What video game lets me dump eight new pages of TGT in this thread?
What video game lets me dump eight new pages of TGT in this thread?
>you lived long enough to see tgt get off hiatus
>TGT is off hiatus
Wait seriously?
It's been so long. Can someone remind me what that beast is? Coyote is fighting an evil necromancer aligned with nobody right?
christ that's probably the edgies thing I've ever seen in my entire life
I only watched until chapter 6, how many chapters do I have left?
jesus christ how horrifying
>TGT hiatus is shorter than Berserk Hiatus
>Comes shortly after as well
That's all, folks.
wait a second
I can't remember, either.
man, TGT dropped so hard after the popularity. It was funny at first because of how stupid and poorly written it was, but now the artist knows that everyone likes the autism in it and he tries to push it hard with really shitty concepts like
Demaro's possessed by some kind of evil demon
This is chapter 22: the conclusion. It's pretty self-explanatory.
dammit, I only watched the youtube videos, you know the ones where they read the comic with voices
I agree, but at the same time I must know how it ends.
Read through it, man, or you could wait for Sup Forums to dump it again and for a mod to not delete. You can never know whether it will be interrupted or not.
Not sure how to feel about its cleaner-looking art style
Damn, Sup Forums really lost interest in this.
not much happened within these new pages so yeah
i wish wily would just smoke this fucker already, he's a bit boring
>poorly written
This. Just end it already. It's suffering from the Simpsons syndrome.
Where can I read the entirety of this masterpiece?
That's where I read it.
Can't rush genius. He's planning something, or he's going to die in a spectacular fashion.
i think it's p good