Now that the smoke has cleared, how does the main cast compare to other Persona games in your mind?

Now that the smoke has cleared, how does the main cast compare to other Persona games in your mind?

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poopoo weebbait

peepoo weebtoilet

Much better than 4's. Marginally better than 3's. I liked them about the same as 2's.

p1 was overrated shit

Persona 5 cast lacks the personality P4's had. I thought they were at least gonna try to be edgier since it's a game about rebellion, but no. Same anime tropes but this time, even more boring.

P4 cast was naturally likable, whether or not you think that game is good, it's irrelevant. P5 characters are dull as fuck and forgettable.

Almost as good as 3 and a 100 times better than 4's awful cast.

Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko were all extremely dull characters. Naoto was vaguely interesting, Teddie was annoying. Only Kanji really felt 'naturally' likeable and even this his gimmick is I'M MAD AND NOT GAY!!

They nailed the "later characters", Haru, Futaba and Akechi are all great. But the main characters are still not as good as the ones from 3.
Yusuke is the only one that compare to the great ones from 3

>Haru and Akechi
Felt kind of rushed to me as much as I agree with you on Yusuke and Futaba. Akechi was a painfully obvious traitor and dies off the very next time to meet him after the reveal while suddenly dropping huge bombs like Shido being his dad. Haru had Morgana hogging her introduction and the whole Okamura ordeal was rushed along due to that part in the story being relevant to that fact.

>p4 cast is more likable

Just cause they act stupid more than P5's cast doesn't mean they are likable.


P5 and P3 have better casts.

Sorry, I meant "nailed" when compared to other games. Haru, Futaba and Akechi are much better characters compared to Shinjiro, Ken or Fuuka

Oh, then I'm on the same page.Though I'd put Yusuke above 3s cast as well solely for being the most likeable character while having an acceptably sad back story.

People went full delusional and now P4's cast was the best out of nowhere.

Haru is worse than Fuuka

It's hard for me to say. For one thing, I think they had terrible synergy. It's like in Tales of the Abyss where the cast just has a similar goal, but doesn't really like each other or get along. Reading between the lines for most of the scenes gave me the impression that for the most part all they care about is the protagonist. Their love and obsession for him (they might as well worship him I fucking hate the writing in these games) is the only thing that bands them together. They can't even agree on what a Phantom Thief should be. Some want to be celebrities others want to be a kind of hidden police force.

I also hate Ryuji and Morgana. I didn't mind either at first, but the more the game went on the more obnoxious I found them to be. Ryuji is loud and stupid and the game makes a point to keep shoving this down your throat. Him bursting out how the team are the Phantom Thieves constantly in public is absurd and it gets old way too quickly. Almost EVERY SCENE with him has at least one party member take a stab at him based on his intelligence or noise, and rightfully so.

Morgana is basically the other side to that coin. He constantly needs the last word for everything even if he doesn't say anything meaningful. Him and Ryuji arguing with each other every scene is genuine filler that contributes nothing to the game. I almost hate him from a design perspective. He doesn't fit at all. It was nice that Teddie turned out to be humanoid, plus his appearance was in the TV world. I hate how the game continues to use Morgana's stupid Phantom Thief look even in the real world, especially when you actually see his cat form pictures in the end game and they look much better. Design wise, his head is just way too fucking big and his expressions are too cartoony. It is jarring and out of place. I don't see why he couldn't just be a Puss in Boots looking character in battle.

Everyone else was great though, especially Yusuke who I had expected to be very bland.

No one as annoying as Yosuke so it's a huge improvement.

Ran out of space, but I did want to mention that the female characters this time are so cookie cutter it hurts. They come across as factory made waifu bait characters. They are likable, but are designed to be likable. They all are virtually flawless where it matters and are painfully loyal. For Haru she has potential and it feels more like she just wasn't around enough to open up. For Makoto especially though you can tell she is designed from head to toe to just be a waifu character. She is one of the most Mary Sue characters I've ever seen.

That doesn't mean I didn't like them. They were engineered for me to like them and I find that a little unsettling, not to mention it makes them a lot more boring. That being said I think people shit on Ann too hard. I like that she, like Yukiko, are just down to earth simple characters that don't have overly defining quirks to them. I feel like I've known many people in my life just like them so I have no issue with either of them at all.

Social links are the worst in P5 for sure. Almost all the confidants are pointless and uninteresting. The first level up will tell you 99% of what you need to know about that character, and the rest is just filler until you change the heart of whoever is oppressing them. There's no actual development and it all comes across as last minute inclusions into the game. It's a shame too because I like a lot of them, especially Kawakami and the politician (I can never remember his name)

Literally stopped reading at the Tales mention.
If you think those game's stories are remotely on the same level your opinion is invalid.

I wonder how Akechi will be handled in Persona Q 2.

>there are people in this thread that legitimately dislike ryuji and morgana

Terrible cast to be honest. Yusuke, Makoto, and Futaba are 3 characters who show up and immediately threaten to call law enforcement unless you do what they ask. Akechi does the same essentially but he hardly counts as a member. They suck as a group and plot demands they be friends so the asshole behavior is ignored immediately, especially Makoto's. Inb4 waifu defense force. Being related to Sojiro would give Futaba a pass but she is easily the worst character/plot device in persona 5 for the story being so poorly conceived you had to lazily write in a 13 year old hacker using tech magic to facilitate the heroes winning.

>They are likable, but are designed to be likable.

I like when Anne just blatantly mentions she never had a boyfriend to Sojiro because that's just the type of shit you say and isn't some sort of 4th wall destroying waifu pandering.

didn't like the main cast as much as 3/4, but I liked the non-party social links WAY more in p5 than the other games

sucks to be them. I liked everybody in P5. If you hate anybody in the main cast you're gonna have a bad time in the inevitable spin offs and whatnot.

The cast in P5 comes from a similar background (being the outcast in society's eyes) but particularly different from other Persona games, even the MC has more about himself in the beginning of the game. But the shared background is the bond connecting all of them together as the PT. It may be hard for some players to understand the cast's situation because of culture differences.
I can relate to most of the cast. They are well-grounded, good-willed teenagers growing up and getting shunned by society and going through lots of shit yet they don't follow bad influences. Each one has a life yet still dedicates himself/herself to the PT since that's their 2nd home. Like family and friends turning from strangers. I like that. It's a positive picture in a bleak setting.
The banters are the wonderful part of characters' interactions. I don't need excessive cliched "SoL" events to humor me (I read manga for those things) but relatable, down-to-earth small talks in between plot texts. They are teenagers in modern society, obviously texting by phone is the norm.
And Yusuke's one of the most "amusing" characters in Megaten.

Yusuke is unironically the best character.

The way he acts is 100% consistent and perfectly realized for how eccentric he is as a character.

It was better as the idiot gang. Ryuji as the dumb muscle, Ann as the bimbo, and Yusuke as autist, with the cat being the smart one. After you started adding more characters, less fun situations happened and there just wasn't as much humor. The hanging out kind of just languished.

But I never said their stories are even remotely similar. I just compared the way both parties respect (or lack of respect) each character within the party. The dialogue in both games is composed almost entirely of infighting and bickering, with resolutions only coming across after long bouts of arguing. And the difference with Abyss is that it was actually well written and the characters actually have a reason to be hostile toward each other.

Yeah them making sure Ann was a pure maiden was forced, but it is typical Japanese shit. Besides little things like that she comes across as a realistic depiction of an attractive female teenager.

The smoke hasn't even cleared for P4 yet, what the fuck makes you think it has for P5?

If the entire game was just MC, Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana it would have been God Tier. Things fell apart with Makoto, and then the shittiest character ever made by Atlus, Haru, puts the nail in the coffin.

Accurate depiction of the party.

Haru is so inoffensive how can you even say that? The game takes a nosedive with her introduction, but it is at no fault to her. It is completely the fault of the writers and the people who designed that Palace.

You clear the smoke at the end of P4 actually.

Only one that stuck out was Futa and Yusuke.
A good chunk of the cast seems like retread of prior characters.

Futaba's a retread of a character in like 75% of JRPGs

They're all pretty tolerable except for Futaba. if I could take a dumb meming autist out of the game , it would be her.

Kek literally tell me how Persona and Tales don't have the same level of garbage stories and casts.

Kek Personacucks actually think they're in the well written tier of JRPG'S like Akechi isn't the most terribly written antagonist of the year.

Not as good as 4's, better than 3's, about on par with 2's, much better than 1's.

Much better than 4's. On par with 3's.

They needed more bantz in the the main story though. Not 'Crossdressing Beauty Pageant lmao!' but fill some of those group texts with some of the Mementos banter where people can actually see it.

>On par with 3's.


Not with that velvet room talk.

>Look at me, speaking in memes and hating the thing I like, aren't I cool.
lmao @ ur life

>implying 3's cast was good
It was carried hard by a handful of memorable characters, but otherwise full of completely uninteresting ones. P4 and 5 did a much better job of making every character interesting.

>retards pretending persona isn't generic shounen shit like taleshit

>Not with that velvet room talk.
Why the fuck was *that* part of all parts not fucking fully voiced?

4 and 5's cast were braindead retards that's entire life and decisions are based on the blank state MC

3 was the only Nu-Persona to have menbers develop in the main story while the others later stayed static and even worse in 5 where they get new characters who do nothing notworthy in the story

Having only played 4 and 5, they felt much more like actual people in 5. 4's characters feel much more tropey in retrospect and depend a little too much on the MC for emotional support.

They do need more group events, though.

P5's cast has shit to do, they don't have to "wait until the killer makes his next move" or whatever.
So there's no time for fun and games, at least until the rerelease shoehorns them in.

Still they could have expanded on the group events we had instead of cutting corners.

>Don't rain out the fire work festival
>Actually have Operation Babehunt with text and playable
>Give us a couple scenes at Destinyland of the group hanging out. We only see the aftermath of that.
>Something fun at the school festival instead of just talking about work.

Digital Devil Saga best persona cast

The game actually did a great job sticking to its theme throughout (much more so than 4) which I really appreciated.

Still, there's never a bad time for bants.

Still waiting for a complete compilation of all Mementos banter. Some of those were fantastic.

>good job to sticking to its theme
>the "Phantom Thieves" stopped trying to steal treasure after the 2nd palace

I'd be happier if the group hung out for something that wasn't PT related. They mentioned they stood out at school for being an odd group but they're never together at school.

I liked 4's more as a group because they had better chemistry and 3 was great because it wasn't friendship is magic but more like coworkers. 5 has the best characters individually though.

They lack personality as a group. Individually they start strong and then they go nowhere.

The most infuriating part is that their banter in Mementos is quite good but almost never explored elsewhere.

Still I like them more than 3 and just a little below 4. Yusuke is by far the best character of the main cast.

Take a shot every time Yusuke says "ascertain"

3 > 5 > 2 > 4

>a heart fits perfectly around me and my wife
really makes you think.

>A bit fo Makoto and half of Futaba slide into the heart
What did this faggot mean by this?

what are you guys referring to?

i love them too (futaba as a sister)

I think when you unlock all the cast's cell doors in the velvet room after Yaldy makes them disappear. Joker and each cast member have a heart to heart.

No. I don't wanna die yet

lmao what the fuck kind of group of friends has 4 women

persona is unrealistic

When the team was in the velvet room and the MC had to "convince" the party to fight. Shit was terrible

>this jrpg trash is better than that jrpg trash!
nope they're both garbage but fun

oh shit yeah, that was fucking weird

4 and 5 don't have anyone that tops Junpei, Akihiko and Mitsuru for me. I liked 5's party more than 4's overall, but I think Ryuji and Haru felt bland to me because I kept comparing them to Junpei and Mitsuru. Although Haru is more like opposite Mitsuru than the same archetype.

Ryuji felt like more of a friend than Junpei and Yosuke ever was. He may have been dumber than both, but at least he wasn't a shithead like Yosuke.

>calling a cartoon your wife

>They lack personality as a group
What are you smoking, the Phantom Thieves have much more personality than SEES and the "Investigation Team"
We actually see through the gale how the Phantom Thieves began, grew big, then their eventual fall and revival, and their end.
If anything the Phantom Thieves are the real main character of this game, the one we see the most and in most detail

Ryuji is a terrible friend.

Loudmouth dumb fuck that won't shut up. Junpei was cooler by the end

Junpei did nothing besides bitch about Chidori for the later half of the game. Did he and Door-kun even hang out? I don't remember anybody even talking to him.


Kek by the time you have all the members its end game

There was no team development as a whole.

Are there alternate endings for when you run out of time to complete a dungeon?

P5 was much better about making your "right hand man" character not be annoying comic relief like Junpei and Yosuke. He was generally much more likable than those two, which already for me made the P5 cast seem much better.

Yeah he never bitches to you constantly that's why he's cooler. They hang out anyways don't know why you think he avoided him every day

Best mask

>Ryuji more likable than Junpei

I haven't played 1 and 2, but I much prefer them to 3 and 4's cast. The only character I ever cared about in 3 was Junpei, the rest of them I just didn't feel strongly one way or the other, and the P4 cast was really hit or miss. Meanwhile, I liked all of the P5 cast, even if I liked some more than others. I do thin they could have used one or two more group bonding events in the story, but I disagree with the idea that they had no group dynamic. Even if they were mostly business, when they were just having fun they bounced off each other just fine and the same goes for in Mementos and in the group chat. They show that they can have that dynamic, but the only time where they really bounce off each other as a group is in the texts, which just feels a little impersonal, and a couple of group events would have alleviated that. I could also believe that the group were actually friends with each other rather than just being friends with Joker, which wasn't a problem in P3, but it was in P4, where only Chie and Yukiko felt like they had a good relationship.

Police confront you based on whatever issue came up related to palace.
Cut back to interrogation room, Sae thinks you're talking nonsense because of drugs, and then Goro just caps you in the head.

Hashino said that he was aware how the group texting removed the sense of bonding of the party, but he still decided to go with it because that's how Japanese youngs interact nowadays.
Also the game is long enough without these filler events, it's not like the cast is completly unfriendly towards each other like P3

I am glad that the texting in is there, because it is true to life, allows for more character interaction and in a place like Tokyo, the characters can't exactly just walk across the street to see each other. And I wouldn't want an abundance of those filler events, but I think one or two would have been nice.

Thank you for green-texting a fact stated in my post

4 barely even had a central theme, which was one of the biggest step downs going from 3 to 4. I was glad to see 5 was a return to form in that regard.

b-but muh truth

I legit don't know how anyone can like the cast, maybe one or 2 like Yusuke but the rest are extremely forgettable

That sucks for you

It did though.
3: Life is worth living, even through all the bullshit we have to put up with
4: It's better to know the truth, even if it's something we'd rather not know
5: Fuck the rules, do what's right

>before makoto
Pretty good start
>after makoto
Worse than P4.



The cast is the best but I wish it they as much interaction as the cast in 4. I feel like the ones that are there are cut short.

This was so stupid but it made me laugh so hard.

I love Yusuke.

>In P4, the only member the group doesn't spend a considerable amount of time with is Naoto, and even then you get the school festival with her, as well as the ski trip in Golden
>The only thing that's really like that in P5 are the new member celebrations, all of which are fairly brief, the beach, the trip to Hawaii, in which the cast just complains the entire time that they're doing the same stuff they do back in Shibuya, and Futaba and Morgana aren't even there, and the school festival, which serves little purpose other than to give the cast a reason to team up with Akechi

I know it had a theme, but it was poorly handled, especially relative to P3 and 5. In those games, the them comes through in almost every aspect of the game,even the way they summon Personas in 3 and 5 relates to the games themes, but the theme of Truth is much less prevalent in 4. There's even an interview where they discuss the making of P4 and mention how P3 was built around the them and not doing that with P4 made it much more difficult to make, which is probably why they went back to building the game around the theme again in 5.

Another unbalanced cast where 2 out of 8 do shit outside their arcs

They're good. P1's cast is still my favorite, but P5's is great. Here's hoping they don't spend ten years milking this game and causing me to sour on it like they did with P4.

Damn I forgot how much there was in comparison to 5. It's such a shame.
>delayed 3+ years
