If I buy a random $300-400 laptop will I be able to play video games

I need a laptop for work, so I'm not getting a desktop.

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Minesweeper. That's it.

not really, high end hardware in a laptop isn't cheap

indie pixel shitware that will prob run better on your phone

Fine fuck it I'll just get a cheaper laptop and a Switch. Fuck PC gaming.


That's a decent choice, user.

well, fuck laptop gaming

Unless you want to play indie shit and older titles and emulators, it really is the better option.
And I'm not praising the Switch, I'm saying gaming laptops are dumb.

Is this the hot new symbol of the alt-national socialists?


I know theres a version with an ssd for a similar price but I can't be assed to find it. You'll be able to play all your meme games (overwatch cs go etc) older games and any well optimized new game on dog shit settings.

Nigga whom'st'd thou work at a refurb/ recylcing company here.

Look for shit that still POSTs on ebay or craigslist check local electronics recylcer/ resellers, maybe something with physical damage to the case but intact function, and get down and dirty to fix the thing.
Cherry pick the hell out of listings and find something cheap that you can take an hour or two to slap a new screen on and be up and running.

Dell, HP, whoever CAD & work station laptops are great for gaming.

Dug up a Dell Precision M6600, installed Antergos, and use it as my base now and my desktop is just a steam stream & media host.

From 2010-2011, maybe. Gayman laptops are both ridiculously expensive and underpowered as fuck. If you don't mind playing old games then you should be OK. Intel graphics can do impressive things nowadays.

Used in ebay I found some i3-3XXX with 3Gb Ram.

This is enough for some older games.
I used to play Oblivion without major graphics mods and Stalker in one of these.
It cannot run a PS2 emulator reliably.
Fallout 3 was playable without lag at low settings.

you can get used notebooks with an i7 3740QM which should be pretty beasty for emulation

like this for example


You could wait and see if there will be any Ryzen 3 APU laptops that could do light gaming, but that'd be quite a bit now. The APU skews aren't out yet.

Go to $700 for your work laptop and you could probably play current releases.

yes, that's why pc gaming is so easy. just plug and play

Fuck pepe but I can get behind it if there are other Boys Club characters instead. Landwolf is the most similar in personality to what the pepe ones have him doing. Pepe is the most beta of Boys Club, he doesn't act smug or anything close.

Definitely possible but if you go up to more like $600 you'd be set. I have a 4(?) year old laptop with an i5, 6gb ram and some generic Intel 4000 integrated graphics and it can run certain games. Skyrim on low is playable and something less intense like WoW is decent. This was laptop that was like 550 4 years ago

if OP were as autistic as you he wouldn't ask in the first place

You'll be playing the kind of toxic F2P trash that attracts third worlders and their toasters, and on low-to-medium settings at that.

That and emulators up to the PSone, so it's not all bad news.

Any 4th gen mobile Intel core that's at least 2 GHz can emulate GC games.

no it's just a nigger cartoon drawn by a closet furry

You buy a 300 dollar laptop and you're going to have trouble running Youtube videos.

I was able to play source engine games pretty decently with a 500 leafland bux laptop. Portal games, dota and tf2 ran well if you fixed the settings.

A little autism goes a long way.
A full gaming laptop and all associated parts for under 200 can't be beat.

Yea but he clearly doesn't have the skills or patience to do any of that shit, it's probably some 15 year old retard

Costs nothing but a few minutes of my time.
Perhaps someone else can find my advice useful.

What kind of work

I do legislative work for a right-wing, pro-business national lobbying group. I mostly use my laptop for very basic stuff, but I keep it around all the time: writing, email, powerpoints, porn during lunch, etc.

Sounds like a Chromebook would work fine.

Not trying to be funny or anything but go on reddit and go on hardwareswap. You'll get really good deals on used electronics. And if you want to sell shit it's a good place as well. You'll be able to get a good laptop for 400.

But how do I know what's a dud and what's not? If it posts does that guarantee that it'll work if I replace the screen or some shit? What if the mobo is fucked?

This is exactly what i'm using right now actually, Can confirm that it CAN run new games if they optimized for it.

It can't run new shit like say - Dark Souls 3, I tried.

Oh yeah let me add that sound is a bit bad, not in sound-quality to say but the volume it can go.


get a used business laptop keep in mind that the battery might be in rough shape and make that the bios isnt locked and a decent resolution(anything but 1366*768) and at least a 3rd gen i5.
If it come with a HDD assume that it die.
ktgee.net/ (the prices might be a bit lower)

but he is a SS

Fuck you man, you're dead.