How can a billion dollar company not learn from their past mistakes...

How can a billion dollar company not learn from their past mistakes. They literally said "we learned a lot from Warlords of Draenor."

And yet, here we are.

>Here we are

with problems WoD had solved, and new different problems?

Activision combined with Vivendi. A game that brought in over a billion dollars wasn't even given an appropriate budget.

It doesn't help that normies bought into Hearthstone and Overwatch, dooming the future of WoW.

They grew a population of shit-eaters and now can't get rid of them. Game is not fixable because no matter what they do, someone will be throwing a fit.

They should have stuck to pleasing their core players.

Here we are what?

They should have, but most of them left the game now and have been replaced by shit-eaters that like pandas/want to be carried/hate leveling&grinding/etc. It is just so completely fucked that it can't be fixed.

i thought the questing was fun but class dens (or whatever they're called) were just garrisons in disguise, and the legendary weapons was a stupid idea. it felt like i was playing a single player game.

>mfw the only thing to do when you log in is farm fucking artifag power

MMORPGs need some sort of rebirth and new ideas in general

I predict VR will be the next step at some point in the future

>WoD had no content
>Legion has content
I'd say they learned from their past mistakes.

> Ability pruning because of Tablet
Yeah, they sure did learned.

>complete massive faggot with blue hair
>proud of playing with a tablet
>game dev

Stick a fork in her. She's done.

VR can't even get over the movement and motion sickness problem. Not gonna happen.

VR is literally "show your grandma how cool this is-tier", it' a shitty fad that will only be used for porn.

worse part is those same people don't want Blizzard to make Legacy servers even though it doesn't affect them

> it doesn't affect them
It does. Who will pay for the next expansion then, nigger?

>timegating fetch quests is "content"

They still get their mounts and whatever else retailfags spend money on. Blizzard makes more money on mounts than subscriptions.

>Sup Forums fails to understand that a game is a product
>Sup Forums fails to understand ActiBlizzard is a for-profit company
>Sup Forums fails to understand that making a game good is always second to being profitable, and that the changes they make are to cater to the widest paying playerbase, not to make it a "good game"


Can't sell legacy server for $49.99+15monthly or sell mounts/pets in them. It is all about money.

You saying like new expansion costs 1$. How much is the price in the beginning? About 40$? So, 40*4000000(or how many people will buy it) and you have 160.000.000

They don't have to develop shit either and in any case the fact that they are giving away SC1 for free and making a paid remaster proves you wrong.

Can someone complaining about "no content" please explain to me what the content is missing compared to previous expansions? Is this some sort of meme?

The only thing there has ever been is raids, dungeons, and rep grinding.

it's not that I fail to understand, it's that after loving blizzard for around 15 years, i am disapoint with them

Have you tried to play it yourself? Once you got 110lvl, you have no shit to do.

>Have an entirely new development team every expansion
>Expect consistency in quality
Game's 12 years old. The reality is there's just so possibly way for it to be good anymore.

I would be all for playing legacy if they did make, it but they won't for various reasons. Not only will they not do it, but they also made the precedent of closing private server if it gets even remotely popular.
Basically what I'm saying is liking old MMOs is suffering and situation can't be fixed.

Mkay, Legion is bad and I stopped playing because of the direction its taking

But you're so horrendously wrong its almost painful. The problem with Legion is that there is TOO MUCH to do.

Okay, ignoring the fact that there is way more to do than previous expansions, how is that different from every other expansion and every other MMO?

Ignore the questfags.

They fixed WoD issues, but then made other retarded design choices.

yes and no. There's lots to do, but it all is about grinding resources, artifact power, gold and reputation

never before has logging on and doing what you wanted to do actually been a 'waste' of time, as every second you're not grinding AP is 'wasted' time

> there is TOO MUCH to do
Are you just a drone or you got your payment for the posts like this?

>there is TOO MUCH to do.

>every second you're not grinding AP is 'wasted' time

But that's the opposite of how it is. Since you get more AP by waiting until max knowledge it's quite literally a waste of time to grind AP. By the time you have max knowledge you'll be able to get all the relevant points in less than 1 day.


Unless you are in one of the top raiding guilds in the world, you don't need to grind shit and you sure as shit don't need to have Concordance when ToS opens.

>TOO MUCH to do
>boy i just cant find the time in the day, everyday, to repeat the same fucking world quests over and over and over and over, this game is amazing

I didn't say it was good or different content, but Legion brings too much to do. There is a very good reason (other than titanforging) as to why Mythic raiders are fatigued like never before.

You need to be grinding M+ constantly. You need to be doing every raid available at every difficulty.

AP / Legendary grinding means that you're basically never done.

If you raided Mythic at all, you'd know that it was designed around maxed out AP. You needed to be grinding the shit out of it for maximum chances.

>By the time you have max knowledge you'll be able to get all the relevant points in less than 1 day.


Notice how I never said it was good, and I even said that I quit, you illiterate cretin?

Repeating same action over and over again is NOT a content.

Anyone else kind of like the Chinese UD model(no bones) better?

Forgot pic

>>By the time you have max knowledge you'll be able to get all the relevant points in less than 1 day.

You realize max knowledge will be 50 times more AP than right now, right? Also, every point only gives you 0.1% damage after 52, full points will be like... 5% extra damage total. If you grind your tits off you'll probably be doing 1% more damage than someone who only logs in for raid.

You don't even know what you're talking about.

I never said it was.

Nope! Quit this Diablo 3 MMO a while ago.

>chinks boil dogs alive
>bones in a video game go too far

You are fucking retarded if you think doing more damage isn't crucial in WoW/MMOs. It is literally all these games are based around.

Oh yeh dumbfuck that's why sub numbers have been in decline since wrath and they dont even publish their quarterly numbers anymore.

launch Cata was actually the highest point then they started dropping not too long after release

WoW's profits are in growth right now.

no matter how much content an MMO pumps out the power users (read: no-life virgins) will simply expand their hours to do it as fast as possible and then moan that there's nothing to do

meanwhile the one hour a day casuals never even see half the shit so the returns for blizzard are diminishing

it's no surprise they pander to the people who are actually capable of being satisfied

This is what grinding 865,841,000,000,000 (yes, trillion) AP gives you over having 52 traits. It's almost nothing unless you're an autismo going for world first in which case you deserve to die.

Because you niggers will eat it up anyway. Just like how Overwatch is just as trash as Blunderborn yet Blizzdrones jizz all over it.

But Blizzard and Activision bought themselves out from under vevendi like, two years ago.

32k dps is a lot of dps user

Did you even read his post?

It's 5% which is the gap if you didn't even play and someone else grinding 24/7 for a month.

A more realistic gap between someone grinding 24/7 and someone who raids once a week is probably more like 2%-2.5%

Enjoy losing your mythic spot to a faggot that did grind it.

Since when 5% is SMALL difference in MMO?

Why? Even if they never went into the pandering direction in TBC/WotLK with flying and easier raids, they've grew so much because of that decision to pander to normies at this point, that the amount of money they got could never be matched if they pandered to the core

>5% is nothing
Smells like LFR in here

I'm not even grinding AP at all, just logging on, doing my dailies some mythic+ and nighthold each week and I only need 400mil ap to Concordance anymore.

>tfw guild is completely dead until tomb of sarg comes out because we dont have enough people for mythic and heroic is on farm

>tfw nighthold for another month and a half because blizzard are cocksuckers and don't give a fuck about the 10 man raiding guild they exterminated

When it first hit, the expansion had way more content than WoD. But now with this Legionfall patch, it just feels lacking again.

The only way to fix WoW at this point would be to make a new game from scratch

MMORPGs need to move away from the idea that they need to have targetting based combat and skill rotations. I'd say that when WoW (and after that, the clones) die out, the next big MMO thing will focus on perma/lose shit on death and DayZ type of player interaction where every interaction is a risky encounter where you must decide do you come out from the shadows because you wanna team up and that would help you alot, or dont risk it since you could just die

Dark Age of Camelot is a thing still

They should have stuck to good game design

Can I get a source (numbers, not a comment) on that

Maybe if you're trying to get world first, otherwise no one will give a shit. The only way to even tell how many points a person has in their weapon is to make them show a screenshot.

>The only way to even tell how many points a person has in their weapon is to make them show a screenshot.


But no RPG can become a thing before WoW dies.

>there is TOO MUCH to do
Jesus Christ, that was the same complaint with MoP and we got shitty WoD because of that.

B-but the number of players have diminished.

MMOs are dead. They have gone the way of the RTS. Why don't people play or develop RTS anymore? People simply don't want to play them -- too time consuming. MMOs have the extra handicap of being too expensive and lengthy to develop.

With your mentality I can tell you are just a middle-of-the-pack shitter. Progressing in mythic raids and even pushing high tier m+ requires all the effort that players can put it in. After playing MMOs for years, I honestly don't know how you can enjoy not trying to be as good as you can be, but you do you and enjoy yourself.

>playing WoW when all the WoW clones are now better games because Blizzard thought they were untouchable and got lazy


>I want to be able to do everything! I also have very little time to play.
This is the problem with modern mmos

>le return to form meme
WoW is shit

>I honestly don't know how you can enjoy not trying to be as good as you can be, but you do you and enjoy yourself.

It's not enjoyable to be the best at a shit game that isn't fun

turned all my wow tokens into blizzbucks and uninstalled the other day

honestly one of the best and easiest improvements to my life in a long time

I'd like to know what problems Legion currently has that everyone dislikes. We can have a civil argument besides >greentexting the problems.

the game is permanently tainted with work order/follower shit, they will never give up that shitty mobile app the interns made

t. blizzard employee

It's boring.

I raid 1 night a week and parse 80-90 percentile in Mythic, don't really care about anything else. Raiding 6 nights a week and pushing isn't harder than going 1 night a week and taking it slow. It's just pathetic and a waste of time to push.

>but you do you and enjoy yourself.
Oh I am, by not playing this game. Once i saw this, and other MMO's were nothing but a carrot on a stick to get you to the next expansion pack when all your hard work and effort is made obsolete 5 minutes in, i stopped caring about being "top of the chain".

WoW devs are bipolar retards

>You hated dailies in MoP? Here have NO CONTENT AT ALL in WoD
>Oh, you didn't like having nothing to do after 2 weeks in WoD? Here are multiple endless grinds that you can NEVER EVER finish! Have fun goy!

They can't understand moderation in any way.

Is the rollercoaster balance any less awful now that they added the AP tomes? Because I always though that the biggest problem with AP washow much it fucked you over when trying to switch specs or classes after your class got nerfed into the ground. Didn't help that the dumpster fire they called the legendary system made the problem 1000X worse.

>there is TOO MUCH to do
what the fuck? stop being retarded

Fair enough, I unsubbed too because the content is lacking. I guess I was trying to start and argument with people who said the previous expansions were beter when they weren't.

do you think blizzard is making a new MMO from scratch with all the knowledge of what went wrong with titan?

They brought over the D3 director to be the lead designer for Legion and you can feel it.
Everyone hated D3.

None of the expansions were good. Vanilla was the best the game has ever been, and even it was plagued with issues.

No it wasn't that was straight garbage shit. Get to your shitty elysium server and farm some boars with your autistic and chinese community.

Somebody please post that blue-hair faggot pic here.

endgame is a fucking repetitive snooze fest that's not engaging at all

They brought over Jay Wilson? Fuck that loser!

You mean like grind artifact power and then grind some more artifact power and then maybe go run a dungeon to grind some more artifact power?

Does anyone know where I can find the old Unknown II video with sound? Every video I find the sound is removed due to copyright.
Also if you don't know what 'Unknown II' is you are a retailfag and should kill yourself.