Why didn't Futaba use her UFO's tentacles for anything else but herself in Persona 5?

Why didn't Futaba use her UFO's tentacles for anything else but herself in Persona 5?

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Can we stop talking about this game already?

That's where Ann goes when she's not in your party.


fucken hate when idiots talka bout video games on Sup Forums it's bullshit right

Can you lrn2filter you stupid faggot?

No why? It's a videogame and this is the video game board

Not him, but there's still like 4 P5 threads active at all times.

It's getting tiresome.

Let's talk about ecelebs or Donald Trump.

Fuck off and make way for the GOTY's threads you beta nu-cuck

Woah let's not discuss any popular games! I'd rather talk about REDDIT!!!

You're a faggot, sage.

>stop talking about video games

I really don't like that they changed her name in the Spanish version.

What was it changed to?

But that's nier


but why

Only autism games for losers trying to relive highschool

For real, why weren't those rad tentacles used for battle?

Why do people draw Futaba with breasts?

A better question is why they named a UFO persona after the Necromicon which was a book. I don't even think there are any UFOS in Lovecraft stories.

It would have been so awesome if we got a real Lovecraft persona like Cthulhu or something.
Go back to facebook

She still has some sort of cup.

She's too busy getting fucked by them


That was so horrible, especially after what her shadow did for her. She should have been the first Persona user to have their shadow for a Persona.

I hear Futaba is smelly, is this true?

Nope, she smells like cedar.

she's a smelly NEET

Her room is filled with trash on top of trash.


One thing to note, if Futaba is that strong as a navigator, imagine her capabilities if she was given a leading party role next to Joker and be able to fight in battle.


What is the function of the belt on her waist?

These Persona threads aren't even about videogames, all you do is get autistic over what your favorite anime character smells like, it's just as cancerous as E-ecelebs or pol threads.

>these videogame threads aren't even about videogames


>all you do is get autistic over what your favorite anime character smells like
It's important for immersion, you philistine.

More importantly, why does she have stats?

The Persona is her Shadow, just taking a different form so it can fuck her with its tentacles

Artists 'enhancing' her already perfect chest trigger the shit out of me.

>implying she don't have tiddies

I wanna nut all over her smug face.