it's not that bad
it's just not bioshock
It's not that bad
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not that bad, it's just mediocre
the gameplay is the worst thing about it
that and the compulsive need to put bloom effects on fucking everything
but the story is pretty great, shame it's coupled with a meh game so it loses it's impact
Don't particularly like the design of pitting you against high-health, massive damage-dealing enemies that happen to be stupid fast while your character waddles about like a sloth with a palsy.
No, its just bad.
No, it fixed Bioshock.
And it's amazing.
No. It';s not a good FPS either.
It is dreadfully medicore.
The only reason people hate it severely is because of how utter retarded the general populous was when the game released. Praising it as some sort of intellectual masterpiece when the team behind it didn't even understand what the fuck they were writing.
It is a terrible Shock game and a below average FPS.
>We will never get this version of BioShock Infinite
What happened?
Wait... that card...
>CoDified rail shooter
>max level white guilt kike shit story
>ending doesn't make sense
eat shit, you actual fucking pleb. I got this game for free and I still want money back.
No... it's bad.
It's just a soulless wave shooter who tries his best to cover its low effort shitty gameplay up with cosmetics and pseudo intellectual story and even fails with that.
Levine thought he could try his hand at being intelligent when he new next to dick about any theory of multiple dimensions.
His stupid ass made up theory had nothing but holes in it. And to fill those holes he put holes in his game.
Glad his company is dead.
>it's a good game, it's just not a good ______ game
filtered, saged, tab closed, tab reopened to call you a moron, typed out and filled out captcha, decided you aren't even worth insulting, closed tab again
neck yourself
>This old guy is about to spill the beans on what's been going on this entire time.
>lol, better smash open his skull on this birdbath first.
I just couldn't get into this game because the main character was so retarded.
The only thing this game got right was the setting and the atmosphere, but every time you start getting immersed in it Booker does something unbelievably retarded and pulls you right out of it.
Xbox 360 and PS3 happened. They had to rework everything in order to get the game onto those consoles. Which is a shame because Xbox One and PS4 came out the same year.
Why are Bioshock Infinite haters so autistic?
>game establishes rule
>"but that's not how real life works"
Metroid fans don't point that contorting into a ball would injure Samus.
it's not that bad
it's just not banjo
>game establish a rule
>The story doesn't follow the rule.
That is why Bioshock infinite fucking sucks in the story department.
Constant's and variables mean nothing when you explain a established Constant and then Fucking change it.
The world you build falls apart when you break the rules you set for it.
Ken "Quantum physics makes me feel dumb" Levine.
Metroid fans don't point that contorting into a ball would injure Samus.
Because it doesn't. She clearly turns into some sort of energy source apon transforming. Also the size of the ball is the size of samus when she is curled into a ball. Either work.
BSI doesn't work when they establish a fact and then totally disregard it.
Its bad
Porns good though
>Dont show your hand dewitt
>look for the mark of this guys hands
>Don't do the ball game Dewitt
He really was a fucking idiot
it's not that bad
it's just not metal gear
Great game. Loved every second of it. Sad there won't be a new Bioshock in the future.
>implies bioshock was good.
fucking casuals.
shamefully the older alpha/beta versions seemed more interesting than its current release
sky-rail things were a interesting touch. not completely sold on the salt system or the regentive health but considering the combat was bullshit and bullet spongy because muh upgrades which was nothing like 1 or 2 (even without upgrades you could still hold your ground by switching up your ammo type and that was fucking fun and hectic)
the patriot robots were just downright fucking tedious.
also another loss effect was losing telekenis and not being able to hurl a fucking artillery-sized round back at the fuckwit who was firing the piece
5/10 ruins the lore, the previous versions seen in older trailers was infinite-ly better
if it was made by 2k marin (aka 2k australia) it would have been alright
Bioshock 1 and 2 remains one of the best australian co-made games there is
I pirated this shit and still felt ripped off.
It's good in a lot of ways but had a few big flaws that held it way back. I still had fun with it.
Mediocre shooter with tryhard story.
The funny thing was when it came out, game journalists were shitting themselves and literally comparing it to major works of art.
Now everyone has forgotten about it.
No matter how you try to paint it, mixing in a fatalistic story into an mutli-verse scenario does not work and just makes your story stupid, confusing and contradictory.
>citizen kane moment
I'd say look back to any much older video games that influenced gaming as a whole. Not a fucking modern day shooter that does absolutely nothing new. Fuck, it's like all these gaming journalists just now got into gaming.
BioShock Infinite is the most disappointing thing since my daughter. I mean, how much more could you possibly fuck up the entire trilogy of BioShock games? And while my daughter was eventually sold off to an alternate-dimension version of myself in order to pay off my gambling debts, the unfortunate reality of Infinite is that it'll be around. Forever. It will never go away. It can never be undone.