Can someone what this shit is? Why is there white powder on both analog sticks?

Can someone what this shit is? Why is there white powder on both analog sticks?

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Because you joined the true master race.

Looks like grinding from the stick when it rubs on the rim.

cheap plastic against cheap plastic grinds one of the sides down. that white powder is ground up plastic. don't breathe it, it'll fuck your lungs u;.

It's a switch pro controller. Seems like a design flaw?

Stop doing lines off your analog stick

its crack, snort that shit up my nigga

Is there any alternative to video game consoles and the pc gaming?

Your hands are naturally oily. The oils spreads to your controller and collects dust.

Clean your controller and then clean your room.

Possibly. Though I've also got it on my 360 controller.

Don't know if it's the same for the Xbone controller though.

360 controllers did the same thing.

It's a poor design choice. Just clean it off this isn't thread worthy you dumb fuck.

It happens with controllers on all platforms.

dried semen

Thanks J man. How long after I've cleaned my room should I wait to venerate my father?

Wow Switch pro controller is so cheap.

Same reason that there is white powder on the edge of the hard plastic. One is wearing down the other.

The white powder is the grinded up plastic dust caused from grinding the analog stick against the controller shell. This happens with most analog sticks, the N64's being the most notorious for ware.

The only analog stick I can recall that didn't get the white plastic dust was the Xbox One because I never fucking played the thing.

You'll find even some d-pads get it with enough use.


All controllers are cheap because they're all made for console peasants. I've been looking for one for my PC for 2 months now to play platformers and they're just fucking garbage. The best I've found is surprisingly the DS4. If you ignore the shitty battery life, the build quality is several notches above the others

shit dude, be careful

grinded plastic powder is highly toxic

I- is it anthrax

user pls the xbone controller is the best ever made if you don't have little rice fingers.

and no dogs get killed to make xbone controllers

A little. Nintendo controller have had this problem dating back to the N64.

My Wavebird and N64 controller have the same thing.

Stick dust. Don't breathe this!

Is it actually dangerous? I have a two year old kid

Its called stop pressing so hard you autist

I went through 3 of them, face buttons stick/squeak, shell top and bottom doesn't align so you get this sharp edge, controller buzzes because shitty RF module, terrible bluetooth performance with windows, battery cover breaks incredibly easily

It's probably one of the shittiest controllers made. Shittiest of the big 3 anyway, many 3rd party knockoffs are higher quality

>tfw the only thing preventing the switch pro controller from being the best controller ever is the d-pad

Too much Zelda user.

Did you just reference will it blend, motherfucker?

not really

yeah plastic is not good for you, but unless you're intentionally snorting lines of plastic dust nothing will happen

>on Sup Forums
>has children

That's not even correct. It's the plastic wearing down. That plastic looks black, yeah? Well it's white when powdered. My PS3 controllers do the same thing.

user, you need to learn how to take better care of your controllers.


Only the best for us gentle sirs (tips neck beard)

I'm glad somebody else remembers it.

pretty sure this happens to like every controller out there.

I have an xbone. It does do this.

Nintendo going back to its roots and using N64 sticks I see

why does battery life matter for PC? you should have that shit plugged in always.

Plus a daughter on the way in three months :)

Your controller is producing cocaine. Snort that shit bro!

Call her maya or you will die in your sleep :)

Mine does the exact same thing OP. I really don't think it's anything to be too concerned about. Not exactly sure what causes it happen though

>there are people who are married with children who still post on Sup Forums
I'm never leaving, am I?

>I- is it anthrax
Thread theme time!
The dust is not, but this is!

Put chapstick on it using qtips

>married with children
Another fat chick walked into Sup Forums today
She ordered a thicc thread and the jannies didn't even touch her
Not that I can blame them for that, but still, they could've at least left a trail of twinkies leading to the exit for her

It's just dried, dead skin. Easy to clean.

if he isn't literally trying to eat the controller, he'll be fine

Thanks for the 2007 memes. Well remembered my friends.

I'm one of those people.
No other website with discussion can get my neurons firing like this one.

I literally eat plastic. I have half an eaten dvr remote. Mmmm


Every controller ever made that has analog sticks does this. It's from the plastic rubbing up against each other as you're playing.

That's factually wrong. Both the dual shock controllers and the xbox controllers won't reach the edges. Only nintendo controllers do. And that has been the case since the fucking N64.

Same thing happens to my Xbone and PS4 controllers. Xbone especially. But not my Joycons.

DualShock 2s were the worst about this. Looked really ugly and got pretty bumpy so circling the analog stick around no longer felt smooth. I don't recall pushing them any harder than on other controllers either.

Can someone tell me what that white powder is underneath the head of my cock after I masturbate? If it matters I'm circumcised.


Your joycons aren't getting any use though, so obviously they wouldn't show any wear and tear.