Giftan thread

Sup Sup Forums

Welcome to one of the various parts of my birthday giftan extravaganza. Gonna be giving away games here, in the giftan discord and in the steam group.

Get yourselves cozy and enjoy some free video games.

System Shock 2

? = Human Revolution is the _rd entry in the Deus Ex series

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2

??? = Traps are ___.

Final Quest: 9Y6IE-QZ3DR-6NKKG
Germ Wars: J5TAA-FWKJ7-35CYG
Hyper Color Ball: PNXZJ-F5WFA-P2MIM Kivi

Toilet and Shotgun: ANDQD-7RGAM-T6KYX

Sleengster: IYQED-6BQXM-ZQB3E

Absconding Zatwor + Break Into Zatwor +

Fiends of Imprisonment: 7KJI3-ELBIQ-3RWVY

Torch Cave 2: 76CPR-E2MZI-BFTT4


Thanks, kind sir. Somehow got lucky.

>bannana is still banned

happy birthday bwett-sama

y'all mind if I

bannana did nothing wrong!

>spergs out about losing mod
>not a good enough reason to ban forever

bannana did everything wrong


nigga he spelled banana wrong


Fuck you Fuji, Fuck you Chen, Fuck you everyone in the discord.


Train Simulator 2016:LH6PY-FQ5R0-


?? = Cutie but in Autism Abbreviation
Alan Wake

?? = F-Zero __ Legend
@@ = MGS __ Missions was an expansion pack for the original game.

Killed chickens, now I bump.

i want to be that cat

A gift to the gifter.

Ticket to Ride: 9Y9EJ-??68Y-0R7P3
?? = Band famous for flipping their guitars while playing and also beards. __ Top

Playing History - Vikings

? = Megaman Character who fights Sigma but isn't Zero

Wasteland Angel

? = Year Obama got elected. 0_.

Happy Birthday, laddo.
Truly a magical moment to behold.

Happy birthday, how do I give you a gift?

Do you even want anything?

I got Vikings, thanks friendo. Hope you have a great birthday

>Already TMAA
Feels like they've lower the attempts you can have.

Keys in image :^)

Naval Warfare -

?? = KeiJo

Happy Birthday Brett \o/
Hope you're having a great one

Got the panzer one, thanks!

Hi guys, i'm new. What is this???????????

Origin keys

Gonna keep bumping with sum niec altart.

how are you so rich brett giving away all these games


shit taste confirmed


I'm not rich at all. My bank account is in the negatives since I bought all this shit actually lel.

Pressure - @RTB3-BT@GH-@2J@@
Betrayer - @2CLC-NHT4Q-6DF76



Thanks for thisone bwett

oh my.. i do hope you found happiness in the giveaway and among your friends brett

K, I'll change it up a bit.

Now we're talking.


No tiddies on this one.

Hi Bart :)

Dracula 2 - G6XD3-FDRJV-E36D3
Dracula 3 - G5YQK-5QJ4Q-X72ZT
Penguins arena - FRFMI-AXJ4X-N6LDC
Third Eye Crime - FZQ57-XE430-3HTFX


>? = Human revolution is the _rd entry in the Deus Ex series
But human revolution is the 4th game

>Dracula 2

>deus ex
>invisible war
>human revolution

Project Snowblind is a Deus Ex game.

>Project Snowblind
It's a spiritual sequel you dumb retard, even in the very early trailers of HR they called it deus ex 3

Trailers =/= canon, just because some intern said it's the third game doesn't necessarily make it so

Just wanna say thank you, i hope you are doing well brett

>dumb retard
I'm sorry, I consider myself an intelligent retard.
>muh spiritual sequel
Sure, but it began development as a Deus Ex game, was introduced as one, and plays / looks like one. It has more in common with Deus Ex than most Final Fantasy games have with eachother.

>always Steam
>never PSN

>devs don't acknowledge a game in the series
>b-but it's a sequel!!! the devs are wrong!!

But you get enough free games from your PSN+ subscription! :^)

get out consolecuck.

Devs are wrong all the time lmao, most people who get into the industry don't actually care about video games

Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold | Steam Key: 6L2JQ-F2JQD-4VGZI
WWIII: Black Gold | Steam Key: MB8YD-YER2D-36CVH
East India Company Gold | Steam Key: BXKVX-D7E8G-P6FIW
WWII Panzer Claws 1 & 2 | Steam Key: 8C2AA-4P64D-MVMVA

>it's an user gives a bunch of keys to ruskie bots episode

>it's an I'm a slow faggot so I'll blame nonexistent bots to hide my incompetence episode

why you guys so fast in snatching these keys fuck i've been f5 all the time and still got dupes

Snatched 2

>deus ex
>invisible war
>the fall
>human revolution
>mankind divided

>the fall before hr

keez pleez

>The Fall before anything

*tips fedora*

*unrolls turban*

*nods respectfully towards you*


Gonna go get some din dins. Will be back in a bit.

Galactic Battlegrounds - PC4W4-7WIQ8-???YB

??? = Interstella ___

thanks my man

enjoy your tendies

Oh shit you're right human revolution came out before it


>right before it
>two years difference

I never said right before it man
Come on now stop trying to make arguements that don't exist



RIP Thread?

>vanquish never