Post yfw you see this come up on Nintendo's E3 direct
Metroid e3 confirmed
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Metroid is my favorite video game character
>mfw I see it and then realize after the trailer that I still haven't finished Corruption
I have never completed a metroid game
y cant metroid crawl guy got help from people on miiverse and actually finished the game and enjoyed it
the system served its intended purpose
I miss miiverse. They redesigned it and ruined it
I'd be pissed because I want Metroid Dread, and not more of these midquel things
>yfw its a fucking 3ds game
If it's a 2.5D sequel to Metroid Fusion, I don't see this being a problem.
It's never gonna happen, isn't it?
Aaaaand it's fucking nothing.
Get back to me when this franchise is a metroidvania again.
Even if Metroid comes back whether on Switch or 3DS you fags won't buy it. You swear up and down you want a new Metroid game, but when one does come out, it fails to break 20K worldwide. Same goes with F-Zero and Star Fox, you don't care about these franchises enough to see them through success.
When Nintendo does give you what you want, all you do is bitch and scream and the cycle repeats.
Sup Forums never loved Metroid. They love the idea of Samus.
The series is best left dead don't you think?
fusion sucked lmao
>it fails to break 20K worldwide.
name three (3) games
If it's 2.5D and a sequel to Fusion, I'm buying the shit out of that.
You suck
>We'll never get the perfect Metroidvania FPS hybrid
>company finally release a game from a dormant franchise
>turns out it's shit
>people don't buy it because it's fucking shit
>"Well golly gee! I guess nobody want anymore game of this franchise!"
The ol' Capcom strat
japan strat*
Referring to the latest one on 3DS. Nintendo was obviously testing their foot in the water to see whether or not Metroid is still viably profitable and worth being invested in.
Seems not, especially on a platform with nearly 70M users.
Coming right up.
Still doesn't excuse the multitude of faggots who cried out for the series to come back. They begged and pleaded with Nintendo, and it didn't even sell 20K.
What does that tell Nintendo and the future of this series you all pine for so much? They won't put up the money for a franchise that sells like shit. I doubt we'll being seeing Samus for a long time.
It was really good, but combat wasn't exactly what I wanted, I want something more fast paced.
>I want something more fast paced.
Coming right up.
More like something that killed the franchise.
>pulling numbers out of your ass
That was Prime 2 though as that game absolutely tanked in sales.
Other M is more like the nail in the coffin of an already dying franchise due to poor critical reception as well as sales, at least the other games had good critical reception.
>Nintendo releases a Metroid game
>No one buys it
>People wonder why Metroid is on ice
>0.10m = 100000 ≠ 10000
Your point being? It still just is a terrible game who sold poorly, but you are being hyperbolical.
>over 1 million
>tanked in sales
While it probably wasn't much of a failure, Other M had quite the budget.
Blame D-Rockets for that.
What would Nintendo have to do to get you to buy Metroid again?
>Nintendo releases a Metroid game
>It's terrible and no one wants to buy it
>Shit i guess metroid is fuckin dead guys!!1!1!
God, you are retarded.
Nah, it's alright. The rail-roading and unskippable cutscenes/dialogue are stupid as hell, but it has easily the best bosses of the 2D games and is very well designed besides.
>>Nintendo releases a Metroid game
I've noticed a foundational flaw in your premise.
can we let this be a civil metroid thread without any shitposting, please
thank you
That is a good and correct image.
>Pixel hunting
God, i hated that shit
>new Metroid announced
>it's still not a sequel to Fusion
Fusion's plot was terrible and the sooner we all forget it happened, the better.
Besides linearity there was literally nothing wrong with Fusion.
Confirmed where?
>hurrr durrr da federation is ebul AGAIN
No thank you. You just know it'd be 30% Zero Suit "stealth" sections. Much rather have another interquel that can explore the interesting aspects of the setting rather than just being shitty Metal Gear In Space.
>nintendo was obviously testing their foot in the water to see whether or not a low-risk, low-effort spin-off game nobody asked for would become a smash success, instead of investing in making a good game like the other games people liked
It's like if they stopped making Mario after the SMB2, then came back with Mario & Wario 9 years later.
>B-but ay havu been wokin on dis since too sousan an EEEEEEEEEEET!!
>mfw we get a new DK game and Metroid fans are cucked again
When did it happen before?
Close, what actually happened was:
>Nintendo was testing the water to see if the Metroid series could sustain spinoffs like Mario, Zelda, Kirby and their other heavy hitters
>fans quickly proved the Metroid franchise could never be anything more than an occasional niche title like Star Fox or F Zero
That's retroactively the case thanks entirely to Other M.
haha xD
t. supercuck
I'd love it, Tropical Freeze is Retro's best game by a mile and the Metroid fan base is one of the most autistic alongside Sonic so the ensuing meltdown would be glorious.
Other M and Fusion.
I'm sorry user, but your post seems to be blank. Can you try again?
Maybe if the spinoffs were good
Do not reply to my posts ever again.
When people say Prime do they just mean another 3D game, or do they actually want another game in the Prime series? I mean, Prime had a pretty solid conclusion. It would just be a big asspull if Phazon were to come back.
Nintendo's Halo
The Prime moniker has no canonical bearing anymore and now just means first person Metroid game.
The entire fanbase shat themselves and screamed like children long before the game came out. Whether the spinoffs were good or not didn't matter in the least, it wasn't exactly what they wanted so engage the autistic shrieking.
Since you've never played Fed Force and don't realize it's good, you're clearly among the autistic shriekers.
>mfw DK and Metroid are my favorite Nintendo franchises
Literally the only way I can lose is if Retro makes their own IP.
Kill urself
I'd love to see a back-to-basics traditional Metriud.
Thing is, I don't trust modern Nintendo to make one.
Different user, but I played Fed Force and it was, in fact, trash.
>don't realize it's good
Please, please kys
Prime Pinball came out when they were still making real games. It was also an okay game. It did okay.
Weird how that works.
I know for a fact neither of you have played it.
I did and it was fucking garbage.
What are the options in the options menu of Federation Force?
I want Fromtroid to be honest
What a bunch of pretendos, amirite?
I'd probably actually cry a bit.
What actually happened:
Fanbase saw that the game looked like it was going to be shit and have only the most tangential of relations to the Metroid franchise, complained about this, and complained about Nintendo's mishandling of the franchise.
Then it released, was confirmed shit by most sources, and few people bought it.
Only people I'd trust with the IP are the AM2R guys
I like the Metroid games but the fanbase got so fucking obnoxious after Federation Force. I really wouldn't care if we stopped getting Metroid for a while just to spite those idiots.
Trick question. There is no Options menu, but one for controls and one for customise.
But that wasn't a Metroid game, you shitty troll. you know damn well what kind of Metroid game everyone wants.
kill yourself please
>Metroid Prime: Federation Force is not only the best FPS on the 3DS, but perhaps one of my favorite FPS games ever.
Most reviews look very positive to me, try playing the game.
Why do you set yourself up for disappointment? Nintendo doesn't care about Metroid. I mean sure it pisses me the fuck off but it's just the way things are.
Do you mean the controls menu?
He pussed out instead of continuing to update it, unfortunately. He was only legally obligated to remove the game from his site, there would be no problem putting out update files.
>Tangential of relations to the Metroid Franchise
Yeah, no. The GF have been a part of Metroid lore since the very beginning. Expanding the universe more should have been welcomed by fans.
Metroid fans really do seem to be under the delusion that Metroid has to be about Samus.
>Nintendo stuff might leak due to this stupid hacking crisis
I still don't understand what the difference is between DMC fans shitting on the Ninja Theory game and Metroid fans shitting on Fed Force and Other M.
When DmC came out it was rightly acknowledged that anyone crying entitlement was a bona fide shill. What happened?
No, they make good 3rd person games with good cameras and the level design is about right. I sure as fuck don't trust Nintendo to do it.
What in the fucking fuck would make you connect those two things.
Camera and level design
Gameplay would need to be different, I'm not asking for "Dark Souls Metroid"
It's the Nintendo Effect.
Expanding the universe was welcomed by fans. What Nintendo did wasn't that though.
We wanted a Samurai Jack style continuation of the series and what they gave us was more like the new Powerpuff Girls