Endless Space 2 comes out in less then a week

>Endless Space 2 comes out in less then a week


>there are people on this board who liked the first game and are looking forward to another one


The first one was alright.

Then Endless Legend came out, and was pretty good. Now they've improved everything and are making Endless Space 2, so obviously some of us are excited.

I didn't like the first one that much but I liked Endless Legend so I'm assuming the good bits will carry over

hol up, its coming out? jesus fuck why didn't anybody tell me
did they improve on the shitty combat system?

Which one? Early ES1, updated ES1 or beta ES2 combat system?

Uhh, all I know that ES1 had horrible combat system, did they fix it in ES2?

I thought this was still Early Access?

it is but the full release is next Friday

Does anyone know what the final race will be? There's still one locked slot for player races in the game.


Woah, shit. Cool. Its not.. an abandoned Early Access like Spacebase DF9 though, right?

It's better in that there are a lot more ways to set things up and the combat itself looks much better, but the combat itself is still just passively watching things play out.


Amplitude is one of the few studios that consistently does Early Access right.


Oh, right.

I knew that, but somehow forgot about it.

I see.
Did Sega influenced this game in a negative way somehow?

I doubt it, since it's basically the same as ES1 with more depth

Glad to hear it then. Is the same composer back to? Guy was legendary. I hope the music is easier to extract this time. some of those file extensions were a pain in the ass to open.

yep, same guy

Man this has me excited. If they've learned even more after Endless Legend this might actually be super good?

Good shit, guess I'll keep on the lookout for it, I remember playing EL during very cold days of winter, all tucked up and comfy, guess I can do the same with ES2