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Marche, good villain or best villain?

They should make a game where a kid comes into our world and tries to destroy us because he insists we are a false world that has replaced the real world.

Cute villain. I want to lift his shirt up and blow raspberries on his tummy!

Marche did nothing wrong.
I'm not a furry but those Viera did stuff to my dick

Marche was right.

Mewt's a faggoty little cunt.

And I feel kinda sorry for him but fuck Doned too.

They only got bunny ears and claws. If that's furry, then damn near everyone is a furry.

You only gotta start worrying when they're more animal than people.

Can we all agree that FFTA was the best FFT game? Or at least much better than FFTA2?

Marche literally committed genocide.


FFTA is only better if you view Marche through the morally ambiguous lens.

And the only reason you can even do that is because the writing is so fucking bad that it accidentally broke through and become good, despite the writer's intentions.

>people forgetting that in the end everyone but marche wanted to leave

Oh, I should clarify what I meant.
Gameplay: FFT > FFTA2 > FFTA
Story: FFT > FFTA > ...powergap... > FFTA2

I don't really care for stories in video games, and I though gameplay was more enjoyable in TA and TA2 than original FFT.

Marche did the right thing for all the wrong reasons.

He was right, because the fucking Grimoire was eating everyone's souls.

But he didn't destroy the world for that. No, Marche destroyed the world because his friends aren't allowed to be happy unless they become happy through the ways that he deems correct.

He is as much a tinpot despot as Mewt was.

>No, Marche destroyed the world because his friends aren't allowed to be happy unless they become happy through the ways that he deems correct
you mean the healthy/human way?

What are you talking aboit he's the hero of the game.

Right, that's why lottery winners should be forced to give up their money. Because god forbid anyone derive any sense of happiness from good fortune.


>Forgot to toggle anonymization

Ew, namefag. Thanks for reminding me to turn that back on.

As for that, he literally destroyed the world, resulting in the deaths of potentially millions of individuals and his entire motivation was that his friends didn't achieve happiness in a way that he deemed permissible.

How is he the hero?

How in the fuck is her the villain? Because he didn't promote escapism as an alternate to living your life? Jesus fucking Christ...

the flying fuck is that sword design

Pretty standard fare for Square.

I mean, one of their fucking protagonists uses a god damn key as a weapon for god's sake.

Is it really genocide if nobody dies?

>because his friends aren't allowed to be happy unless they become happy through the ways that he deems correct.

I think you have a warped perspective on the events of the game.

Because he took one look at a world where roving bands of mercenaries are expected to perform almost the tasks a normal police force would be expected to do, noticed that the world was falling apart at the seams, and decided to hasten the process.

Marche is kind of an asshole. I mean, his big counter to Doned's case of being able to walk again was "mom didn't give me as much attention".

No fucking shit, idiot. If Marche was a kid I knew back when I was young I would get some friends to join me in ganging up on him routinely.

I'd routinely gang up on Marche's ass, if you know what I mean.



Marche isn't just kind of an asshole. Marche literally recrippled his brother.

Doned probably fucking smothered him while he was sleeping the night they got back.

Marche recrippled his brother after successfully convincing him that living in Fantasy Somalia was not worth getting your legs back. And that was after Doned attacked him straight out of the blue without even attempting to understand why Marche was doing what he was doing.

There would be a better argument that he was in the wrong if we didn't almost immediately see proof that some people got the real shitty end of the stick with the change to Ivalice. Sure, maybe the bullies got zombied, but what about all the other monsters? Seeing the zombie bullies shows that the monsters are being pulled from the populace and aren't just shaped magic energy.

That, and the Grimoire was literally eating souls to power the world. So, y'know, there isn't really a long term future in Ivalice. Eventually that soul juice was going to run dry.

He still was a bit of a dick to Doned, though. If there was anyone who really benefited from being in Ivalice, it was the cripple. Shame he got a bit knife happy against the icon of precision ass beatings that Marche's clan becomes.

Ritz needs to harden the fuck up though, the whiny bitch. abloo-bloo muh hair

>Everybody gets sucked into an alternate reality powered by the souls of those imprisoned
>If they don't escape in time, they literally cease to exist as their souls become fully consumed
>Somehow people forget this part and claim Marche is the bad guy despite saving everybody from certain death and assisting them in overcoming their worries

I'll never get this meme

They're too busy enjoying the circus to wonder when the clowns sleep.

Majority of people only remember that the book created an alternate reality, but not the cost implied. Which is kind of forgivable because outside of post boss plot dumps you're busy kind of becoming engrossed in the world. You've got like five different plots lines dancing around near middle-end of the game, and reoccuring NPCs with their own shit going on, and each mission has its own little story going on.

>The name of Mewt's donut steel super hero that literally came out of nowhere is his name backwards
That's fucking hilarious.

Because the "having your soul eaten" is an after the fact retcon that was only put in because Square are a bunch of fucking hacks.

"Oh shit, fans made an interesting theory for one of our games. Better shut that shit down ASAP!"9

but user we live in a simulation so he'd be right

>>Because the "having your soul eaten" is an after the fact retcon that was only put in because Square are a bunch of fucking hacks.

Pretty sure it was explicitly stated in the game.

Marche did nothing wrong

It was not. That's an FFTA2 retcon.

doesn't change the fact that marche didn't know about it until the end. it never was a part of his motivations until he was already balls deep in the process of destroying the world.

It was never stated in the game, nor hinted nor anything. Its damage control by SE.
the reality is that marche was a dick and had no reason to return to the real world other than the meme of a 12 year old going "muh escapism"

I never played A2. I'm going by what I remember of the first game.

Square hates fan theories just look at ff8.

Then you probably picked it up from here, since FFT/A/A2 threads pop up from time to time.

The gameplay in FFTA2 is objectively better. Only exception is the law system. Ironically thats the thing people complained about the most.
The steal everything syndrome is terrible. So is the map placement meme. The mission item part was poorly executed. All of this is fixed on A2 and it also has a lot more stuff.
The story is arguable. A2 went for a safe route and it was better executed.

I never understood "steal everything" syndrome. Primarily because the game was so god damn easy that it didn't matter for shit.

Just train up a handful of Assassins and go to town.

If you wanna be a tryhard, Paladins with Dual-wield, but that's just showing off at that point.

By that logic, 99% of items in FFs are useless because you can just cheese it with x.
Its a design flaw to limit acquiring the majority of things by having to field a thief, its also never hinted that the shops are useless.

>No Brave/Faith
>No Zodiac
>Because of this, units still feel samey
>Still can't name recruits
>Still can't hire recruits whenever you want
>Nu Mou literally restricted to 4 classes for first ten hours
>Abilities still restricted by equipment, which is restricted by plot progression
>Worried about grinding and balance in a single-player game

Objectively less fun than the original. By nearly every measure.

Nigger i was comparing FFTA and FFTA2. Should have clarified but i dont think anyone would argue that the first one isnt the best other than contrarians.

I thought that TA2 was even more hilariously broken than TA. In TA you could pull of some ridiculous shit once you got a few hours into it, TA2 tried to limit that by needing to unlock jobs but added in the bazaar and auction house which was completely fucking broken with it being possible to get extremely good weapons and armor pretty much within an hour. TA and TA2 didn't feel so much as a battle against enemys but a battle between clan mates to see who could be the most stylish and broken.

Marche was not a villain end this meme.
Mewt was a little bitch who got bullied and couldn't deal with adversity. Escapism isn't a healthy way to solve your problems.

Fair 'nuff. A2 *was* a large step up from A. My favorite thing is how Luso isn't required a lot of the time, and how other races have unique dialogue in his place if your squad leader is required to talk. Luso is literally Scrappy Doo, and sits on the bench whenever I can do so.

>He was right, because the fucking Grimoire was eating everyone's souls.

You're going to have to explain where exactly that is in A2 because as far as I'm aware the Ivalice in A2 is not the same Ivalice in FFTA.