>Hey everyone, user's finally out of his cave!
Hey everyone, user's finally out of his cave!
Other urls found in this thread:
>white people
>spic children
yeah sure americunts are """white""""
Who the fuck are you people
where's my family
Stop being racist
This would just make me go back to my room. Fuck this kind of passive-aggressiveness.
What are we eating?
how typical that a nigger would rob someone
It's self defense
>tfw my family is completely dysfunctional and I never even see them
I have no idea what this is like
I envy you.
They are all Latino you fucking dumbass
Not the same guy, but fella, how many pictures of black women holding firearms do you have
Can I play with my little cousin cunny?
I gotchyer "cave" right here, heh heh heh heh.
>le stock photo with poorly roleplayed awkward situation
>user, stop shitposting and come lick the spoon!
>those tits
is it Ootsuka reika?
Living the dream
Ootsuka Reika retired. She is legit now.
Probably Henreader, also off topic.
>user-kun *bork* *bork* you don't mind me drinking your pepsi do you? >:3
>Ootsuka Reika retired. She is legit now.
Why are there pine cones and green nuts on that table?
>those kids
What kind of mongrels are those? Get out of my house you filthy race mixers.
How does Sup Forums deal with normies?
through suicide
i avoid people when i can
I only have minimal contact with them at work
>go back to it 5 minutes later because I'm bored and everyone is annoying
It's Yukiu Con you fucking plebs.
>Not able to recognize Henreader and Reika's works
Fuck outta here.
*calls ICE*
plus the trusty:
>"le who are you people?!?!? XD XD XD"
You become one
>"user it says here that you don't play Undertale *blink blink* Care to explain? :I"
not bad
>Force smile
>Grab some food
>Return to my room