>console ui

I don't entirely like the system they set up, it's never a good idea to fight this guy and it's all to easy to run/hide and avoid him

if you avoid him he goes away after 2 minutes and respawns 20 minutes later

if you kill him he respawns 30 minutes later but you'll probably waste at least 10 minutes restocking on ammo and all the shit you lost fighting him so really there's no point to ever fight him

I wish they had given him a shitton more health, made him harder to kill and hide from and then not had him respawn, but really make it a challenge to kill him.

I think it ultimately comes down to the alien powers. You use those powers more often and the game will become much more difficult (security systems seeing you as a threat, aliens becoming more difficult to kill because they don't like how you're mimicking their abilities, and the Nightmare showing up more often. Also it becomes a lot more difficult to hide/sneak past aliens because they can sense you). I'm pretty far into it. And I've only encountered the Nightmare twice and I'm not using any alien powers in this play through.

Beg to differ. Combat mode and q-beam = ez neuromod mats. I killed

I'm on my first playthrough, not using any alien powers because I like muh turrets, I've encountered him 3 times. It's a bit annoying that he shows up so much even though I have no alien neuro mods installed, and I don't even get to use all the cool alien powers.

>max out repair first
>fix turrets
>run around and set up 4 turrets where 2 phantoms are
>phantoms BTFO of the turrets in 5 seconds while still keeping most of their health

Fuck this noise

am I playing the game wrong? Because I've got exotic matter out the ass but hardly any synthetic and metal matter

Once I needed some repair III mod for a certain mission right away and it was 8 neuro mods so I just recycled everything in an entire area with the recycler charges and was able to make 8 neuro mods without putting a dent into my exotic material supply

for phantoms since they're ranged attacks will BTFO turrets you gotta set up the turret, draw their attention towards you and then run towards the turret while still keeping attention on yourself

Damn m8. Idk how you're playing it. I'm at the part where I'm trying to get into Alex's office and I'm trying to contact the Chef (that guy who is trapped in the area that's riddled with all those mind controlled humans) so I'm not really early into it. Every time I encounter that fucker though I just run. Apparently he's like the defense system of the aliens. The more often you encounter him the likely chance that the ayy lmaos are feeling threatened by you.

That's what I did, but they fucked up the turrets the second I went to reload my shotgun. Maybe I should use the gloo gun instead and freeze them in front of the turrets. Will the turrets fire upon a frozen enemy? Do they prioritize over a frozen vs unfrozen enemy?

>He doesn't sneak up on the Phantoms with the shook gun+blasting them at close range with the shotgun.



I'm the pleb now.

this is indeed the patrician way to deal with phantoms

>6 shotgun shot on hard
is this supposed to be a challenge ?

I just had him come at me a fourth time, but he was stuck on the other side of an unpowered door so I was completely safe

You kill him you get a metric shit ton of Typhon pieces that you can turn into upgrades.
Then you use those upgrades to make you are beast so you can hunt these fucks down and do it all over again.

The nightmares show up regardless.
I'm doing a pure human run and they still are all up your ass the whole time.

Break Operators and infected operators. Steel their shit. Throw fabricator grenades at highly clutters rooms after you searched them for useful shit. Hell throw them at those doors blocked by shit you have to move with leverage. Opens those right the fuck up.

Typhon lures mate.

Seriously. I hope there's a good boost in difficulty from Hard to Nightmare. The first time I saw one it looked pretty intimidating, but I tried to fight it it was actually fairly easy. Maybe thoroughly exploring pretty much every area up to that point was a factor.

I killed them like i killed anything else my first run. They turned into a problem on nightmare no mods run though.

>he doesn't just run right up to them with movement three and blow them away
Why waste stungun ammo on phantoms?

The game rewards you a lot for exploring.

Is nightmare mode as difficult as they say?

>Opens those right the fuck up
While I would suggest this if you need the mats, you can more than get by these boxes with an Oxygen tank or explosive canister.
>Set it by the boxes, preferably on the crooked side if applicable, otherwise just nearby
>Shoot it
>Opens the doorway in all but the cases where there's 2 layers, then you gotta do it two or three times

Why does the console version have a bunch of extra useless ui elements?

Was the game not Gearbox enough enough for the playstation audience or something?

I just climbed up on the pipes and shot down at it until it died

Not if you take the time to explore and don't run and gun every enemy you encounter.
I just finished a no neuromod run on nightmare, that was a challenge though.

>it's never a good idea to fight this guy
>You use those powers more often and the game will become much more difficult

Niggas can't even into Psychoshock.

By the end of the game, the only thing that posed a real threat to me were the Military Operators because of the sheer scale of the swarms they're in and their resistance to most weapons, and the Apex Tendrils because you can only really run from them.

Everything else, Psychoshock while zooming around with my chipset-hyped jetpack, then get in close and shotgun them with the piles of ammo I stockpiled.

I'm mildly disappointed by the ending, they introduce the big boss and then you don't even fight it. I held onto the Q Beam and never used it, as well as piles of shotgun ammo, for no real reason.

with no mods? Yes.
With mods its a pretty easy. Game seems like it was balanced around nightmare and any other mode is just making shit easier. You find slightly more than you should need in nightmare. So all you really have to do is not waste everything you find and make sure you loot what you can.

Did you blow up the two in the escape pod?

I did.

Like what? The d-pad thing is the equivalent of the quickbar on PC.

I don't know how to explain it, but the game isn't scary but still manages to keep things weird/tense. I like it.

Well, it's stressful, the whole place's going to shit and you're being hunted.


They were gonna infect earth.

Wouldn't earth only become infected in a mimic was on board? They only seem to replicate when a mimic kills someone or a Weaver resurrects a corpse.

What's more dangerous: mimics or necromorphs?

inside the cargo bay setting up those turrets right now.
how much longer till I beat it? redboxed it so im trying to see if i can get it done today

Is there any to prevent the escape shuttle at the end from taking off?

>Go back to lobby after repairing elevator.
>See a shit ton of mind controlled humans and floating ayy lmaos.