Is Overwatch really as casual as Sup Forums says it is?

Is Overwatch really as casual as Sup Forums says it is?




i dont know

Can you repeat the question

Why arnt there more people in the grabdmaster level of comp? If its so easy and casual

No, it's even more casual. It's the bare minimum of an FPS and the bare minimum of a MOBA and the only strategy available is to get to a choke point and use ults to break it.

nothing is ever as anything as Sup Forums says it is

>wow it took 4 of you to kill me

yeah the game sucks and you know it does

People are currently paying 20 million dollars for Overwatch esports teams, so it can't be too casual.

It's not something I'll ever take super seriously personally.

Overwatch is so casual that console players more than doubled the stats of PC players, and not every PC player is handicapping themselves by using a controller either (but many do).

That's because Blizz forced it into an report meme when its not.

But they didn't even kill her

They just took TF2 and made it more it casual and cartoony.

Which is the same thing TF2 did to TFC.

Sup Forums thinks it's bad because "everyone is stupid on this team except me".

Everyone else is thinking the same thing

Yes. This is the product of a company pandering to the Anita Sarkeesian crowd.

With all those tights and butts? Nahh, characters like zarya are just a scapegoat

Are you fucking joking, mate?

Her ilk hate Overwatch because

>All girls have a visible, glorious ass in skin-tight clothing
>Tracer had a sexy 1950s pinup pose
>Mei isn't 400 lbs like tumblr thought
>Gamers didn't get upset that Tracer is gay, meaning gamers see Tracer as a sex symbol rather than a LGBTQLMNOP+ ally which is problematic
>11/12 Overwatch players are male meaning there's a sexist imbalance

These are all seriously "issues" SJWs had with the game and freaked out over, calling Blizzard sexist every time. Blizzard either ignored them or mocked them with each one.

Not really? It takes class-based team shooter gameplay, takes a few steps back from what defines a shooter, and with less definition makes something more unique than most games on the market. It's marketed to a large audience, some of which are casuals, but the presence of casuals doesn't mean the game is tainted with a playerbase STD. I got it because no other game offers an Overwatch experience. People meme about it being a TF2 rip-off, but let's be honest, TF2 today barely resembles TF2.

It's pretty casual.
Still loads of fun though. Definitely a more enjoyable multiplayer experience than the bottomless pit of autism that is Mobas or Counter Strike.

>but the presence of casuals doesn't mean the game is tainted with a playerbase STD

Giving advice during a match more than once, sometimes even once, gets you labelled as "toxic" by the Overwatch community. The casuals playing the game are so sensitive to anything remotely close to critique that it reminds me of those MSPaint fwuffy wuffy comics where these cutesie little fluffy things are so desensitized to reality that they believe everything's a nice little fantasy world. They usually end up being slaughtered brutally/thrown in a microwave.

Also reminds me of the pony community on TF2 you unfortunately run into every other match.

Shit, that was not the best choice of words on my part. I know the community is far from quality, and I guess I got my words mixed up coming out of my fingertips.
I meant that the game itself isn't casual because the playerbase has some casual germ that it infected the game with. Maybe when the devs listen to casuals to such a degree that they begin warping the game into something horrible, yes, the game can become casual because of the community, but mechanically, these "moba elements", large class roster, DPS/Tank/Support dichotomy, and optional cosmetics that Blizz makes for a quick buck does not make it a casual game.

The gameplay is simple, but it's still fun. Like Rocket League.