Who /uninstalled/ here?

Who /uninstalled/ here?

I was already bored of it, now that I know there'll be nothing new until August, and that they removed one of the only maps I was excited about but keep the 2 chink maps no one cares about I have no reason to go back to it. Plus now I can get rid of uplay.

The polish butt hurt is insane

I'd rather have new operators than shitty dlc maps

i uninstalled long time ago, this game is still flawed on fundamental level, poor matchmaking, poor hit registration, poor balance, spwan killing, client side smoke etc..
they tried, decent attempt but still..

Which map did they remove? And why?

They pushed back the Polish DLC to work on fixing their horrible netcode and issues, and split the 2 operators between Operation 3 and 4 and said there won't be a Poland map. Basically 18 months after the game came out they decided to fix their shitty networking at the expense of releasing new content. Keep in mind this is a multiplayer only game. And made by Ubisoft.

They're not doing the Polish map because they decided to dedicate 3 months to cleaning up the buggy shitshow that is the base game. Its honestly the best thing they could do but it never should have gotten this bad in the first place.

Funny you mention that

Ubisoft pushed back dlc and dropped a map in order to fix all of that shit

The community is pissed about it

Are people that autistic?

Don't tell me these faggots need a constant stream of bullshit that bloats the game

>bloats the game
>implying everyone hasn't gotten tired of playing the same maps and operators
>game literally only has 1 game mode and they said they won't add more (2 if you count the PVE one)

Hello Ubishill.

Its mostly because most people, me included, already bought the season pass which included a dedicated Polish DLC. Plus, the fact they let their game become so bad that the only way they can fix it is by cancelling a piece of DLC and pushing back others is fucking absurd.

Many of the issues they literally announced that'll be getting fixed have been here since launch.
Its depressing since I bought this and never really got good at it infact these ubishills can deal with this shit for not putting their foot down to most of the poor practices R6 received from the devs and publishers.
>Net code shit
>hit registration garbage
>Hit boxes (NoHelmetTheBetter)
>No other game modes

also fuck you GUYS and your esport non sense.
I'll be willing to try this game again when I'll put these so called fixes to the test.
>see you in august fags


And you know what, there's no guarantee they'll fix those things either. I'm willing to bet the game won't be any different after three months than it is now.

>Don't tell me these faggots need a constant stream of bullshit that bloats the game
We live in an era where people buy DLC unironically and $60 games with microtransactions.

No one buys games for a polished experience anymore, just a constant drip feed of content to pass the time with.

here's my opinion: operation health is a good thing, however it's completely asinine that they're pushing back content to do it. pillar 1: improving hitreg, matchmaking, and tick rates. these issues have been in the game since launch, nearly a year and a half ago, and they're only taking it seriously now? this shit should have been fixed months ago, or after year 1 and before velvet she'll. and ubisoft said they fixed the tick rate months ago, so we're they lying? it shouldn't take a year and a half to solve two to three issues that have been there all along and now taking 3 months off to deal with them is ubisoft going "fuck, these problems were left unsolved for so long now we have to drop everything to fix it" pillar 2: server side features, tts, and version rollback again, issues that should have been solved months ago. the deployment process is new but is this really something that needs to cut content to work? wouldn't changing the deployment tests maybe take a week? and version rollback or a fail-safe is something that any AAA device should have. pillar 3: fixing most reported bugs first this one angers me the most. why the fuck wasn't ubisoft already fucking doing this? this is ubi blatantly saying they ignored bugs regardless of severity or reporting. bug fixing should be a thing you have a dedicated team for to be done as bugs are reported. you shouldn't have to take 3 fucking months to fix everything when it should have been fixed when they were first reported.

The servers better be fucking flawless after this.

In the end, they didn't need 3 whole months to fix these issues, they didn't need to cancel any content, and they certainly could've had these things fixed by now if they weren't incompetent jews, but hey, at least the store will still be open! And you can expect fresh and new cosmetic items that you can buy with our- I mean, THEIR in game currency.

>not just doing this health operation after Japanese operators and before Spanish

Would have been perfect timing. Season Pass 1 is complete now we're gonna take 3 months hammer out some kinks.

But no, they wen't SEASON PASS 2 BITCH even though they KNEW they weren't ready.

I don't expect you to understand this, but cosmetics are really easy to get into the game. Just make a model in 3 hours and add it onto the already-programmed stuff. Characters and maps require both intensive asset creation as well as programming. The R6S team is maybe like 10 guys at most.

I did. The game is good but they fucked up with their roadmap year 2 dlc

This. If I wanted to play a game that felt like a free to play I wouldn't have spent 120 dollars on this piece of shit. I expected a lot more and got left with shit and shills who think this game is the 2nd coming of christ.

>they removed one of the only maps I was excited about but keep the 2 chink maps no one cares about
Who the hell gives a shit about the setting of the map?

Here's what they should have done

what do you think Sup Forums?

I come from 2000 hours in source and 1000 hours in csgo and I played this game for 5 hours and stopped.
The skillceiling is so low, I keep killing the bigger half of the enemy team by just sitting in a corner and strafing in and out of cover.
Pixelspotting through barricades and the sheer randomness of the map spawns are idiotic.
I have been memed by theasses of ubishills to get this game. Atleast a game like call of duty is functionally sound and puts players on a even playing field, aswell as having less of an insane grind to unlock one of the 3 viable characters.
What a shitshow.


The DLC was delayed?

You think they removed the Poland map because it couldn't reuse assets like the Asian maps would?

Yeah slowpoke. We get this instead.

>Grom confirmed for Grom
>game's balance may improve in process
I have no reason to be mad, friend.
They should have focus more on Siege and make those health thingies in place of reinforcements though.

The game will propably still feel the same after the 3 months have passed

>complains about dlc operators and cosmetics being pushed back in favor of fixing balance and gameplay
nu-Sup Forums everyone.

>"Bug fixes"

>Complains about the game getting so buggy after a year and a half that they have to cancel planned free DLC in order to fix it
Fix'd, you fucking retard.

Good goy, let them know it's a privilege to have good netcode in a strictly multiplayer game.

>pushed back
they also removed dlc
they should be able to patch bugs and give us two new characters at the same time

Yeah with the help of more people but that would mean paying them.

You act like members of the team don't have different jobs.

>We wanna focus everything on fixing the programming of our shitty broken game
>Thus we cant work on the operators or even a new level
>However we will still be releasing new skins since new models for weapon charms and skins dont require programming

So how come they cant work on levels when they can still work on skins and new charms.

Sounds like a load of bullshit to me. Also they wont fucking fix shit since they couldnt fix shit in a year and a half

Since when did maps becomes as easy to produce as cosmetics? I'm genuinely curious user.

m8, they already said the map designers are going to fix the existing maps.

If they can create completely new 3d models for weapon charms they can certainly create new assets to put in new levels.

I don't like bug-fixing being pushed as a feature,but this game really needs it.

It's fucking delicious.

Boo hoo, you're still getting your Slavs just a tad later.

>implying I think making a rubber duck is the same as making a map or operator

I just think it's funny is all. Still don't fully understand how server fixes stop the design team from at least getting the ground work for maps and operators set so when Op:Health is done they're not so far behind schedule.

to be honest new operators would be fine

There are like 6 maps I would love to play 247 with Siege the rest suck

charms are a drop in the bucket compared to entire levels user.

So here's what might be happening

Hong Kong operators plus map are actually done

They also have a lot of unreleased cosmetics which explains why they can keep releasing them

Understaffed as fuck the base game was made by 25 guys apparently

The map is the important bit, couldn't give a shit less about yet another set of OP operators.

>Spend 3000 hours playing CS

Have a (You)

K, how do I get my money back from the year 2 pass?

Maps are a must for this game as well. There was never that many to begin with, and in a game like this you learn the maps inside out and it gets old after hundreds of hours

You don't according to them because you're still getting what you payed for, just not the most ideal of ways.

That's some pathetic shit
>yehh, we're gonna be fixin bugs faster now cuz we'll be focused on the important ones
Ubi pulled their money. Dead game after season 4.

>imagine being SO ASSBLASTED that your ass got peeked that you uninstall the game

I'm calling sony so they give Ubi shit.
"operation health" lmao. It's their basic maintenence.

>In my placement match to get from gold 1 to plat 3
>Winning 3-2
>Game glitches out and won't start after 15 minutes
>Leave and rejoin - still won't work
>Close game and have dinner
>Come back an hour later
>Game counted as a loss and deducts 27 points from my MMR

Yeah no, I'm tired of this shit. Game had so much potential but the HUGE amount of bugs, often gamebreaking, prevents me from really enjoying it and giving Ubishit any money.

Gg Ubi, fuck over the one game that most people didn't hate you for.
Ubisoft not even once

Literally the only people that are mad are the ones that got FUCKING JEWED into buying the season pass.

You guys never take your own advice. What a bunch of fucking idiots, buying a season pass from ubisoft.

Yeah, thanks for Sup Forums meme that poorfaggots are just geniuses for not spending any money.
Everybody is losing out on a map and isn't getting one now so everybody should be pissed. Doing what they are supposed to do and calling a special operation is a fucking joke.

hey could you tone down the cussing man? sorry

what I'm the most mad about is that they said they wouldn't do anything to mess with the current meta, like nerfing Glaz. Fucking idiots, that kind of shit is important to the health of the game.

Glaz is fine though

Why does everyone treat this game like it's dead?

It had 42,000 peak players today and sitting on 22k at the moment. And that's just Steam, there'd be some people who only own it on uPlay.

It's highest average players was of February of THIS YEAR.

Those aren't CS:GO or Calla Dooty numbers but it's still enough for a healthy and active community. Once it drops below 15k peak then I'd be worried.

When I first got it I couldn't stop playing. Then they added unwanted DLC and operators and nerfed a shit ton of characters. I admit Blackbeard was too OP but now he's just fucking unviable. Haven't played it in months but might try again.

So you entered free play and played against a bunch of idiots. What a surprise you did well...
Ranked doesn't start until level 20

But he works as intended, tanking a few precious shots to save his head. Every time your glass cracks you effectively died 4 times

>shitters STILL think blackbeard isn't one of the most powerful operators in the game

How many extra lives do you want? Is 6 not enough? Would you rather have 25+ like before?