Game disables the Windows key

>game disables the Windows key

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not a bad idea

> Windows key

I have a button on my keyboard for that

>windows key disables the game

I do too. But I don't need to switch it on because I'm not a sperg with my fingers as I guess other people are.

>$80 gaymen keyboard
>still has the key that minimizes the game you're playing
>doesn't even move the fucking thing next to scroll lock where you'll never push it by accident
how much does microshit pay keyboard companies to put this cancer button on everything?

Just don't press it and you'll be fine

>Not prying off the windows keys as soon as you set that keyboard on your desk

It only gets in the way.

How fat do your fingers have to be to accidentally press the windows key?

i just turn it off with an autohotkey script

Its a pretty useful key to have for non gaming, and any keyboard worth a damn has a windows key lock

if you're trying to hit ctrl+7 or something in a rts the easiest way is to hit control with your wrist and reach for the number with your finger. unless you pry the windows key off there's a good chance of accidentally hitting the windows key too.

why should I pay extra for a "gaming" keyboard that doesn't have basic gaming functionality in mind? if you want your fucking garbage button just get a $15 rubber dome pos.

You paid extra for a gaming keyboard because you are fucking retarded which is why you somehow hit the win key while gaming.

I use AHK to remap and use the win keys as normal keybinds in games

>CMD randomly popped up and caused the game to minimize

So they should remove functionality from your keyboard because you paid more for it? If you're too autistic to not hit the key or use one of the many, many options out there to disable it then you have bigger problems than gaming keyboards including keys that are part of a standard older than you

I didn't pay anything since I can't even find a 101 key mechanical keyboard with the switches I want.

>not disabling windows key through registry

>remove functionality
what functionality? if I'm buying a keyboard specifically for gaming then functionality for gaming should be a higher priority than the ability to minimize my game to bring up the start menu. they don't even have to remove it, just move it somewhere you can't accidentally hit it.

>alt tab
>game crashes
Every fucking jap game

>why should I pay extra for a "gaming" keyboard that doesn't have basic gaming functionality in mind? if you want your fucking garbage button just get a $15 rubber dome pos.
nigga wut

no one is asking you to buy a goddamn thing. if you're happy using a keyboard that wasn't manufactured during this millenium then you go ahead and keep on using it, but someday it's going to wear out. i suggest you get over being so angry about the windows key before then

the point is that I want to buy a mechanical keyboard but I can't even find a 101 key one and I refuse to pay a premium for a product that doesn't even make the simplest fucking change for its intended purpose.

So you want a mechanical keyboard with 101 keys that can disable the windows key? Corsair k70

>Somewhere you can't accidentally hit it
I only started to use PC as my primary gaming platform for the last 5 years and not once have I ever hit that key in a game, and my keyboard comes with a lock for the key so I could easily make it a non issue, I don't do it because windows key shortcuts for using a secondary TV for party games, laughing a command prompt or program and being able to search by hitting one key then typing are all things that are very useful.

I really just don't see the issue, unless you have some kind of personal issue, not hitting it is easy, and you can disable it multiple ways or lock it on some keyboards. This sounds like you just don't understand product development, why put work into changing a standard that's fine as it is and objectively reduces functionality for the sake of making it more "gamer"

Yeah you're not paying a premium for having the key. Even if you were itd be along the lines of singular pennies, but as it stands, a keyboard without a windows key would be a specialty item, forcing you to pay more than normal for less functionality. As I thought, you don't understand how products are developed and can't fathom the idea that other people want a certain feature that you find repulsive for literally no logical reason.

>people are so autistic that they have to avoid hitting the Windows key
How do you hit it accidentally? I have to awkwardly reach it with my pinky. I don't understand it. Do you use ESDF or something?

You know you can just set the windows key to do something else, right?

Oh wait, you want one with the button not even then. That's pretty fucking autistic, desu.

The shortcuts it has are useful, even for gaming. For instance, you can do Win+Shift+Arrow key to move games between your monitors without going into any settings

>press a key 3 times in a row
>sticky keys bullshit appears onscreen
>game crashes

>player gouges out windows key with a screwdriver

>be brain damaged
>press windows key even though I don't want to

>never pressed the Windows key by accident in my entire life, didn't even know it was possible
>read about this happening to other people a few months ago
>has happened to me three times ever since
Fuck you guys.

101 keys doesn't have a windows key. I want this exact layout but with n-kro and brown switches.

>I really just don't see the issue,
read the fucking post where I explained it. try hitting left control+9 with your left hand. it's very easy to accidentally hit the winblows key when you're stretching that far, especially when you have small hands.

>for the sake of making it more "gamer"
what do you think a gaming keyboard is supposed to be for? a gaming keyboard should be designed for gaming first and letting you open a command prompt in 2 fewer clicks far second.

I had to tear mine off my keyboard because my OCD would force me to press it any time I pressed Ctrl, right next to it

>been playing games on PC for 24 years
>hit the Windows key by accident 1 (one) time as a teenager
Do you guys have some kind of disorder that makes you press it when you
re trying to press ctrl or alt?

>muh OCD condeeshun
Fuck off to Tumblr.

>Take out this universally useful feature, increasing the cost for the consumer
>To make sure autistic kids don't accidentally hit it
Fuck why didn't I think of that

I honestly don't know how someone could know the layout of a keyboard and manage to hit the wrong one, this is middle school tier shit

>read the fucking post where I explained it. try hitting left control+9 with your left hand. it's very easy to accidentally hit the winblows key when you're stretching that far, especially when you have small hands.

Okay, but the K70 has a button that disables the window key so it doesn't do anything when you press it, I don't see the issue.

The same disorder that makes you press enter when you're aiming for an apostrophe.

M8 these posts remind me of people saying "works fine on my machine :^)" whenever you're having tech problems

You guys can't concieve of a situation where you could accidentally press keys on your keyboard

SteelSeries 6Gv2 is pretty good. It has a media-key that works in combination with your F-keys to control your media player instead of the windows button. Nothing happens if you accidentally press it, but it's also not useless. That's pretty neat. If you need the windows key for whatever reason, the one to the right of the Spacebar is still there.

>universally useful feature
explain how I never intentionally used it a single time before prying it off then.

>play on ps4
>never have this issue
I can smell the fat dripping off your posts

I remember Starcraft pros used to take that key out of their keyboards before you software to block began existing.


I was looking at that one since it was fairly inexpensive and has a rice key instead of the winSHIT button, but it only comes with black and red switches.

>playo on PS4
>have 10% of the buttons because children and retards can't cope with any more

fuck off falseflag

>his hands are this small

How tall are you?

>Windows key disables game

What's wrong with red switches?

>calling Super "the windows key"
Also, since when does Windows minimize the focused window when you hit super?


my parents poisoned me with soy based milk when I was a baby.

I take meds for it. I wish more than anything it was just a trend for me

>there are manlets in this very thread

Well, what good are your meds if you still have to rip out your windows key?

>tfw had this one and spilled coke on it by accident
Damn thing got inside the switches and there's no way to clean it up at all.
They felt super mushy and got stuck sometimes afterwards so I just had to replace it.

How much are 1,86m in your subhuman measurement system?


You can use this link

to disable both keys.

Further web searching will also show how to disable only the left windows key so the right one will still work.

I also spilled coke on mine, but I was able to clean it by removing all of the keys and bathing it in hot water mixed with dish soap for 10 minutes. Had to let it dry in the sun for about 3 days before attempting to use it again tho. After that it worked pretty well, only the right CTRL-key is still a little sticky.

it's called the magic key gaylord

Well, I got nothing to lose since it's just sitting in a box now so I'll try that.
Thanks user.

lol rekt

>Unbind windows key in registry
>Use as dedicated mic key

>2014 comes along
>Every chat program removes support for direct input, no longer allowing me to use the windows key as a chat key

>my parents poisoned me with soy based milk when I was a baby
this except I was a bit older
probably stunted my dick growth but I have no proof of that

Win key is pretty useful for certain games, like ace interact in arma.
This, fucking this. I hate it so much when instead of just pressing any fucking key I want I have to make do with predefined set selected by developers because keyboard input is hard.

hey faggots
hold the windows key and tap tab a few times
this is just one of the magical uses of the windows key

I only play Japanese games and have never had this happen more than once or twice

Are you a Win7 shitter?

I mean, I use windows 7 but I don't know why that makes me a shitter inherently

>fn key just below left shit
could they have found a worse fucking place to put it, holy shit