Witcher 3 is a good game
Witcher 3 is a good game
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It's not as good as DA: Origins, ME1 or ME2
it suffered from the openworld syndrome but I agree
It's better than ME2 for sure
more like a good cinematic experience
the combat is terribad and that is a word I don't often use.
witcher 3 was certainly a good game for the first 15 hours but the there's just a redundant amount of content that I feel instead of making the game deeper makes it more shallow.
In short - it should have been shorter more focussed ala witcher 2.
or should never use because it isnt one
i can't understand why i keep going on and off with it. Granted that work and life take time, i installed it 6 months ago and still haven't finished it.
there are weeks during which i can't stop playing to keep up with the story and then i drop the game for months just to start over later on from where i left.
I liked the open world in W3. It was actually immersive.
Perhaps the same could be said of Witcher III and good game.
Yes it's great, don't let these Sup Forumsirgins tell you otherwise
so i finished TW3 some time ago, and i'm thinking of picking up the DLC.
should i skip HoS and head straight to BaW?
Blood and Wine is amazing but the main quest doesn't hold a candle to that of Hearts of Stone
Play both but leave BaW last to finish strong.
Best of the franchise, one of the best rpg's of all time. Dlc felt like massive expansions of old. IRL recommended this game to basically everyone I know that plays games.
>Fight me
>Anything made by bioware since 1998
>Shattered Steel
Started Mass Effect 1 and got to the trial. Didn't rope me in, and I hear the game starts treating Renegade almost like an evil alignment. Started Witcher 3 and at Skellige without any burnout. That's rare for me since I drop most games fairly quickly. Just now realized that there's worldbuilding text for every single marker in the game; the amount of work put into this game is pretty amazing and apparently Hearts of Stone, a DLC, has some 30 hours of content.
HoS no way it has more than 20 hours.
Blood and Wine does, though.
Lmao DA: Origins wishes it was The Witcher but it feels like it was written by a 10 year old. CDPR does everything Bioware does but not as juvenile or contrived and with actual effort and thought put into it.
>Shitter 3 is a good ga-
This isnt the 90s any more grandpa
>Witcher 3 is a good interactive storybook
It's okay. I had fun playing it initially but then it became a chore. The story was also hugely overrated. I didn't really care for any of the characters, who all pretty much acted like holier-than-thou asshats who fucked over everyone they met and never got their turn to be screwed over. Also, the highly touted decisions you had to make were pretty compacted to each chapter and didn't really carry over. The gameplay was too barebones and never really forced the players to do much. Even the "hunt" system touted during E3 became just a "follow map highlights and then use quest recommended oils/bombs to win." Too much of it felt like just going through the motions, and semi-level scaling meant you didn't even have to do most of the optional stuff. If we're judging by what you CAN do, it's probably an 8.5/10, but if we're juudging by what you HAVE to do, it's a solid 6/10.
>my idea of a good video game is something that makes me read as much garbage as possible and then pixel hunt
you might be better of just sticking to reading books
Yes, it is.
Yeah but it won all those awards got lot lots of acclaim so now according to Sup Forums its the worst game ever made
gameplay is better, so its a better game
>not juvenile
Any game that references pop culture doesn't have the right to be called "not juvenile."
if you said it was a masterpiece i would have jumped down your throat though
something cancerous witcherfags dont understand
>DA:O plays better than TW3
holy shit you can't be this retarded
it is a masterpiece though
Witcher 3 better cutscenes but worse combat.
The fact that blood and wine was just 20 bucks still baffles me, ubisoft would have called it the witcher 4 and asked full price.
The ost for the expansion was god tier
Witcher 3 is a masterpiece.
They can be that retarded. Its a fucking leaf.
>tfw playing witcher 3 without playing previous witchers
Witcher 3 is a masterpiece and the only two complaints about it I've seen are problems that were far worse in the other games.
>T-the combat is bad!
Witcher 2 and 1 both had worse combat (1 especially) yet people on Sup Forums praised TW2's combat to no end.
>M-muh batman senses!
lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
people only hate this game because it's popular and widely considered good and Sup Forumsirgins like being contrarian pessimistic bastartds
>lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
>>lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
>lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
Any richfag nice enough to gift me the game? I wanted to play it since release but couldnt quite afford any games in the past years..
Sent, check your email ;)
Ye, right..
>>>lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
>>lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
>lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
lol nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with your hot opinions
Another witcher 1/2/3 fan checking in here
So do I, but let us be fucking real here, the fucking ?'s are so redundant as shit and is your basic ubisoft tier checklist shit. remove that shit so I can at least look at a less cluttered world map
By far and away the most immersive game I've played.
>You will never live happily ever after with Triss
Combat was great. It was like Dark Souls but not a second job.
It has the best characters, quest design and story of any game.