You fuck young boys, Valdez?

You fuck young boys, Valdez?

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la noire is probably one of the most boring games i have ever played

Hell yeah bro, I'm also looking forward to the new Rick and Morty xD! #epic

i fail to see your point

I think he's calling you reddit because he disagrees with you

That's why it's not E for Everyone.



This game is for patricians, plebs need not apply.

How can I help, detective?


Operator give me R&I.

Good 2 see all the la noire threads lately. This is 1 of my all time favourite games. It was like playing a tv show and I mean that in the best way possible. I loved it. The atmosphere was great

I need a registered owner on a license plate two boy eight eight nine nine

X - doubt

Any messages for me?

Detective Phelps badge twellve-fourty seven

Jack > Cole

Prove me wrong

>Protip: You can't

>not playing the game in black and white mode

>pic related
You're from leddit aren't you

im from your moms pussy!

The game has some amazing dialog:

Too bad Team Bondi is dead, Rockstar can't pull this shit with their average South park tier safe "satire".


Operator, give me R&I.

the game gives you zero penalty for fucking up




Would the game have been better without the rooty tooty point and shooty?

>When Cole goes Nuclear

A game like LA Noire would never be made today - bizzarely high production value but unpolished and with a relatively small potential audience. It has more than its fair share of flaws but I'm happy it exists and wasn't just canned 2 years before launch, any other period in videogame history and it probably would've been. That 2007-20011 period of creative concepts with mainstream production value, however flawed (Mirror's Edge, Mass Effect, JC2, RDR, Portal and so on) will not be repeated, I expect.

One of my favorite moments from L.A. Noire desu

Probably i never wanted to deal with them and just wanted to get back to the rest of the game.

shooting was okay, i just wish we had gotten the complete game without rockstar meddling and shoehorning stupid shit like car collecting.

More of the game needed to be like this. Aaron Staton can clearly act, and he's facing nothing but an A4 picture of the Mona Lisa in the motionscan studio.

>tfw no Whore of the Orient starring Jon Hamm and Christina Hendricks

The game would be better with the linear structure of something like Uncharted 4, but you know...actually good and interesting compared to it.

>Playing it in black and white


every fucking time

it seems I've made a mistake...

I love how slow and methodical everyone is. They really nailed all the small details that immerse you. Like how when you handle evidence, Cole handles it very gingerly with his fingers

>one of the best characters in mad men gets his own game

pretty cool, desu its weird how many characters in mad men are actually in this, like this watched the show and said "get me everyone you can"

>whore of the orient never ever

they got pretty the entire secondary cast on a bulk discount it seems with pete and ken as a cheery on top. a lot of people think peggy played shannon perry but it was a different actress

>a fucking Irishman acting like he's in a position to shit on others

How he made chief I have no fucking clue

As time goes on I'm starting to believe this time in gaming, with all these great 360/PS3 multiplats that are really huge, ambitious and interesting, is one of the best times in gaming in history. All these games like LA Noire, RDR, the Bioshocks, just had insanely playability and sucked up so many hours.


Brilliant in hindsight honestly because the fact he was an Irish chief should have been the brightest fucking red-flag screaming "Do not mess with." In that decade, in that climate, in goddamn Los Angeles, there would be not a hope in hell that he achieved that position without copious bribes, blackmail or generally shady-as-fuck behavior. Getting your shit slapped by him should have come as absolutely no surprise.

Should I buy this game. I heard it runs like shit on PC.

I think I read that they basically set up the motion capture equipment near the studio where Mad Men's filmed and just used all the time between takes with non-main characters. A great cost saving measure to end up with a cast of pretty solid actors.

It is hard-locked at 30 fps, because of facial animations

Is it worth the 20 bucks on steam


On sale it's usually 9 with all DLC.
So wait for the sale.

wait for the sales my man

If average/normal FPS of 30 doesn't bother you, there's not really any other issue. Runs perfectly fine on most machines, just a lot of PC gamers demand 60FPS these days or label the game shit. Personal preference basically, the lighting/graphics/shading/etc are all perfectly adequate and sometimes even damn good looking besides.

there are some settings that fuck up the fps with some graphics cards, but they can be turned off in the config file


you can uncap the game to 60 with wide screen fixer but dont go any higher than 60 as it fucks up driving

Runs fine on even budget modern hardware. Nothing that performs worse than a 3th gen iGPU though - it'll do 720p at lowest on a HD4000. The way the graphics look are seriously helped by turning on B&W and ambient occlusion (in your graphics card software), otherwise things seem a little flat because the shadows weren't well thought through anywhere outside the setpieces.


I fucking loved his smug smile

What was the exact moment you realized everything was crashing down on your head?


Biggs was the best partner

The homicide desk was so fucking bad. It was pretty apparent 2-3 cases in that you were locking up the wrong people, but the game still makes you peruse them anyway.

That last case was cool in how you had to go around the city and collect objects, but man that twist was so fucking shitty. One of the worst "reveals" I've ever seen because the character was so uninteresting.

This is one of my favorite parts of the game, this interrogation with leland monroe. I love how Biggs backs you up here: this is the first time where he helps you out instead of just shrugging you off.

Ooops its at 19:35, I guess embedding on here doesnt let you use the time feature

>Rockstar can't pull this shit with their average South park tier safe "satire".

that describes GTA humor ever since the PSP games. it's even safer than south park humor.

the "we're about doing a satire of american culture" nonsense they suddenly invented for GTA IV and beyond is so hamfisted i cant believe people use it as an excuse for one the games not being set elsewhere. take-two and rockstar suck ass



Don't forget Alpha Protocol.

I love that game and I'm probably the only one who does.
The idea that not every build is viable and the game punishes not planning your stats properly is something that we'll never see again.

Yeah the Homicide arc kind of sucked, for various reasons
>Almost the same MO every single time, made for boring investigations
>instead of the Black Dahlia reveal being somebody close to Cole, it's some literally who guy that was filling in at one of the bars that you talked to for like 20 seconds
>every arrest made was basically pointless
>chief decides to cover it up because the killer was a relative of some unspecified powerful figure
At least it had Rusty


Yeah I'd like a medium with pepperoni and sausage, just have it sent to the crime scene.

The faces on that game remind me of Max Payne 1's faces.