Neo Sup Forums will try and argue this

>neo Sup Forums will try and argue this

Other urls found in this thread:


daily reminder pamperchu is literally dead

he restored old cars which i thought was cool as fuck 2bh


wasn't it cancer from eating microwaved shit?

not normal for someone to get cancer at his age, I bet it was the microwaved poop

You wish.

why did I click this

Redpill me on kaceytron


Boobs. Catcam. Good hair.

Right here senpai.

>implying anyone but dunkeyy is our guy

>Not glorious Reviewbrah


Knack 2 baby! Lol xd so funny am i cool yet, reddit?

>no anthony fantano
>no videogamedunkey
>no PDF

Shit list.

must be fun being 12

But Sup Forums's secret actual guy is imaqtpie seeing as he's actually literally our guy, except for the whole MOBA thing.


is kacey on that list because she can ironically act like a massive autist but disguise it well enough to make people think she's serious, just like people here?

I don't know who the fuck is any of those except DSP

Holy shit why

I've actually seen full play troughs from dsp unironically while doing work.

Literally the only youtuber worth the time.

>no Kizuna ai
Shit list

I didn't know cwc has an NES (Nintendo entertainment system)

>neo Sup Forums will try and argue for this

Stand aside plebs, /ourgirl/ is here

broteam is our only guy turbo autism is required to enjoy his videos

Redpill me on Pamperchu

Reviewbrah is to subtle for Sup Forums.

I haven't thought about Chris Bores in over 3 weeks.

What a fuckload of shit.

He's an autistic savant who can be a pretty normal guy with normal hobbies most of the time until he discusses his fetish

The version with the pic of DSP sitting with his girlfriend is better because it looks more like the maker is genuinely liking DSP content instead of just making a bait picture.


>This is the Chris Bores Network. Sadly the Irate gamer shtick has been retired after 9 years, but a special thanks to all the fans. I had a blast this past decade. Much love to all. Wishing everyone the best, even the haters
What the fuck. Is he going to hunt ghosts full time now?

move aside let's playing thots

Yeah, haven't you read his book?


After seeing this the only person who should be wishing for death here is Pamperchu himself.

>no melonpan
Are you even trying?



new irate gamer video.

official list is here

This video is proof that the only way to have zero friends is to not even try.

That's cool but where're Oney Plays, Super Mega and Gamegrumps, the golden triad?

You'd be surprised how untrue that is.

you wish.

I like Cowchop and Northernlion

what the unholy fuck

Ok, let's hear your excuse. Keep in mind that you are competing with diaper fetishists.

It is what it is

Back to prison with you.

Fuck you. Joey is based

what's the story behind this

you guys are forgetting someone

Fake Tweet.

>Sup Forums-approved
I hope this is a joke. I know we like to be contrarian but come the fuck on.

Post more degenerates that make chris-chan look normal in comparision.

the apple doesnt fall far from the bad teeth tree

Fake Post.

People say ears or nose or some shit but I swear you can see genetical heritage with teeth the best.

proud I don't know any of these faggots

Yeah he's not actually that fat. It's actually 30 midgets in a skin-suit.

there's an awkward gap between outgoing and sociable and completely autistic with no self-awareness, it's easy to make friends at the two extremes

He makes good game reviews.

His video with commentiquette was cringy as fuck, I never thought Erik could post a truly bad video.


I thought the cringe was the entire appeal of him. Every time youtube changes something he goes on some rant about having to maybe get off his fat ass and find a job and how *horrible* it would be to be like the plebs.

Fuck his fat face. I'd pray for cancer but that didn't seem to do the trick with TB.

>bunch of grown men walking around together in diapers
>one looks like a methhead
I got serial killer vibes from this video

So what you're saying is if you're not afraid to try you can make friends easily.

It's not whether or not the tweet is real, it's the entitlement that it represents.

is he literally the black Sup Forums?

my guys are beaglerush and bazzagazza

He is the archetype bad loser kind of fighting game player.

so black Sup Forums?

Sup Forums hardly plays fighting games.

I just don't get how you can take him seriously considering how horribly he plays them.
People like DSP are half the reason devs think we need quest markers.

the most truthful post I have ever seen on Sup Forums.

>highpitched screeching worse than pewdiepie clones
look, I like cute girls too but AI is shit.

No one on Sup Forums would care about DSP if he didn't have that elaborate hate cult surrounding him. Well, DSP would be hardly relevant nowadays if not for the hate culture anyway.


Ironic thing is he's living a happy and fulfilling life than you could ever hope to have.

he's actually an engineer

and? just because you are happy doesn't mean you aren't a disgusting waste of space.

[spoilers] Isn't that true Pamperchu? [spoilers]

Someone update that and add cow chop in

How long will it last? Embracing your degeneracy might bring temporary bliss but you deliberately picked the path of embracing your mental instability instead of fighting against it. You will kill yourself somewhere along the line or become some crazy maniac.

Going a path of higher resistance may be painful at times but there is always waiting pay off at the end. That diaper wearing freak is already at the peak of happiness in his life, it will only go downwards from here. Just like a transgender will get steadily unhappier since he/she decided that outward appearance counts the most although appearance is the thing that will gradually fade away with age.

Hey guys Phil here
Unedited raw gameplay
Edited content
The bottom line is
My business
My office
False copyright strikes
My condo in Conneticut
My girlfriend Leana
My tenure with machinima
That negative element
It is what it is
Argh argh agrh argh argh!
Ad revenue
It is what it is
One dollar
The chat's saying
Patreon goal of the month

Thread should've ended here.

Chris Bores is a fucking faggot

Is it wrong that I think Pamperchu is a genuinely nice person despite being a diaper-wearing shit-eating assburger?

There are no Sup Forums approved youtube channels.
They're all cancer, autistic, self-loving fuck sticks. Anyone that's a fan of an "e-celeb" needs to get a fucking life.

These threads should be bannable.

Post the pamperchu forum screencaps

girl gamer gab is cool though (stefanies friend).

This is probably one of the most thoughtful posts I've ever read on this site.

can someone crop out, girlgamergab (stef joostens friend) she doesn't belong with those people


vidya related youtube channels I follow
Dunkey, TopeREC TV, Dunkey, automatik Jak, WarOwl and Soviet Womble.

As fucked up as this thing is, at least he sticks to his beliefs.