Which game did it better?

Which game did it better?

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I liked the first game more so that one.

2 no contest.
The level design alone makes my dick hard.

1. I love the variety of the level design and the mystical elements. 2 is great but mansion after mansion gets quite boring.

also Dark Project > Gold

the missions added in gold are for the most part awful, barring maybe the opera house, and screw up the pacing of the game.

As a pure stealth game, 2. The first game is more unique however.

>better graphix
>better sounds
>better everything

I'm replaying Thief Gold and I have come to realize that Thieves' Guild is severely underrated.

How so? I find it so tedious and uninteresting that I've taken to skipping it with a cheat when I replay the game.

>Thieves' Guild is severely underrated.
You are full of shit.


get gud

Who hype for thie5?

It's not one of the best levels, and some parts (namely the bracelet hidden in the side of the fire pit) are bullshit on a first playthrough, but I found it enjoyable each subsequent time I played it. I like how it's one heist spread over several locations, unlike Life of the Party where the main thievery goes down in one place, with a lot of unrelated side areas around it, and the music is some of the best in the series. For a long time I skipped it every time I replayed Thief but now that I can see the bullshit coming it's fun.


Also, I have to say I fucking love The City's aesthetic in TPD/Gold.

Well said, makes me want to give the level another shot.

Underage butthurts who have probably never played the game.

I've only played 2, and its been about 10 years, should I replay 2 again? or play Gold or DP?

I think first one had overall more intresting levels.
I enjoyed robbing pagans of their shit way more.

Play Gold it's better.

Should definitely play Thief 1. And might as well just play Gold.

I played Thief 2 till Casing the Joint at which point the mission glitched on me and refused to be completed, while also corrupting the save file. I've read that final levels are laborious as all hell so fuck them anyway. I liked it overall, although it feels less like a sneaky game and more like a puzzle. The AI cheats like a motherfucker, though, and magically knows your position even if you manage to get away, so it's ghost or nothing, why even have weapons

Gold it is. Thanks bros.

Not planning on playing Thi4f at all. Maybe Dishonored afterwards? heard its pretty decent successor to Thief.

>why even have weapons
I always wondered that myself.

holy shit that game pays for itself in two months

Arkane uses a similar sort of design philosophy to Looking Glass, and it's easy to see the influence of Thief on Dishonored, but I wouldn't really call it a successor. As a stealth game it's extremely simple, light and sound levels hardly matter at all while they have to be constantly considered in Thief. It is much better than Thi4f.

Yeah avoid that one. Dishonored is quite good yes. You should also look into Thief FMs. Anything by the mapper skacky is great.

>No blurry-ass texture filtering

Shame about the shadows.

So you can fight? The sword combat is actually quite well done. And it gives the game a greater sense of verisimilitude when you know that you could potentially fight your way out of a situation even if the odds are against you. Taking the weapons out would cut down on your options and make the gameplay far less dynamic.

>So you can fight
Not really, on hard difficulty the guards instagib you while having instanteneous attacks with no windup. It's simply too bothersome to fight anyone

I never won a sword fight in either Thief 1/2, trying to fight is the same as a death sentence to me.

graphics like that look so comfy

you ppl actually play this old shit with outdated graphics? lmfao virgins have too much time on their hands

Man this really upsets me, probably never going to be fixed either.

For the most part it's really not that bad. I got used to it quickly, and there have been only a couple of places where the shadows looked really ugly. It's not like they were particularly beautiful with texture filtering on, either.



>five minutes of arrow kiting followed by one slash

I don't see how this is supposed to prove anything but the complete unviability of combat. I definitely don't see anything pertaining to the sword combat being well done.


Anyone who hasn't really needs to play Ominous Bequest Gold. My favorite fan mission hands down. It's pretty much perfect.

I consider them to be two sides of the same coin.

yeah but which side of the coin is best

the answer is Thief 1 because it has more variety