What was better? I preferred nu Wolfenstein because I value stealth
What was better? I preferred nu Wolfenstein because I value stealth
I had more fun with Wolfenstein, but I preferred the more straightforward minimal plot fuck em up approach Doom had
someone needs to add quake champions to this pic
Just downloaded doom on the second mission. Should I give wolfinstein a try ? Is it as gory and brutal ?
It's not over the top like Doom, there's some very very graphic torture scenes, stealth kills and even a concentration camp but nothing like where BJ rips a dudes face open or anything
You do see skull fragments lying on the ground after you blow somebody's head off I guess if that makes or breaks it for you
I liked the Wolfenstein stealth, but I loved DOOM because of the Rip & Tear DoomGuy fun.
I tried the Old Blood and got bored by the time I entered the nazi stronghold after the boat turret segment. The guns weren't satisfying and the enemies I dunno, they just weren't interesting to fight. It felt like I was playing one of those knock off FPS games like Timeshift. NuDOOM on the other hand was very satisfying once you got the shotgun. They really should have just started you with that and dropped the shitty pistol, its completely unnecessary.
Yes but it provides with an option to do stealth kills and knife throws kinda like Far Cry. You're never chained to it though, so if you don't like stealth you can run-n-gun Blazko can dual-wield Snipers and Rocket Launchers for fucks sake.
Also the character skill development is way better in Wolfenstein than in DOOM. You get actual useful perks for each weapon and for your throwing knives etc. for meeting tasks in each level. It's way better than the constant weapon upgrades for the "mods" you never actually use, those dumb Praetor Tokens planted in the maps and the Argent Cells that spawn at random spots (and which you no longer need half way through the game because everything is filled up)
Oh yeah, and TNO tries to tell a story with a deep fiend but between fucking Polish girls in public and shooting futuristic robot Nazi dogs on the moon the serious approach is hilariously bad. All the dialogue is skippable though I believe, so there's that.
Doom was more accessible and enjoyable, Wolfenstein was more complete and satisying.
D44M = nice greasy pizza after a long night of drinking
Wolfenstein = well cooked steak and potatoes
I pretend to like bethesda games because I was never hugged as a child.
I prefered Wolfenstein too, but mostly because Doom's level structure was really repetitive.
the weird and inconsistent tone of Wolf is something I ended up liking more as I played through it again. It's like Danger 5 and Sup Forums's wildest most outrageous dreams smashed together with this really deadpan attitude.
They literally throw you in the fucking ovens and you see two lounge chairs with cups sitting in front of it when you climb out
The mech with the handy jew-burning oven built in really amazed me. I can't believe the game didn't result in major media OY VEY
Awesome thanks.
Should I get The new order or the old blood ?
I liked DOOM better just because I like the play style more.
But both were great games.
Old Blood is very different from New order, bigger emphasis on stealth and much less guns
TNO is much more action packed, though not to the degree Doom 4 is
Old Blood is really really short and not really very satisfying if you ask me (except for actually seeing Castle Wolfenstein), both it and TNO are $20 so if I had to choose I'd go for TNO
Both. TNO first.
What's weird is that Old Blood is pretty much a remake of the first two chapters of RTCW, yet RTCW's events are mentioned in TNO.
Doom but Wolfenstein was fun, look forward to seeing the dev's next game on id tech 6.
TNO is much longer and more fun in my opinion.
Old Blood is just an independant expansion.
Yep I realized that after a bit, it's not so unusual but fuck me if Old Blood's version of the castle didn't beat the fuck out of RTCW's plain olde fortress inside and out
I agree with this user, TNO is much better than Old Blood overall given how similar they are in price.
well as I recall in Return it was modeled off the real castle where Himmler did his occult practices.
TNO it is.Thanks everyone
7 minutes till it's done DL so here it goes.