Cinematech Saturday

Check it out if you have nothing better to do. New stuff added.



Nocturnal Emissions?

dont let this shit die!! or post this shit every weekend user!


Why are regular Cinematech episodes harder to find than Nocturnal Emissions?

G4 Icons cytube when?


Anyone got a good lead on where one can download a shitton of Cinematech

The regular episodes didn't have boobies in them.

They were in last November's TechTV/G4 livestream. Most of the retards wanted to skip Icons for more X-Play/waifushit.

I do. It's called

Is there a vod? Been trying to find a working torrent for icons for ages.

Fuck off faggot

No, they're on Youtube in mostly low-resolution.


G4 archive.

Thanks user. But it's surprising how hard there is too find just a good collection of episodes.

The creators of this show sure loved DJ Max clips.

Oh man, I remember staying up late for this shit when I was a teenager.
So much cum


>its a jeff gersterman episode

Starcraft was one of the greatest games of all time?


Did you like Radiant Silvergun?

busted some fat nuts to this show when I was a young teen

I loved Grim Fandango.


>ryan davis is in this


why the fuckin not m8?

I know your probably not gonna read this, but I would watch this on gtv all the time. I loved it and nobody remembered it, I searched everywhere trying to find it for years. so with the most sincerity you can expect from Sup Forums thank you