Post your tags, Sup Forums

Post your tags, Sup Forums.
There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Post your library boi, im intrigued




what le fuc I haven't even played 1 (ONE) roguelike game on steam
do retards give that tag to every single game that features permadeath

Roguelikes are good,
Roguelites are shit.
The more you know.

>buying games


how does this make you feel?


Honestly don't know where the Open World tag comes from.

I refuse to be typecast any longer


Apparently I'm a tryhard.




This shit varies wildly between months.

Leg Lock
Unusual Pupils



Where can I view these?

in the store on your left




Didn't find the one you people were using so heres a couple I found.

mine's a weird one


Lots of Bayonetta recently.

open store look to left and scroll down

Third Person

Scrolling down just gives me an infinite feed of popular games
Guess steam compact messes with it or something

I have $20 should I buy Valkyrie Chronicles or Bayonetta


I literally play nothing but CSGO and TF2 (and I also used to play Siege until I got bored of it)

ok wait

bayonetta for the discount on vanquish






Sounds about right.
I'm looking forward to seeing what this changes in the future.

Please be kind.

How much of a pleb am I?


>all these faggots with visual novels and anime tags

Kek, kill yourselves.

Finished the shit out of Hacknet recently.

No, I like Anime, and I like VNs. Sorry user. :/

rip my strategy tag, end of an era



recommend me a comfy game, op

Switching to english still leaves me with kraut tags. That's interesting.

First two translate as "multiplayer" and "fight", in case you're internationally impaired

It's a little wrong, considering I'm buying games from Gog now

Little Inferno?

I guess that's what happens when you play nier a tomato and bayonetta

>female protag
christ... other than that you seem pretty alright

>Little Inferno



There is literally nothing wrong with female protagonists


>all those anime

hahahaha i found the witcher 3 haters

and the rising storm 2 haters

bunch of losers kek

I blame Arkham Asylum and LA Noire

really makes me think

Deep dark fantasy

I've played nothing on steam but Civ 5 and E.Y.E for the past month.

I am the cancer apparently.
More than likely, Steam weights ones it feels are more "popular" relative to your overall library.


Half of these seem like meme pictures you use to make fun of people, holy shit Sup Forums you have shit taste

I own pretty much every game under Hack n Slash and Character Action that isn't some weirdly filed Diablo-clone.

It's really just like the same 10 hours of gametime that you've spent, they don't keep track of fucking everything.

You're not a real gamer

I'd rather have shit taste than be Anthony Burch.

I literally give zero fucks about any of these but keep posting, losers.

nice job posting your own tags, fag.

I've been playing Duck Game and DOOM nonstop for the last few weeks.

You sir, have acceptable taste.
You DID 100% the Duck Arcade, right user?

I'm ripped as fuck, i could literally fuck any of your moms within 10 minutes of meeting them

I am the truest video game player.

You need to kill yourselves

the other ones are okay

Now what.

Sorry you feel that way, user.

Yeah sounds about right

>tfw difficult doesn't come from souls games

>the other ones are okay
y-you too

Not yet. I've been working on it.
I have silvers in almost everything, though.

Not bad. I've mostly just been playing GTA Online (only because I only recently could afford a new computer to run GTA), Tower Unite, TF2, and Nuclear Throne.

I don't even know how this happened

I even said I'm buying most of my games from gog now, so the tags won't be accurate. Post your tags

You do know there's a hidden ranking above Gold for all challenges, right?

Oh no, he doesn't like our tags

Makes sense considering I haven't logged on to Steam in like a year and have only played one "game."

I'm already long dead

Are you gonna post yours or just make fun of others?

why does there have to be some retarded faggot who does this in every thread?


No idea where the open world meme comes from I haven't played an open world game in half a decade

It's alright, user.
I didn't find out until I got really lucky on one of the target shooting trials.

GSG anyone?