Are the Playstation 2's Castlevanias good?
Are the Playstation 2's Castlevanias good?
They're so good that God of War ripped off the formula
I liked the one you pictured, but thought the other was trash.
Something about Lament of Innocence reminds me of Dark Souls as well.
There's several hidden bosses and items that you could completely miss on your first playthrough.
>The three bosses for the elemental whips
>The 7 alchemy stones
>Magic spells
>The forgotten one
They are just "okay."
They aren't the worst thing you've ever played, but they aren't the best thing you've ever played.
The best 3D castlevania titles for sure. Altough that's not saying much if they have to compete against abominations like legacy of darkness.
Lament of Innocence is. Curse of Darkness is one of the worst games in the franchise.
They're nothing like God of War.
They are underrated, but they aren't perfect.
It was a weird point in the CV series when these two games came around so some of it is unpolished a little bit.
How ? I haven't played them so...
You could do much worse. They're only just alright. Maybe worth one playthough.
Rygar was the game GoW ripped off.
They're terrible.
They're your standard 3d action-adventure game with exploration and combo-based combat.
People usually call it a devil-may-cry or god of war clone, and some autist will be quick to point out that castlevania actually came first
>get to long corridor full of nothing
>find a door
>enter room full of monsters
>doors lock up until you defeat all of them
>rinse and repeat throughout the whole game
That said, they're still good. But the music is the real star here, on both games.
Curse of Darkness was superb. Great soundtrack, great boss fights, tons of secrets, great varied combat. Unfortunately, the level design was a bit shit. But overall, one of the best. And it had the innocent devil system. Which sort of like having a Pokemon to help you fight enemies and solve puzzles. They even have evolutions.
>great varied combat
It's Dynasty Warriors tier bro, and the only good bosses are Trevor and that other faggot human.
Objectively a shitty Castlevania since you have to grind to cover 100% of the map.
I played lament of innocence as a kid and the succubus in that game made me feel weird.
The game was pretty okay, you probably wont find many like it and i recall liking a few stages. Probably wasnt a good game since i remember bits and pieces of it.
They were some of many in a series of 2D franchises receiving poor 3D adaptations.
So guys,what are the best castlevanias in the franchise ?
Both of them are alright. Not amazing games by any means but good enough to play.
1, 3, 4, Dracula X, Symphony of the Night. After that you can stop playing the series.
neither one has aged very well
but I like them and remember them fondly
Lament of Innocence is a discount Devil May Cry. Walk around a variety of areas, find items/powers and smack enemies with a barebones combat system. Explains the origins of the Belmont clan's battle with Dracula and how they got their hands on the Vampire Killer, if you're interested in that bit of lore. To be honest I never finished it, but it was vaguely alright from what I played.
Curse of Darkness is a Metroidvania in 3D. There was potential for a really good game but the execution wasn't that great. It has a fantastic soundtrack, a competent combat system, a ton of areas to explore and the ID system has potential. Unfortunately, the camera is absolutely atrocious due to the sudden jumps when you have lock-on enabled and due to the weird FOV. The combat system also goes to waste because, although there's several types of weapons and various mechanics like perfect parrying, the first 90% of the game is piss easy thanks to the fairy ID's healing and the brain dead enemies that deal little damage, and only somewhat rises in difficulty at the last few hours but at that point you're better off just spamming your IDs' best attacks.
The levels are also pretty straightforward, with a lot of simple corridors, square rooms and barely any verticality (though considering how shit the camera is, maybe that's for the best). There's also a stealing ability that can give you some rare materials for certain weapons, but it's very awkward to use and some specific items can only be obtained through stealing (such as one of the materials for the strongest 1-handed sword in the game). Still, I think it's worth a shot. If you have played Nights of Azure, well, that game has a lot of similarities with Curse of Darkness.
>that one monster that had to be perfect guarded after he made an attack that only performs 1/10 attacks and you had to have his back against a wall because the time for stealing was literally less than a second and if that attack hit you then you would lose a lot of health
just why
The one in your pic is definitely pretty good, the one I consider to be the last good 3D Castlevania.
It ha a fantastic OST and amazing atmosphere. It kept me hooked back in the day.
This cunt? I gave up after two or three attempts and lived happily ever after with the dark elemental sword.
There was also a type of enemy (the wizards, I think) where stealing an item from them involved using the kick (which I would have never known it even existed if I hadn't looked it up on the internet) and then mashing the steal button and praying it worked.
1, 3, sotn, all portable titles
>mfw trying to steal from Death
jesus fuck i just want his scythe
>Need a very specific innocent devil and there's only like a second to actually be able to steal it
>AND you need another weapon for it
Anyone remember this one ? it was any good ?
>all portable titles
They're just inferior rehashes of SOTN.
Legacy of Darkness is better in literally every aspect. The areas and level design in the PS2 games are complete trash.
almost all of them do something different and cool with every iteration. If you don't like that type of game that's fine, but don't think that people who like it think they're all alike