said he doesn't own the games on PS4, not that they didn't exist.

I decided the same thing 7 days ago, and yet a week later I still don't have one.

What do you mean?

What the fuck is this autistic shit? I literally can't get a hold of one at the 2 walmarts, best buy, target or 2 gamestops in my town.

>Playing a handheld in the bathroom
If your shits take that long you are unhealthy
>or while grilling something
hmmm yeah I think I you're supposed to be grilling in that time
>or on lunch break at work,
So you're one of those gross fucks who gets food and shit all over his handhelds, yeah I figured as much
>etc, etc doesn't really take away from family time
Whatever grandpa. You can keep trying to justify this shit to yourself if you want, I don't care.
Its pretty funny how your kid apparently just takes up so much time but you have time to fucking post on Sup Forums.