I really want to get into Final Fantasy and I will do that by playing the best version of every Final Fantasy...

I really want to get into Final Fantasy and I will do that by playing the best version of every Final Fantasy, starting with 1.

What is the best FF1 version?

I've heard PSP has better graphics, but GBA has bonus dungeons. Or is the NES version the best? Is 1 even a real Final Fantasy?

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Play the PS1 version. It fixes a lot of bugs of the NES release while retaining the old mana mechanics with mana for different tiered spells.

>PS1 is the best if you want to play it closest to the original with bug fixes and such
>Wonderswan is the same as the PS1 version but with shittier music
>GBA is babby easy, but the bonus dungeons are kinda cool
>PSP is the same, but more of a pain in the ass to 100%
>NES if you're a hardcoer retro gamer
>MSX if you're a hardcoer contrarian retro gamer

Did you just see a certain YT e-celebs video about FF1 by any chance? Your timing is suspicious.

>Is 1 even a real Final Fantasy?
What kind of a question is that?
Yes, it is. It spawned the saga, and saved Square from going bankrupt. It's however late-80s NES game, so don't expect it to be mind blowing cinematic experience. Nor an easy game.

That being said, as an fairly old fan who's played all the numbered + many of the spinoff FF games, I'd say that the NES originals (1-3) can be skipped without losing anything.

IV, VI, VII and IX are the most beloved games by the most fans, and the ones I could easily recommend to anyone.
Out of those, I'd say 7 is a safe bet for a beginner. It was a huge phenomenon back in the days, and it's still very enjoyable, atmospheric and even comfy game. The gameplay-mechanisms are simple enough for rookies, but hard enough to master, soo it keeps even experienced players interested. There's also tons of optional side quests, minigames, etc.

After that, choose your poison. Since the stories and worlds are (usually) not connected in any way, you can pretty much shoot blind. Different things appeal to different people, and that's also why there's so much arguments about various titles in the series.

I for example really liked the FF XIII trilogy as a whole, but I know that many bash it as the worst blunder of the millennium and death of the series.

The ones I would personally recommend skipping are the NES originals (1-3) and the MMOs (11 & 14). I also wasn't too fond of VIII and XII.

>PS1 version
enjoy your loading screen hell.
The GBA and PSP ports are more or less based on that, and play much faster.


GBA with Mod of Balance romhack.

Play FF 5 and fall in love with the series.

If you're not playing FF1 using the original nes cart you're doing it wrong.

Final fantasy VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X are the best FF games so make sure to play those

>I will do that by playing the best version of every Final Fantasy, starting with 1.

That's a dumb idea. How it works is you start with the newest Final Fantasy and work backwards.

FF1&2 - GBA
FF3 - NES with Translation patch or DS if you aren't emulating
FF6 - GBA with Music patch or SNES
FF7 - PC Remaster
FF8 - PC Remaster
FF9 - PC Remaster
FFX - PS3/PSVita remaster since I believe the PS4 version is bugged
FFXII - Zodiac age in 2 months
FFXIII - doesn't matter

The PS1 games are fine, but they all have horrible load times compared to what you can get now

I'm not a normieshit.

Bad graphics doesn't bother me a tall. Long loading times however? That is a deal breaker.

Dawn of Souls and the Anniversary versions are easy as shit compared to the PS1 version. They might as well be Easy Type.

Go for PSP. Has the dame bonus dungeons, better graphics and nice sound.

>Did you just see a certain YT e-celebs video about FF1 by any chance?
No? Who do you even mean? Post a link of that video.

Projared posted a video today.

>The GBA and PSP ports are more or less based on that
They aren't. You have a single MP pool rather than the Vancian system.

The only problem with the MP system is the introduction of Ethers and Elixirs so you don't have to conserve spells in dungeons. Vancian had a bunch of stupid bullshit about it as well, like the poison cure spell being utterly worthless since it's a level 4 spell and you can very cheaply buy 99 antidotes instead.

You're right. Huh.

I swear to god, I didn't know that. But even if I did there would be nothing wrong with it and I would just admit it, but I honestly didn't know Propjared reviewed it.

I just take it as a good sign and really start with FF1 and not FF7. Fuck that shit. You should save the best for LAST.

I would pick PS1 because of the superior difficulty, but the loading times are unacceptable so I think it will be the PSP version.

FF7 isn't really the best or even close of being the best, just play them in chronological order and form an opinion on each entry to your own.

>Or is the NES version the best? I
Yes. A real man would play the original with all it's flaws and all it's charm that's missing from the tasteless remakes.

PS4 version of FFX has been patched and is the only way to play the far superior original soundtrack instead of that remixed bullshit.

Play that one.

The PS1 versions of the games load times are always blown way out of proportion so the PS1 version of FFVI is worth the tradeoff to get the soundtrack without hassle on top of it being uncensored if you've no access to SNES

>but they all have horrible load times
You can skip that with emulation quite easily.

>blown way out of proportion
Not really. Nobody is saying that FF7-9 have long loading times. Well maybe FF9.

But I remember FF6 taking fucking forever. Literally 5 seconds. It is fucking torture. Don't play it on the PS1. Don't.

Watch the cutscenes on YouTube (There are really only 3) and then play the Steam version with a dark shader mod.

speaking of the steam version would SE put a C&D out if someone just modded the "proper" graphics onto the game instead of that pasty mobile asswipe crap that we got?

The PC/PS4 Version, you meant.

there's nothing contrarian about MSX
it's the same bugfixes as PSX/WS but on an intended platform

Is there something wrong with the PC Version of FF3 and FF10?

Nothing in particular, but I'd rather play them on the go

How I did it, I haven't played any of the remasters except 10 on the PS Vita.

>1 and 2 on GBA. (2 is my favorite)
>3 on DS.
>4 on PSP.
>5 through 9 on PS1. (I'll get around to finishing 8 eventually)
>10 and 12 on PS2. (10 is where I started)
>13 on PS3.
If you want you can disregard the MMOs like I did.
>Then 15 after you've watched Kingslave.

I'd say the psp version are better ways to play FF1, 2, 3, and 4.

Is there a german version of FF1 and 2 for psp? I've been meaning to play through them as practice.

>literally broken buggy mess

EVERY other version is far superior just by the fact alone that the actual game mechanics work as they're supposed to, not to mention other changes

If you're still here OP, you can find romhacks for the NES version which fix all the bugs that make some spells useless, that way you get the original experience without the dumbest flaw.

>enjoy your loading screen hell.
The time you lose by having to sit through slightly longer load times is gained back exponentially by the time you save not having to sit through individual animations/text pop ups for multi-targeting spells, having to buy items one at a time, and not having a run button on the overworld.
If you want to retain the difficulty of FF1 (which is entirely preparation and resource management), PS1 is your best bet. If you don't care and just want a mindless button mash, then you can play the PSP version.

>How to hate the Final Fantasy series

On the topic of FF games with VA
X and XV's dubs are tolerable but play XIII/(XIV if you can pick it up for $10 and have the time to play it in 30 days) in jap, the dub voice direction is fucking awful and loads of shit in the games are framed like an animu anyway

XII has a better eng dub than 99% of all vidya though thanks to it having the one turbo autist who translates most of Matsuno's games onboard

III is good

III is good, but V effectively obsoletes it.

FF1 - PS1, bonus content isn't worth the ruining of the normal game's content
FF2 - PSP, for the most easily digested version of this shit pill
FF3 - NES if you like the challenge of maintaining resources throughout a dungeon throughout reasonably difficult random encounters, PSP if you like only being challenged by two bosses in the entire game, although the remake does get some bonus points for making most classes more diverse and useful
FF4 - PSP for a first playthrough, PC if you like the game enough to want to replay it eventually
FF5 - GBA with sound patch. The sound is still vastly inferior to the original soundtrack even with the patch, but there is no "best version" so you have to bite the bullet
FF6 - Same as above.
FF7 - PS1 and PC both acceptable
FF8 - PS1 and PC both acceptable
FF9 - PS1 and PC both acceptable
FF10 - Any remaster version
FF12 - I suspect IZJS will wind up being the best version because of the stupid dual-class thing in Zodiac Age. Who knows.
FF13 - whatever

>best version of every Final Fantasy, starting with 1.
I mean. Are we counting Tactics, and Crystal Chronicles, and Dissidia into that? Does Kingdom Hearts count?

>>XII has a better eng dub than 99% of all vidya though thanks to it having the one turbo autist who translates most of Matsuno's games onboard

Plus actual theatre actors for most the roles.

Yes, Yes, No, No.

>FF6 - Same as above.
I don't know why people are shitting so much on the steam version. True the graphics of the characters aren't the best.

But the monster and battle graphics are fucking beautiful and battles are what you will spend the majority of the game.
>FF8 - PS1 and PC both acceptable
It's the opposite. Both are totally unacceptable. PS1 has amazing sound but no chocobo world, PC has chocobo world but shit sound. The answer? Get the steam version with a music patch and HD mods.

The menus they use for the pc and mobile versions of the old FFs are disgusting. They look like they belong in RPG Maker games.

Christ that is fucking hideous.

Tactics has no best version.
PS1 translation is terrible, difficulty was nerfed a bit in the English version
PSP translation is fantastic (if you can put up with probably having to look up the definition of a few words), difficulty is restored, however all attack animations were slowed down (which can be fixed with a patch) and all sound effects and music sound much worse (which can't be fixed)

So you have to choose, do you want the PS1 version with the PSP translation patched in, and have to deal with a game that's much easier because classes unlock faster, or do you want the PSP version where you have to deal with awful audio?
The character sprites are terrible, and the tiling on the overworld is even more terrible. Not to mention how hideous the UI is.
Chocobo World is a worthless addition.

oh god make it stop. not muh ffvi

>Chocobo World is a worthless addition.
>items are a worthless addition

Do you want to play a tedious mini game for a small chance at a rare item, or play the already brokenly easy real game and not give a shit about whatever worthless shit you might be missing out on? Completionists are pitiful.

play the phone versions.

Does the PC version of 7 still have the shitty music or did they change it?

Which FF game can give you that sense of unalderated pure innocent romantic love from your childhood Sup Forums?

V, probably.

Final Fantasy lover here. Never liked FF7 or Advent Children. Never grabbed me for some reason.

the gba sprites are fucking great, the game sounds great and is really comfy, I highly recommend the GBA version of all the older ones

Advent Children is legit garbage.

Really? Can you elaborate without spoiling pls?

I tried starting with II(4), but goddamn is it a pain in the ass

>cecil gets rekt, all on his own
>all stats reset to lvl 1 as a paladin
>meet the twins
>drastically underleveled and can get killed super easily so I have to tank hits for them
>grinding in the cave

No, 100% a game is fun. The last 2-10 hours where you already finished the game and are almost god, but not quite god and you still try to become stronger. That's the best part of the game.

Do people really beat a game once and never return? Why even bother putting so much effort into it if you aren't going to totally destroy that game?
>tedious mini game
ALT+TAB to chocobo world, then ALT+TAB to FF8. 2 hours later -> collect items. Or leave it open during the night. How tedious!

I am glad you came to the right person.....the newer versions has superficial extra depth. Play the NES version

There is nothing innocent about Sup Forums faggot

You could play Grond's FF1 hack if you want the NES feel minus the bugs and shitty thief class.

>that screen
wow cool rpgmaker game bruh

The only good thing about this version is Cyan's bushido is god tier.

>best for last
>FF7 even being "great"

I want to toss in that getting into Final Fantasy by playing it as if they have anything to do with each other is just ignorant. Enjoy shoehorning yourself into sitting through a few subpar games that absolutely kill your desire to play any further in the series.

If you want to get a good sampler of FF, play whichever you think you'll like the most, and if that means starting with VII, then II, then XII, etc, so be it. Order means nothing, and it'll be a lot harder if you work backwards like said, since the mechanics vary greatly and get more dated/user unfriendly the further back you go.

Why are you making this thread after watching Projared's video he already gave you a fucking answer on which one to play.

I will never understand how people like 2.
>inb4 "but Minwu is cool"
It's like a turn based Skyrim.

PSP version has the GBA dungeons+ more. It's the best version of ff1 but ff1 is pretty basic in terms of combat anyways.

go to /vg/ and read the OP, there's a pastebin link for every version of each game and which is the 'best'

>It's like a turn based Skyrim.

I never had those problems and I actually expected to have to deal with them.
>those behemoths that ambush right before the final boss
Fuck that shit though.

Well it's true.

FF2 spawned SaGa so that puts it above most FFs. Besides it's not as bad as everyone says it is

Which SaGa games are good? I tried the remake of the first one on PS and it just felt like a bunch of disjointed sidequests with nothing tying them together and my characters had no lines after joining me. I liked the concept but felt it was poorly executed.

You can start with any game. FFV is probably the most fun though. It's nice that you can change jobs whenever you like and the story and characters ended up being way better then I expected

>Besides it's not as bad as everyone says it is
It's still pretty fucking awful.

bug fixed rom fix of the original is the best. the remakes "better graphics" are dog shit compared to the original's art style

Romancing Saga 2 and the PS2 remake of Romancing Saga 1 are considered the best. The original game is pretty good but it was called The Final Fantasy Legend.

Well maybe I liked it because I never bothered grinding and had no issues

You must've been playing some mindlessly easy remake.

>tfw SaGa was just as popular as the main series when it was called FF legends
At least the series is still popular in Japan but none them have any chance at being localized so it sucks. I heard the new game on the Vita was really good too.

Well I played it a long time ago but I remember always getting lost so maybe that's why I never hadto grind. The only thing that really pisses me off is how you could encounter strong enemies if you went too far ahead on the world map but most NES games had even more bullshit so it's not really an issue.

Best music. The emperor takes over both heaven and hell and you have to kill him in both, at least in the port I played. The word-memory system was actually engaging and didn't feel gimmicky as one would expect, it was a nice innovation.

>The word-memory system was actually engaging and didn't feel gimmicky as one would expect, it was a nice innovation.

I always forget that was a feature. Surprised it was never used in more games.

Those are not enough reasons to call 2 a good game, those were just tiny ideas that happened to work well. Although the emperor was a pretty alright villain, and music has always been good in FF games. Except 7's.


There's no reason to go for the GBA version of I and II when the PSP version is only slightly less challenging but has a ton more content to make up for it. If you want to keep the difficulty without having retarded broken stats and spells, the PS1 version is probably your best bet.

And the PSP version of FF3 is superior to the DS version since all of the postgame content is accessed offline.

Get the fuck out

It's extremely light-hearted but well written enough to never make you groan at its silly moments.

I'm almost 100% sure that Cecil has higher stats as a level 1 Paladin than whatever level you transform him at. The only thing that sucks is the lack of a quick mob blaster.

no your first final fantasy should be 4 it is like the difinative beginners experiance then if your still interested move on to either 5 or 6 also the GBA versions are perfect

>The word-memory system was actually engaging and didn't feel gimmicky as one would expect

99% of the time, if you didn't tell them the specific phrase that you learned at the previous location, they'd just give you a dumbfounded look and ask what the fuck you're talking about. Like pretty much everything else in FF2, it was good on paper.

Mateus is cool as shit though. There's something endearing about seeing an antagonist as unabashedly evil as him, especially when he single-handedly caused so much suffering throughout the entire world.

Skip the Enix games.

XII is fine.

Skip IX. There's nothing special about that game


Could somebody please explain why Gordon and Leila are so fucking weak in Final Fantasy II. Gordon literally starts off with 64 HP and 5 MP when enemies are doing hundreds of damage with each hit

>PsP of 1
>GBA of 2
>DS of 3
>4 is complicated. GBA for dungeons or DS/PC for quality. If you pick the PSP then you have 4's sequel too. I personally pick DS as the definitive.
>GBA of 5
>GBA of 6
>PS1 of 7, 8, and 9. The PC versions are trash.
>any HD of X. They're all the fucking same. PC isnt an awful port, but avoid it if possible
>wait for XII remake.
>stop here.
There you go OP.

PSP is better for FF1

Ignore anyone that says PS1, it's outdated and doesn't have bonus content

XIV is great.
