>Mfw Halo 5 is pretty good
>Mfw all the nostalgia autists hate it because they can't let go of the past
Mfw Halo 5 is pretty good
>mfw fags like OP are contributing to the CODification of Halo
>mfw they've never played a game of CE, 2, or 3 in their life and most likely started with Reach.
The trick is that you don't play H5 after playing H4 campaign.
Clear the trilogy and try again.
isnt he from ODST? how did he become a spartan?
>halo 5
Anyone can be a Spartan now because feelings
>Halo 3
>Not overrated to fuck
Campaign is still shit
Peak 'CODification' was Reach and 4. 5 has best multiplayer since the trilogy.
It's meta because he thinks SPARTAN-IVs are shit but relents and opts in the second or third time.
I've only ever played Halo splitscreen with an old friend. We didn't play 5 because there wasn't splitscreen. Watched some videos, I thought it looked fine, just wanted to play it how I'm used to.
>mfw Halo 5 doesn't have splitscreen
If you know so much about it, and like it,
could you give me a quick rundown on the main protagonists in the game,
and what their motivations are? I forget
I'm not going to spoil the story for you, play it yourself
nah don't worry i've played it, i just want a quick reminder on the 'who did what' aspect of the story.
Like Vale, who's that? what did she do again?
No splitscreen no buy
user, April fools was 6 weeks ago.
how does it feel to have the same shitty opinion as r/halo
>Console FPS
The fabled MCC for PC better include ODST when it ever releases.
>tfw halo isn't good and never has been
Neither of them are trying to kill each other retard
I hope it doesn't because PCfags didn't go through garbage matchmaking to deserve it
>the kids who were 6 years old when Halo 3 came out are now unironically posting about how Halo 5 is good
whether they had killing intent or not is irrelevant.
>two 7ft tall super soldiers
>wearing 2000lbs armor that enhances physical strength, reflexes, and speed
>they flail around like two drunk wrestlers from the early years of the WWF
it was shit.