Are people finally starting to wake up from this horrible nightmare?

Are people finally starting to wake up from this horrible nightmare?

It will continue to be the biggest fighter and main event every EVO for years to come.


not really. other games die after month of release but sfv going to stay dominating the scene.

Having your favorite fighter isn't going to fix the core shittyness of this game. Sorry.

How are you guys liking Ed so far? I'm enjoying his stuff a lot. He's got fun tools for neutral and great defensive options.
It's a huge step up from Alex, that's for sure.

Makes me pretty glad to see that you miserable fucks still shit yourself in anger when you see people playing SFV.

Nope. FGC monkeys go wherever their Capcom overlords leave breadcrumbs.

SFV will stay alive purely through brand loyalty and bribery.

Is it "too easy"?

I only seem to hate SF5 when I'm not playing it. When I start thinking it's got shallow gameplay and full of shitty DLC tactics I wonder why I care but then I actually start the game and, holy shit, I'm having fun.

He's cool, only thing I truly dislike about him is how his normals dont cancel into his specials properly from some ranges.

So will any recent fighting game Crapcom shits out. Everyone with sense already knows EVO has sold out for years.

Are they actually bad, though? Or are you just tired of Capcom having all the attention?

>primarily capcom based tournament for two decades
>selling out to capcom
the posts I read here, holy fuck.

People will complain about Street Fighter =but they'll actually play it.

Then they'll claim Guilty Gear and KoF are better but never play them.

This cycle will continue forever.

Sup Forums fighting game threads are always a delight.

Juri beats him 7-3. First favorable matchup for her.

Why can't Capcom make viable characters?

But Ed and Balrog are viable

Considering fucking nobody plays Juri, I'll take it.
Better than having a single positive match-up. (5.5 vs F.A.N.G for Alex)


I'm sorry, I don't know when Sup Forums is shitting on something anymore.

Melee will soon be the main game of EVO.

What makes you say that

Because they didn't want dlc characters to be OP on first release and they wanted to make her easier to use than her sfiv variation. And her new move set is impossible to adjust to balance, unless you removed her charge mechanic

People will play SFV as long as the money continues to be there.

Not for me. It's the fucking load times that kill me. I put up with years of SFIV online, so I'm more than happy with most of the matches I get in SFV, but it's the 2 minutes of straight waiting before I can even get into the game that made me leave.

I actually started back up on SFV recently and picked up Kolin. After reading copious amounts of complaints about how the game plays and how "every Kolin plays the same" etc. I've decided I have nothing against the game. The people that play the game are dumbing it down worse than capcom ever did. Ofc the game is going to get boring when your defensive "strategy" is to walk backwards non-stop against Kolin or jump backwards against Laura and so on. On top of this people are still using the same gay online tactics they used in USF4 and wondering why every match plays the same.

tl;dr people abuse the simplified mechanics and online environment to gimp the game then complain about the game being gimped. You don't HAVE to do this. In fact you shouldn't.

I thought they were going to do away with this in the next major revision.

Or maybe that was just on PC.

If you find any begginners in the beta, TEACH THEM THE GAME!

If you don't you are doing a diasservice to the FGC.

The range that Ed has to be at to get anything started is the range that Juri thrives. Also if he jumps her cr.hp snuffs anything he does, I dont know whether they buffed it or the hitboxes on his jump ins are awful but it AAs him for free everytime.

How, exactly? I can't really teach someone how to play unless we're communicating.

>No offline content
>No working online content
>Think hard about the last two in the list
>50 million Chun li Costumes
>Ken's face
>Baby's first combos
>Failure to reach sales figures even after a year

SFV defence force will still call it a huge success because 5000 autistic fat fucks at EVO that one time.

I sure hope so. I literally hopped onto the new beta, joined a lounge, and then had to wait for three minutes while it loaded and then played catch-up to get to where the fight was happening live. I had totally forgotten just how much waiting is involved in everything that isn't the actually playing the game with SFV.

Juri cant jump at him either because his AAs are stupid, and as you said thats the range where he wants to start shit so its where he wants to be anyways.
They even share a HK, only that his is better.
Sounds rather even to me.

Dunno, gotta see how it actually plays out in motion.

>5000 autistic fat fucks at EVO that one time.

FGC is more about anorexia.

I genuinely enjoy it. I'll probably be picking up T7 and rev 2 as well. Sup Forums doesn't play fighting games so I'm not sure why you talk about them so often.

>Found someone who kept jumping at me in an Ed mirror match
>4 c.HPs in a row later, he suddenly stopped jumping in


Faggot Gamers Club

I'll rephrase, its 7-3 right now. Once the character has more time in sure it will change, but so far I've crushed all but 2 Eds 4/0.

They've known for some time now.

>r/kappa shitter still thinks T7 and Goobergear will ever beat out SFV

>Sup Forums doesn't play fighting games so I'm not sure why you talk about them so often.

I'm not sure if you noticed but Sup Forums often mistakes autism with skill. They think dying to a DaS boss to the point over and over to the point you perfect it is skill. This is the board you are on. Of course FPS, FGs, and anything else remotely competitive is going to get shit on.

Who is SFV for?

It's still too hard for casuals
No arcade for casuals
FM grind to buy colors and costume too grindy for casuals.

Game has been dumbed down and isn't fun for fans of the series
Options removed, playstyles gutted, homogenized cast
Grind not enjoyable. Wins gain 5 points, Losses lose 150 points.

Yes they sold out for years.


nothing more than a costume sim honestly

When was that all time peak? Even at launch there were never more than 20 people online. Are people really satisfied with just playing against the computer?

I dont see any other FG taking SFV's spot, its not possible. Anyway, im happily playing ultra and i refuse to go back to V, it has even more active players than some relevant anime fighters.

not SFxT even after they fixed it.

Will we finally shut up about this game when Tekken and injustice come out? I'd rather games that are fun enough that get me invested to play competitively. Whats with game franchises dumbing down to casuals while at the same time advertising that rad esport and having no content?(cough343halocoughfaggots)

I demolished the only Kolin I played against but that doesn't mean the MU is 10-0 for Ed.

Are you EU? If so, I'd like to play you.

It's not about being more popular than SFV, but being a better game. As long as Sony and Capcom keeps throwing money at it to force a scene it's never going to die.

I'm not even a tekken fag but I'm turning to T7 as the only hopes for a good fighting game this year as SFV is hot garbage.

Heres the thing. Lack of arcade mode is what killed the sales. No one cares about fucking online you Mongolian.

MKX sold 5 million no cunt plays that online they just dick around in arcade mode.

Fuck the haters. Post patch that game was fun.

The reason I hate hearing SF5 is too shallow is that it makes me feel like being the winner of a 3rd grade spelling bee because I'm decent at it.

>WOW, YOU'RE GOOD AT STREET FIGHTER V. YOU'RE SOOOOO SKILLED. Now play some fucking Guilty Gear and learn a real fighting game.

Shit like that goes through my head.

Maybe you're good at it because it's shallow?

I just need to get to Gold for the trophy. I'm desperate. I'm really thinking of just posting a craigslist ad and having someone do it for me. Btw, if anyone lives in Anchorage, Alaska, hit me up, I need help. We can review other people's replays, right? Can some pro with time review mine and give me tip. I main Gief. The highest I've gotten is to 3800 and then I start losing a string and gets bumped back down. Please. I'm desperate.

the game is good as fuck, its just a meme to shit on it.


Looking forward to SFVI right after I finish Lost Planet IV.

Xrd has an arcade mode though.

The real problem here is that Capcom listened to their fanbase. It's all monkey-paw wishing when you look at what SFV was supposed to be:

SFIV Complaints:
>Crouch-teching and vortex
>Plinking and 1-frame links
>Having to buy updates for the game

SFV "fixes:"
>Complete removal of vortex, crouch tech, and even most option selects
>No more plinking or one-frame links at the cost of technical skill overall
>No more updates to buy, but at the cost of choosing to grind or pay for more characters.

I play games like that too honestly. Action games a la dmc3 are the best single player games and fighting games are the best multiplayer.

Games kinda fun. New Juri costume sucked me right back in. Ed looks really fun

>Implying GG is even a difficult game anymore

I guess it's one of the harder games out right now, but it's not like there's anything decent to compare it to

I've got thousands of hours in BlazBlue and Guilty Gear, yet I was utter garbage at SFIV and only Ultra Bronze in SFV.
They use very different skillsets.

I'm interested in your definition of skill.

The reason I hate hearing SFV is too shallow is because it often comes from shitters who play the safest character possible and have 0 offense. Then the quote some pro who makes real points.

Killer Instinct is a patrician's modern fighting game desu.

Only reason it's not big is because Xbone and Windbot 10 exclusive.

There aren't any good controllers available yet but the Hori Fighting Commander for Xbox One will finally break that spell.

user, some people like zoning and playing solid footsies. Thats not being a shitter, a shitter is someone who press buttons without thinking on wakeup because everything is safe for the attacker.

Every time I play this game it just pisses me off. It's practically 100% set play and if you don't have your meaty combos with whiffed buttons all set up ahead of time and down perfectly, then you're just going to eat a wake up jab into EX combo into whatever pressure your opponent can pull off. You can't ever jump at anyone because they'll just jab you out of the air, which they absolutely didn't fix in season 2 either. So you either just sit there and wait for them to jump in so you can jab them out of the air into a mixup into whatever setplay bullshit you have prepared and there's hardly any interactivity involved. It's just fucking stupid.

>plebs who fell for sf5 is bad meme
>literally the best
>whining shitters are still crying because delayed singleplayer
>Waaah! i cant play story mode !
>same little shitter plebs will gobble the fuck out of MK's latest turd of a game full to the brim with microtransactions and SJW infested designs
>muh gimmicky X ray vision!!111

I don't like the idea of the mechanics so I didn't get windows 10. The combo breaking system just doesn't look very fun to me.

>tfw i PRE ORDERED this piece of fucking shit
i still have nightmares

>0 offense
Not saying you're wrong, and I fully admit I'm a shitter, but what kind of offense does any character not named Ibuki or Urien even have?
>tick throws
>frame traps
>occasional overheads
>ambiguous cross-ups
That's about all I can think of.

>same little shitter probably hyped overwatch for past 6 months

People are winning tournies with solid footsies though.

Combo breaking isn't a thing that just happens, it takes some talent.

Props to Double Helix from taking a gimmicky Mortal Kombat cash-in game like Killer Instinct and turning it into a legit fighting game without changing the core mechanics that made it unique.

Like Ken. Is there any reason not to input shoryuken during an opponent's combo? If they drop a single link, it goes through. If not, it's not like you were going to recover anyway.

You like malware user? We might not hate on it so much if it didn't try and put a fucking rootkit on our PCs. Your a fucking dumb prick if you defend this game in any way what so ever.

>I'm interested in your definition of skill.

>the ability to do something well; expertise.

Dying to one boss for a week straight is not skillful when other players are crushing practically all the bosses on their first run.

>baby's first fighter
>combo breakers
>rock paper scissors

>patrician's modern fighting game


I looked into it before dismissing it. It looks like a good game just not one I'd enjoy. I think Injustice is the only "current" fighter that I think is just straight up not good.

who the fuck plays SF on pc ?
SF4 didnt even have 20 players worldwide

Lol hvor er du fra din scrub?

If I get shoryuken'd during a combo, it instantly tells me that my opponent is inputting DPs during my combos.
Naturally, I'll cut my next combo short, block the DP, and get a full punish combo.
Instead of taking maybe 20% of your HP, I'll be taking around 50%.

And still eating random jump ins just because. The neutral game of V is pretty shitty but not non existant like some people claim.

Blonde Fighter V

Call me when they add some diversity to this shitty game. Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying MK.

no thats another shit game

>No more plinking or one-frame links at the cost of technical skill overall

From the things you listed, this is the only negative change. There are problems with the way they implemented buying characters, but the approach itself is not inherently bad. And if you actually think vortices aren't a problem, you are straight-up retarded.

SFV is still busted beyond repair, but there were other contributing factors.

Funen, my man. Born and raised in Jutland, though.

Stealth Capcom shill.

meant for

So when I die to a boss 50 times and get him on the 51st because I learned him, I'm not skillful simply because of the time it took?

>meanwhile ill be enjoying a floaty poorly animated uncompetitive piece of garbage whose primary purpose is to be a game marketed at non gamers and dies after a week

have fun with that loser

Spiller du imod Munkholm og Lillefyr?

It's not something that happens often but it is a good mechanic to have under your sleeve. Problem is new players spam it and think it's a get out of jail free card so you get tards like who spout muh rock paper scizzzors

But yeah there is an auto combo system for casuals, which is easily countered because the combos are predictable.

I don't want a fighting game centered around 1F links, though. Makes the barrier to everything too restrictive.

Again, I always go back to this, but just make a game like CvS2. Stuff just works there. You don't have to link before you cancel, you can just cancel into moves. Links do exist but you don't feel stuck if you can't pull them off.