Can someone tell me what the problem was with adding her in the game? Why did people get so angry when she got added? Is it because she is a dark-skinned woman?
Can someone tell me what the problem was with adding her in the game? Why did people get so angry when she got added...
Other urls found in this thread:
>she is a dark-skinned woman
You mean a nigger? And its because they threw her in there to score diversity points.
she has sexy arms
That's edgy, my redneck user. Also if the only reason she was added in, then Sup Forums is mad because they're racist, ok.
because Rafe was better and deserved more screentime
> the truth is edgy
Blacks also have an average IQ of 85 :^) but that's okay because facts are racist and edgy and that makes them wrong, amirite?
Friendly reminder.
She was a worse villain than Talbot with her ultra plot armor because nothing bad can happen to a strong black woman.
ND has some nice choreography and camerawork. That fight scene was great.
She is ugly as FUCK
Why are american women of african descent pig-ugly?
>Drake lifts his fingers up in a submissive position because he doesn't want to hit her back
>He's obviously not taking too much damage from her attacks because she's a fragile woman
This isn't feminist enough.
>Ayo Holup 'thk Wuchu talkin BOUT! U DON kno ME! I IZ A STRON IdepenINT BLACK WOMYN, CRACKA!
One I'd like to fuck too.
Because she's a STRONG INDEPENDENT BLACK WOMAN who can beat 2 extremely buff dudes at once without being hit, and she serves absolutely no purpose in the history
I thought it was funny to get Drake get his shit pushed in. I don't know. I can't get angry at all this dumb bullshit everyone cares about.
I don't care about the nigress, the game is still cinematic garbage for casual shitters and I'm glad i only rented it.
What funny is that they don't get upset when their little chinese cartoon girls beat up grown ass men but as soon as a black woman does it, they throw a fucking fit.
Drake has single handedly taken on bigger and stronger enemies than her and one, but she beats him up because they needed a strong ethnic woman for whatever reason. The fact that she gets away absolutely scot free doesn't help either.
>tfw she won't hate fuck you
shit sucks
Drake gets shit on and embarrassed multiple times every game though.
Not really. I think that Drake losing to Nadine would have seemed better if Nadine had won through dexterity and martial arts prowess, but instead she just fights like some super-strong brawler.
Of course, Sup Forums would still complain about it, but it would still seem more sensible than the fight sequence we got now.
what does that have to do with the video game character
Who got upset?
The most hilarious thing about Sup Forums and other angry neckbeards is that they are too beta to do anything except complain and foam at the mouth. If you guys were dominant and masculine your women wouldn't have ruled over you. Even your precious vidya feel victim to SJW ideologies. White men are the most emasculated, most cucked race. Is it any wonder that European women prefer Arabs and Africans? Prove me wrong.
Read the thread. Just angry Sup Forumsirgin sperglords.
I swear to God you faggots know this bait and I pray you don't fall for it.
Is it weird that if it wasn't for the Sarkeesian thing at the end there, I wouldn't be able to tell this is meant to shit on Uncharted?
>Prove me wrong
Well, I can't prove your wrong about the bulk of what you say but there is the fact that they don't actually have that preference that you claim they do.
You need to refine your bait craft.
this, could'be been a little more toned, but they're a solid 9/10
Neil "No fun allowed" Druckman said he only made her a black woman for shits and giggles.
Also Drake's height is 5'11 while Nadine's 5'5
Drake's weight is AT LEAST 190 lb, with very little body fat, since he's a guy who constantly drags his own body weight around ledges and shit.
You're not going to tell me that a beast like that is going to get outmuscled by a puny woman
No, that bait is just horribly made. They're trying to market it like "L-LOOK AT HOW WOMAN BEAT MAN. GET MAD!!", except they can't find anything good to portray that. Just ignore poor bait, user.
>Is it any wonder that European women prefer Arabs and Africans?
Arabs, yes. Blacks, not really.
But that's a natural feeling, Middle Easterns are the most handsome males.
Yeah I agree. It looks like she mostly won because Drake doesn't fight women. He's cowering the whole fight and flirting with her while a gun is in his face. I would've preferred Drake doing more than just punching the fucking ground.
Nadine's a missed opportunity for a decent female villain imo. Now I guess they want to make her all sympathetic or some shit.
she beats nate after everything he's done in the past 4 games, including fighting dudes twice his size
But if it was some small Asian guy who was a Ninja doing the same, you wouldn't give it a second thought
The point is that Nedine is a good martial artists and that Drake is just a brawler who gives away all his movies
It's still silly tho, don't get me wrong
I loved it when I jumped at her and crashed through the floor
Really pushed the cunts face in
black female is the token character of SJW agenda, two birds with one stone
and they are too scared to write an actual character that is female and black
thats why you couldn't kill the lady who has been sending death squads after you the entire game, SJWs are too afraid to upset their own, so dont ever expect legitimate roles given to black men or women
Nadine's role in the game is to be really goddamn buff and have an army at her disposal. She's an interesting parallel to Elena on Rafe's side. She's the voice of reason while Rafe is wrapped up in his ego.
its a shoehorned in nigger that shouldn't be there
Rafe was so amazing
His voice acting and entire performance was perfect
Loved it
Well, at the time it really wasn't the bad in regards of making unrealistic characters in realistic games and our expectations have been severely lowered over the years, but for this game, the issue was a small lady overpowering a much larger experienced dude (he's been climbing up walls and fighting since he was at least 14) and beating the ever living shit out of him. If her combat style was more leg oriented that's one thing because anyone can fuck up someone with their legs, but Drake's beaten dudes much bigger than him and even he had to throw his entire body into the person to do any damage while she can put him in a choker hold
So on average, they're smarter than you? Got it.
Yeah, and it's funny every time it happens.
>Spend 3 games killing zombie Spaniards, yeti, and countless private armies
>lose in a fight to a black chick in formal clothes
really stimulates my neurons
I never really understand the "women can't ever beat men" complaint. Male protags beat up bigger and stronger men all the time.
The only thing to counter "keeping things the same for the sake of keeping things the same" is "changing things for the sake of change".
The fact that Nadine is shorter gives her an advantage: Drake needs to be use more force and energy to attack while Nadine, being short and fast, is able to counter at any given moment.
>puny woman
user, do you even see her muscles, or are you blinded by your own ignorance. She leads a militia, therefore she needs to be quick and strong to cqc any enemies, and she obviously is able to do that. I think the reason Drake didn't fight back is because she acted "nice" to him, and he doesn't have the will to fight back. Albeit, the "never hit a woman" thing is also a definite factor. That's more of a blow on society than it is the developers.
>Male beat up bigger and stronger men
you autistic or underage
holy fuck, pol-kun.
>You fight her
>You play as a fucking white male
How indestructible is she?
Haven't touched the games due to only having a PC, but I can't imagine that you managed to get the upperhand on her.
Bitch must be coated in atleast two walls of PIS and other bull shit.
No I would still think it's stupid but it would have been more plausible since he would have been a man as well and as somebody said it would have been a clear display of skill. Nadine barely does any martial arts shit against Drake, she beats him mostly on brute force
Absolutely different. One is based in unrealism while one stresses the importance of realism. Has nothing to do with skin or gender, but body frame and experience.
Your post doesn't make sense, my faggy friend.
None of the shit Nate pulls is in any way realistic so don't try to use that as any sort of objective measure of how strong he must be.
>What funny is that they don't get upset when their little chinese cartoon girls beat up grown ass men
Are you talking about high fantasy shit like Sailor Moon where bitches are blowing up galaxies or what?
I mean I got mad as fuck when that shit show Arachnid started giving me THIS kind of shit.
>A second generation mercenary who has been traveling by jeep all day is able to defeat a retired explorer and a convict with a cigarette addiction who were shipwrecked!
It's a damn video game. Even Drake himself does a lot of unrealistic bullshit. The user was right when said that you spergs are okay with suspending your disbelief when a loli weilds a swords twice her size but when it comes to a black chick kicking ass it's suddenly unrealistic? Fuck off back to Sup Forums
dont forget the harrassing wife who nags you throughout half the game
and the part where you raise a girl
and the evil white man bad guy
and every depiction of non-female is corrupt and struggling, and completely beta, even though they've been mass murdering fools for a decade
but hey, if nate struggles and almost dies, and nadine is there to save his ass, what a show!
But I'm dark-skinned and I disliked her too.
Moreso because she's just there to shit on both parties and fuck off at the end of the story with no payoff, no consequences, and little to no impact on the story.
You could probably remove her from the game outright and not change too much about the actual story of the game.
Just because your character is black doesn't mean they're incapable of being poorly-written, even if Sup Forums dislikes her for being black.
>and the evil white man bad guy
Oh, so now you don't want realism?
Do blond males not exist? ):
Do I exist?
>Even Drake himself does a lot of unrealistic bullshit.
That only hurts your argument stupid, a guy who regularly survives 40 foot falls and beats the shit out of dozens of guys single handedly including guys 2 to 3 times his size gets his ass beat by Nadine.
a loli wielding a swords twice her size is already unrealistic, it's how the game presents itself
that's a huge difference
You retard, I was , I was advocating AGAINST the Sup Forumstards.
Bro, there's nothing realistic about Uncharted. Closer to reality than muh animes, yeah, but that's about it. It's a goddamn action adventure movie, there's nothing realistic in them.
No fuck off dumbass, that's not how it works in real life, in real life there's no balancing mechanic saying that short people are faster, go take a fucking look at the height of the world's fastest people and you'll see there's barely any manlets in it. Shit like this makes me so fucking pissed because it's obvious you've never been in a real fight "lol dude like short people have the advantage of BEING FAST it doesn't matter if they got less strength! silly swollen dudes are super slow!"
fuck off
usain bolt is 6'5 btw
No I mean, it's set up to be "look at superior nippon gameplay folded 1000 times." At least it did to me once I saw the Sarkeesian image. Before that it looked kind of like "Uncharted may not be great or good and the diversity thing triggers people, but look at what Sup Forums pushes as good from Japan." Two different kinds of dumb looking gameplay.
>The fact that Nadine is shorter gives her an advantage: Drake needs to be use more force and energy to attack while Nadine, being short and fast, is able to counter at any given moment.
I refuse to believe that anyone is actually this fucking stupid.
Please tell me how acrobatics work in real life, because I sure as fuck don't think it looks like the shit Drake pulls off.
All this thread tells me is that SJWs don't know what the meaning of the word consistency is.
Let me break it down for you:
>Loli wields a sword twice her size and fights another loli wielding a scythe twice her size and is generally pretty evenly matched
>Little kid uses magic ninja powers to beat the fuck out of other little kids using magic ninja powers
>Man who defeats armies single-handedly, survived falling out of a fucking plane, beats the shit out of guys that could eat him for breakfast, and even in the very game he's in utterly destroys hundreds of trained PMCs gets beaten by a woman who's trained about as well as all the other PMC units literally every time he faces off against her
But why wouldn't that be possible? It just shows you Nadine is stronger than Nate. And then you have to fall back on physique again and then you can't explain how Nate is able to pull half the shit he does so in the end you just have to acknowledge the game is not realistic.
Go watch fucking olympic weightlifting, the elite category is literally lifting less than the intermediate male category.
Toned muscles don't mean jackshit, it means she has low body fat. Women have less muscle mass than men, their bones aren't as dense and their lack of testosterone makes them weaker on top of all that
>and the evil white man bad guy
>For Honor has a female antagonist
>Uncharted has a male antagonist
>a guy who regularly survives 40 foot falls and beats the shit out of dozens of guys single handedly including guys 2 to 3 times his size gets his ass beat by Nadine.
So it hurts my argument because in a videogame universe where such a thing is possible it's suddenly farfetched to have a black woman who outclasses him? According to the game established logic it's not unrealistic at all
What's the difference? Please enlighten me. You're just unable to suspend your disbelief because you're racist and sexist. Simple as that.
Every time you fight her alone she manhandles you, and even when you manage to get some solid blows in she still keeps trucking. Even when you fight her 2v1 with Nathan and his brother she still manages to maintain an edge.
I like how nowhere else in the Uncharted series does actually succeeding in a QTE still get your ass beat, wonder why it happens here against this person only.
>It just shows you Nadine is stronger than Nate.
We don't have anything that shows us that besides her kicking his ass actually, and nothing about her backstory would indicate that when Nate has beaten the shit out of plenty of trained PMCs.
>a loli wielding a swords twice her size is already unrealistic, it's how the game presents itself
That's circular reasoning. It's unrealistic because you can tell it's unrealistic, so it's okay that it's unrealistic.
Are you kidding? You're comparing animes with talking animals, weapons twice the size of little girls, magical moon powers vs a series that is overly thematic. Yeah, the shit that happens in uncharted is not probable (especially the final boss in uncharted 3, I'll grant you that), but everything is rooted in reality in one way or another and physical being has always mattered.
Cuckcharted 4
That's partially what I was trying to say. Sorry mate.
>So it hurts my argument because in a videogame universe where such a thing is possible it's suddenly farfetched to have a black woman who outclasses him?
When she has no noticeable advantage over the other heavily-trained PMCs that he regularly bodies, yes.
It's pretty clear that she outclasses him mainly because the director wanted to show a strong womyn.
Sprinting and agility are two different things.
Fuck that Stephen Baldwin lookin nigga
>We don't have anything that shows us that besides her kicking his ass actually
Yeah, exactly. It's pretty self-evident, innit. Why are you so in denial about this? If we did have a backstory and that showed her to be a complete pushover, then it'd have been possible to introduce inconsistencies. But as it is all you have to go on is the fact that she beats Nate. Them's the facts.
She`s just there because ITS IN right now
just deal with it you gigantic bitch
m8 as someone in the thread already pointed out they made her a black woman for shits and giggles. It's completely irrelevant to her role in the story. They just needed someone to kick Nate's ass and it's a black woman by complete luck of the draw.
But we regularly see Drake beat guys that are obviously much stronger than her, who arguably kick his ass much more (though he still overcomes).
Even the fucking prison fight in UC4 do a much better job of this.
>They just needed someone to kick Nate's ass and it's a black woman by complete luck of the draw.
It's a black woman because the director is a Jew that wants to push diversity.
A woman beating up a man that badly, especially a guy like Nathan Drake is unbelievable, especially whenever she shows up you literally cannot defeat her. I think any enemy character like that would annoy the fuck o
If this happened in real life, Nadine would be down for the count with one solid punch.
yea remind me how much did the other game sell
>But we regularly see Drake beat guys that are obviously much stronger than her
Based on what? The fact that she doesn't look stronger? Nate also didn't look stronger than them.
Also, Nate often relies on intelligence and a lot of luck to get out of sticky situations, not brute strength and especially not technique. Technique is where Nadine has him beat but guess what, Nate got through the encounter alive, again, without needing to be able to beat her in a straight-up fight.
Why the fuck are you talking about acrobatics? You said that "SHORTER PEOPLE ARE FASTER AND MORE AGILE!!!" which is utter bullshit, shorter people are shorter, thats it, there's no inherent benefit to it unless you're counting going through tight spaces as a benefit.
Have you ever seen a boxing match? You do fucking know thats like the entire reason they have weight classes right? look at this video from Myke Tyson's training, look at the speed this fucker had, and he was a massive heavyweight
now you still believe that shorter lighter people are faster? fuck off
>le jews
It's always the same with you simpletons.
>The fact that she doesn't look stronger? Nate also didn't look stronger than them.
The fact that she physically can't be stronger than a 6'8 guy that weighs 290 lbs.
And Nate wasn't stronger than those guys, that's kind of the point.
>Technique is where Nadine has him beat
Technique doesn't matter, Nate's beaten tons of guys with better technique than him.
The problem is when you create a series where the main character regularly overcomes all odds and seemingly miraculously beats his enemies then shove an antagonist that you can't beat no matter what, that adds nothing to the story, and that fucks off with no payoff right at the climax of the game, that's just shitty writing.
>Neil Druckmann (born December 5, 1978) is an Israeli-American writer, creative director and programmer for the video game developer Naughty Dog, known for his work in the video games The Last of Us and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
All I'm getting from this is that Japan makes pointless fanservicey trash.
They're both fanservice, just for different fanbases.
>Is only black for diversity brownie points and so Cuckmann can go "look at me I'm so diverse" even though he put 0 thought or effort into her
>Nadine single-handedly beats up Drake, then Drake and Sam at the same time
>Nadine never gets beat-up
>Nadine is never even shown to be "in the wrong" just partnered up with Rafe
>Nadine gets out scot-free in the end
>You never get to fight her and she just teases you the entire game and beats you up over and over and gloats over you
She's the worst character of the 2010's so far. It's like ND actively tried to make players hate her.