Quake thread

I'm not really having fun with this game anymore. But only because there is no challenge, everybody playing the beta is absolute garbage. I've never even played quake before, but win most deathmatch games and duels. Shitting on scrubs is only fun for so long.

That plus the bugs and networking make me question how long I'll be playing this game when released

Are you even allowed to have an opinion on this game if you haven't won deathmatch with the 50 kill limit yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Every argument with this game is the same. You complain and people will say ''It's a beta'' or ''Get Gud''. Just saved your time with this piece of shit game

And you're still shit. Once they implement an MMR system you will be getting shit stomped in duels I guarantee it.

But it is. The problems he mentioned wont exist when out of beta.

I must be the only person who doesn't get

any networking problems whatsoever*
I just hit level 10 and haven't had any issues.
You missed that rail because you're bad

>Works on my machine!
I've been in the Beta since week 1, the amount of people complaining in the private forums about the netcode is insane. It was actually much worse the first 2-3 weeks. I'm saying the discussion on the game is complete garbage because it all deters to ''it's a beta wait until release''

I wasn't having fun either until I started playing scrims with the australian quake community

Find people to play with. Most countries have quake fan communities of some kind.

Well it does work for me.

If you're talking about problems that are inevitably going to be non existent then people are going to say so.

That said, this duel format is starting to grow on me.

I eagerly await. I only like games when I'm getting destroyed. Overwatch is too easy. Ready to pick up tekken 7 and get my ass kicked.
Railgun feels worse this week than it did last week, and there are a lot more people just jittering around the map impossible to hit
Wish they would patch the fucking invisible lightning gun. Rocketlauncher does feel weird too

Is this gonna be on consoles?

Since you're a dev, can I ask you when you're going to move everything server side so the weapons aren't so shit to use?

If you were playing against me I was playing at 5 fps, it offers absolutely no graphical options, somehow I can run Overwatch and Paladins max setting 60 fps but can't run Doom 4 or Quake Champions on low with the lowest internal resolution. Why isn't there a fucking option to turn off antialiasing? What the fuck is id softwares new problem

When you get internet that isn't dog shit.

The only weapon that CAN be client-sided (unlagged) is the railgun and I'm pretty sure it is.

sorry, that and the LG and MG

I don't like how the netcode works.
the enemy is shooting position where i am a second ago and i'm dead.
and when i shoot enemies, it seems like they just can't fucking die,
while sometimes they can normally.
i had died a few times behind walls too.

also, it's so boring to just run and shoot around.
there's no gameplay in this game besides "try to aim precisely"

this game is too advanced for consoles

" SyncError mentioned in rapha's stream chat tonight [...] that they are currently changing the netcode for the projectiles (rockets, nailgun, etc) to server-side. This will fix the rocket delay. Here's the quote from him addressing this last part: @shane_rapha Your issue at Heavy with nails will be fixed soon as well, we're in the middle of moving projectiles to server-side.. which is why they are slightly off atm, including the famous question about rockets atm."
Thanks for making yourself look like a fucking dumbass!

t. guy who finished his round 1-19

One of you is crying that the guns are client sided, the other is crying that they aren't.

>there's no gameplay in this game besides "try to aim precisely"
Ah, one of those shitters that are so bad the game isn't fun for me anymore has entered the thread

t. it will be good afterXhours, i swear! guy

I'll fucking destroy you, dumb stinky weeb.

Is the upload rate to server really tied to the frame rate like everyone is saying? I have shitty outback australian internets and my upload is trash.

>Most people playing are total shit because they haven't played Quake in years if at all

Shut up faggot. Pay $10 and get raped in Quake Live by the super hardcore Quake fans if you need a challenge so badly.

Duel me kiddo. I'm tier Xaero on this shit.

There is LITERALLY 0% absolutely no reason at all ever to play this dogshit when Quake Live exists. This thing is a joke and will be dead on arrival. Bethesda can't even get this piece of trash hyped up paying streamers to play it.

uh, fatal1ty prefers it over quake live
so it's obviously better retard

holy shit people in this thread are retarded about server side / client side. Why would you use those words if you have no clue what it means?

You can have guns that appear 0 latency, aka you see them fire on your client as soon as you click, but the server side (latency included) determines if they hit.

You can have synced gameplay which shows you the lagged actions but is always 100% accurate. (This feels like shit in FPS)

Server Side vs Client side is not a real binary thing. It is more granular. You can have client side immediate reactions and server side hit detections. You can favor the shooter or the person being shot. You can do tons of shit.

This whole is it server side or client side filth people are posting makes zero sense. The netcode currently feels like shit on projectiles though and as seen in the thread they are changing how they do it.

lol shut up loser

>guy that is either directly shilling for bethesda or is desperately trying to make a quick buck off "the return of quack"


I haven't had any network issues whatsoever, but I live in Western NA, so I'm in a good geographical locations for online vidya.

I have had a serious problem with load times, though; it takes almost 4 minutes for the game to load up initially, takes 2-3 minutes to load into a map, and on my first game of the session; my game will stutter immensely making the 1st minute of the match absolutely unplayable, then it smoothens out and runs perfectly. Does anyone know what I'm talking about here or is it just me?

Do you have an SSD?

No, should I get one? I'm thinking it might be my RAAM, actually, I only have 8gs

Anyone want keys?

just add a classic matchmaking option, if they fucking make it a custom game option rather then a default preset I will drop this game so hard

No idea, but a few games like path of exile and some other require SSD for some reason. Was thinking quake champ is like that.

I'm also western NA with no network problems. Game is slow to load initially even on an SSD but is alright after that. Usually my first match after booting has a bit of stuttering then is completely fine.

So they're too incompetent to make a console game?

you can generate indefinite amounts off their website, basically open beta now

I have the same issues, the game does have memory leak issues that can slow it down. I find that it takes a long time to load when first starting but gets better after a while.

I also get netcode issues which are annoying, my connection isn't even bad but sometimes during the game random lag spikes will happen.

Can't imagine playing a game like this on console, it could be done but it'd play completely differently.

Quake on consoles would be pointless, how the fuck would you strafe-jump, circle-jump, rocket-jump, etc..

It's been done before. It's fun as fuck too.

I think he meant as a competitive arena shooter, not as a single player campaign.

I know. Quake 64 has 1v1 mp.

>take a nearly two decade old game
>remove weapons
>make one of the weapons useless
>deliberately unbalance the playing field
>make players constantly listen to quippy bullshit

Get hype?

>team games

Splitscreen versus modes in console shooters have always been there to serve you and your buddy in a sleepover, they don't play like the way developers intended them to be. Unless if it's something like Unreal Championship 2 where they remolded the gameplay specifically around the input method. Also ignoring games that let you plug in a keyboard and mouse like UT3, Q3, etc.

> team modes in a 1v1 game

What 1v1 game?

>the dunning kruger effect : the game


Git gud or kill your family and yourself

I just want to stop winning every deathmatch game I get put in, why is it so hard to lose if I'm actually shit

Duel me and you will know pain


Just because you're shit doesn't mean I am.

Ever heard of the the dunning kruger effect?

i don't see the relevance

It's not the dunning kruger effect if you're actually good at something.

>1v1 in a Clan Arena game

Reminder that anarki is the only character that feels good to play.


Rune icon is being used in Sacrifice. It shows the power-up spawn which is either Quad or Protection/Battle Suit.

>can't play DM while in a party
>can't play Duel while in a party
>even if its a party of 2

They said during the E3 announcement that it is a PC exclusive.


Why does it always seem like I can't kill shit in this game?

Like shit I hit a Sorlag 3 times with a zoomed rail and I couldn't kill the fucker.
If it's taking a set amount off of health or armor or something I think it would make more sense to color them as such because I can't figure it the fuck out.

Sorlag has a ton of starting health. It actually takes a good 3-4 seconds to kill an AFK Sorlag with the LG. I know this because I just played some TDM with an AFK Sorlag. I sat there and LG'd her to death. It took a surprisingly long time.

I imagine a tanked Sorlag would be a pain to take down.

That seems kind of fucked. I guess if you run up against one you're shit out of luck, then? Especially with that ridiculous ability she has.

It's going to die a painful death.

QC n00b here: who are good characters to unlock first?

Just buy the game and get everyone.


trying to run mega and large armor is exhausting, I can only do it for so long. coming from DOOM 2016 where the armors didn't matter at all so usually all you had to time was the quad and the rune and sometimes mega, all of which were well over 30 sec on the timer. timing and map control is much harder and more involved in QC. I need to step it up

is anyone finding the super nailgun useful? can't seem to hit shit with it, except at close range where I start getting disoriented anyway

if u play overwatch after qc comes out you have a slim boner and a small dick but if you play qc then you have a fat boner and a big dick

u know its true

Galena, Anarki, Sorlag

It's probably closer to like 2.75-3 seconds, but still, that is a long time in LG damage. She's slow though. So she's easy to out maneuver. She does pretty well on Burial Chamber since it's pretty flat. I don't see anyone even try to Sorlag on Blood Covenant or Ruins of Sarnath. There's too many portals and jump pads.

Starting nailgun

Back when the beta started and the netcode was smooth, I was wrecking shit with the SNG and stating Nail Gun. I got the "Nail Gun God" models frequently.

These last few betas, the net code has gone to shit and matches are choppy as fuck. I rely solely on the LG like everyone else does.

*starting Nail Gun
*Nail Gun God medal

So will there be a normal server browser in the release?

I would like to know this as well

Nothing confirmed or denied. Most people are certain there will be.

I couldn't even get on. Couldn't sign into my account, they never emailed me the thing to try and reset the password, kept getting errors when I just tried to make a new account.

Just checked my email again and still nothing. Bethesda can kiss my ass

>I did something wrong and it's everyone's fault but my own.



fun ramming the fuck out of people

>no reason

>huge graphical improvements
>new gameplay elements
>new maps
>redone maps

>no reason

fucking neck yourself retard, just because your nostalgia goggles are welded on doesn't mean we all have to be stupid with you.

quake live will continue to exist when quake champions launches. stay there if you want.

disappointed that the natural skin color + plus blue hair skin isn't in the beta. I wonder if they scrapped it

You're forgetting the biggest reason, which is that QC is populated and QL is dead in terms of pubs.


>completely whiff a zoomed RG on Slash going mach 2 with crouch sliding or whatever the fuck she does
>it still hits and kills

I wanted to play the fuck outta the game with friends tonight but the Bethesda launcher is so shit. It downloads at like 100kbs a sec. If this was Steam it would be done in 25 min but instead I was stuck at 20 hrs for the full DL despite my fast DL. If you stop the download to turn off your comp it restarts from 0%. Fuck this game. I am not willing to wait for this slow as shit. Unreal Tournament here we come. All because Bethesda has to have their own store.

>get in a 1v1 against the leading player
>third party comes in
>third party goes after you instead of the lead player
>lead player kills you both


I was downloading at my normal speeds of like 10-15mbs

i am getting absolutely eviscerated every single game

no matter how much time i put in, i won't get any better, same as quake live

It's not that hard, holy shit.

whens the full game coming out

I'm loving the Beta. My only problem is that I can't imagine playing it for too long.

There's just really no variation after a while. Unless they add a shit ton of new modes, it'll get repetitive really fast.

i guess i can take comfort that this will bomb, and for good reason

nobody wants to pay to join a server to get instakilled by 35 year old slavs over and over

arena shooters are dead

you can a) quit being a baby and take your beating like man, and realize it happens to everyone and focus on improving your game b) wait until proper matchmaking c) blame the game for being too good to let you win for being shit and quit

ur chioce hombre sensitivo ego banditoe cheevo