Leave 2017 to me

Leave 2017 to me



Wonder how long it'll take them this time to implement the heist-equivalent to Read Dead Online

Don't worry, I've got it covered

>seven samurai/magnificent 7 game

i may just buy it for Ps4 on launch instead of waiting for PC release

If they neglect single player for online I'll fucking flip.

>2017 Rockstar
Will they actually implement random events in an open world environment, filled with largely nothing? Of course they won't. They'll spend their budget on character models, and the rest on ways to get money from online players.

Chances are we won't get heists. Instead they'll implement all the gang and property shit for a while. Even the single player looks like you're building a gang rather than having a set of characters.

There's no way it's going to be as good as the first. Still gonna buy it though.

>a group of badasses
>they all use different weapons/specializes in different skills
Why is this trope so unrealistic, so overdone, but still so fun.

You mean red dead revolver?


Do you guys still get excited for Rockstar games? I think they are in the habit of neglecting game mechanics too much, and they go the pretentious route more often than not (ugly main characters, filler missions that drag on forever and are a horrific ordeal to repeat, so on and so forth).

RDR had good qualities, some amazing details always show up in Rockstar's stuff, but I've always found it to be too boring (a bad cover-shooter) and full of fluff. It's got a great feeling when you first play it, though.

That's not Ape Escape 4


Having ugly main characters isn't pretentious

I don't want it to be fucking around with multiple playable characters, it was okay in GTA 5, mainly when not doing missions, but character switching during missions was junky.

I'll be pretty disappointed if that happens. I played a bit of GTA Online, but the novelty of it wears off so quickly. I'd much rather some traditional expansion packs so the single player campaign can continue.

The game is called Red Dead Redemption 2, not Red Dead Revolver 2 or Red Dead 3.

how about you shut your red dead retarded mouth up before i flog yuh!

this month
my wifes son works at ISIL

I know it's unlikely, but I hope to high heavens this based fucker makes a return in multiplayer


Doesn't mean it's not the third in the series, dummy.

After how much money they made on gta5 online theyd be silly to even think of having a single player mode. Incoming grinding mmo in the wild west guys, buy your own ranch apartment for only $20 of shark cards

>it's gonna be gta online all over again