Its the Wii U all over again

>System sells well upon release
>Two months later and we hear nothing about sales

really makes me think

NPD stats for April aren't out yet, dummy. We don't know the sales.

why are you telling lies, user?
Do you fear the switch?

the wiiU had already dropped off at this point
actually, it dropped off mid april

>tfw the switch runs BotW better than a Wii U when it's half as powerful

Its still selling out, whether its low stock on purpose or not. had it for 6 minutes yesterday.

I feel like we're at the point in gaming where graphical power doesn't matter as much, and progression has stagnated. We don't really need games to look prettier. I just want games to be fun.

me too, but pcfags and sonybros will never let it die

>need a $832, $2000, or $8228 rig in order to emulate Breath of the Wild on CEMU when a $200 Wii U bundle on eBay can do it just fine.

Yeah. NOPE. How am I supposed to justify the $600, $1400, or $8000 differential? There are no games on PC worth that much.

Someone finally fucking gets it. Has the recent string of flops from AAA scene not clued anyone in yet?

How about the fact that we have indie titles that are infinitely more popular than most AAA-titles?

Smarter devs (mainly in Japan and the indie scene) are realizing that "fancy=/=good" and are making games that are fun, rather than games that are needlessly expensive to make.

That's still garbage.

when I was still searching the walmart was getting around 12 in according to the guys in the tech department. The meijer near me got 1 in stock a week ago.

AAA can't sustain itself on bullshot trailers anymore.

God you guys sound like consolefags for real, I can build a computer under 500 with everything included and can play that shitty emulator. I have a switch and pc and it feels good.

has the same numbers, idk how hes lying.can you fucking read?

Top fucking shit cocks, the PS3 is more powerful than Nintendo's newest 2017 Bimbo toy.

You realize people say this every generation right? When the aaa games like Madden and COD dont come to a home console, it proves the complete opposite of what youre saying.

"Th-Th-The Switch will fail guys!"

>Switch game comes out
>it sells well
>Well of course it sold well! Nintendiea don't have anything to play on their system
>next Switch game comes out
>it sells well
>Well of course it sold well! Nintendies don't have anything else to play on their system!
>next Switch game comes out

Ect, ect

>393-471 instead of 393
>157-196 instead of 157
big fucking deal.

Wii U is 176 gflops. 352 was based on an inaccurate shader count

It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Switch undocked and Wii U are about equally powerful when it comes to floating point performance, but the Switch's other improvements give it the edge, like memory bandwidth, CPU power, more modern architecture, etc

True. But i don't want to play casualized dumb fun games with no depth either. Which is why i think it's not worth it to buy a Switch right now, unless you're a Nintensperg or little Timmy.
