Has there ever been a game as relentlessly hated as this upon its reveal?
Has there ever been a game as relentlessly hated as this upon its reveal?
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It's a shame, too. It was a fun game made even better with three other players.
People forget how hated Wind Waker was on it's initial reveal.
Fuck off, Cody. You don't have any friends.
In every single interview where Reggie had to defend FedForce, he always cited WW's initial reveal, as well.
Reminder that if it didn't have 'metroid' in the name people would probably have enjoyed it.
>make a Metroid game
>focus solely on multiplayer and esports
>oops no singleplayer, here have a multiplayer that you play by yourself!
>60 dollars please
If it didn't have Metroid in the title, people would have played it in the first place.
People were angry about the name, not the game. That's why it sold like dogshit.
Every Call of Duty game, because no one buys Call of Duty games, yet they keep on making them.
whats weird is that it wasnt hated nearly as much after the release it just vanished instantly
So if the game was just titled: Federation Force, people wouldn't have gotten mad?
I don't know, the base game looks too similar to Prime for people to not draw conclusions and say
"Oh so this is our Metroid replacement? T-thanks Nintendo.."
Probably not, but no worse game could have come at a worse time on the heels of a worse game than Federation Force being the first Metroid titles in five years after Other M, the most despised video game Nintendo has ever made in all likelyhood. And you know what, I remember seeing that trailer and feeling more stunned and uncertain than angry until I saw Blast Ball come up. THAT'S what made me furious-- what absolute braindead fuck thought it'd be a good idea to devote that much time to a boring as fuck minigame?
>no one buys call of duty games
Go outside, buddy. There's a whole beautiful world out there to explore.
>Oh so this is our Metroid replacement?
I thought that people were angry because they thought that it was their Metroid game for the decade, when it's only a spinoff title.
It's a lot like Pikmin Go! The misconception could have been avoided if it was a unique title, but it's understandably not because they wanted to use source material from the Metroid series.
But really, Reggie should have made it known that this is not the Metroid game we've been waiting for, but something to supplement the wait. Even if it was a lie, they should have said that Metroid will return in its full glory soon™, and they wouldn't have received nearly the amount of backlash before the game was even released.
Yeah, because hardly anybody played it
It's not even the fact that they devoted so much time to it-- it's the fact that they paraded it around as something else and then suddenly revealing it as part of the game as if they were expecting it to blow people's feeble minds.
DmC, easily.
Some businessman in Japan probably thought it'd be Nintendo's Rocket League.
If this is anywhere near accurate then that's amazing. Other M sold something like, 500k, and that was a big disappointment.
But not a lot of people played Call of Duty
There had to be something they could have done out of desperation
Like, bundle it with a free eShop code for the Prime Trilogy.
This shit was at first not a metroid game. They did call it metroid for sales, but the backlash was too big.
It totally was a Metroid game, though. They had it in the planning stages as far back as 2009, for the DSi.
That's bullshit. It was a Metroid game from day 1, NLG and Tanabe are just fucking idiots.
Considering it was made from assets of a game that got canceled, aka a complete a loss, and how little marketing they did I wouldn't be surprised if that still turned a profit.
Does it matter? It's a spinoff. I mean, Mario's name is in everything. Why is it so hard to accept it as a side project and not throw a huge tantrum if it's not the Metroid that you've wanted?
I pointed that out in this post >Why is it so hard to accept it as a side project and not throw a huge tantrum
Because people like to jump to conclusions.
Metal Gear Survive
It's not a spinoff-- it's canon. If it was just a spinoff and if they had even an ounce of foresight into how the game's e3 announcement was going to go then gamers wouldn't have been so brutal. But even though Nintendo said they expected backlash they did absolutely jack shit to try to mitigate it.
I'd be more willing to give it a chance if the demo didn't feel so sluggish to play. I'll probably just end up pirating it and seeing if it's worth my time. It doesn't really sound all the great though, regardless of franchise attachment.
>Mario's name is in everything.
Mario also doesn't go 5+ years without a mainline installment like Metroid, so that's an awful comparison.
Do you even know what spinoff means?
And why does not having a mainline installment suddenly mean any game isn't allowed? Just how self-entitled is the Metroid fanbase that there has to be a mainline game or no games at all?
You're right. Only Pokemon Go tier games for the next 13 years before a new mainline (Metroid 5) will not piss off any fans of other franchises, because it's only Metroid fans that this would bother and, come on guys, it's only a spinoff!
Are you seriously comparing the Pokemon franchise to Metroid? Are you genuinely retarded?
Reading comprehension.
To counter your argument about Metroid fans, I'm using the most recent Pokemon spinoff as an example of a game that the fanbase would not be happy about if it were to be given updates for the next 13 years instead of a main installment like how Metroid has been treated.
Quoted incorrectly. I am genuinly retarded by the way, but that has nothing to do with this.
Everyone who hates Fed Force never played it.
Its easy as shit to pirate it dude, claiming "y-you just didn't play it" is a fucking weak excuse.
Wind Waker was a Zelda game to its core once you get past the surface level.
Fed force is not.
>60 dollars for 3ds game.
Where do u live user?